SOWK 4334 Central Texas A M University Groups in Social Work Discussion
I’m trying to study for my Social Science course and I need some help to understand this question.
Watch the video below then answer the questions thoughtfully.
1. What are your thoughts about how the leader introduced the topic of confidentiality?
2. What else might be valuable to add?
3. What are your thoughts about how the social worker defined the group purpose?
4. What do you think of the way the social worker defined her role?
5. Would you have said something different? If so, what?
6. Would you have said something different, or used different words? Why or why not?
7. What do you think about the way the social worker tried to support group members in discussing taboo topics?
8. Do you think what she said would be effective?
9. Is there anything you might have said or done differently? If so, what might you say or do?
10. After hearing the group members introduce themselves, what are your thoughts?
11. What common concerns/ themes do you note in the group members introductions?
12. Do you have any concerns? If so, what are they?