CUNY Lehman College Anxious Ambivalent Attachment Discussion
Please read this situation and answer all of the questions- please be detailed.
The Empty Shell
Attachment 2
Laura is a 23-year-old female, who works as a Veterinary Assistant. She was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Three months before admission, she learned that her mother was pregnant. She started drinking with the purpose of being able to fall asleep during the night. Due to her drinking problems, she started having one-night stands.
At the moment of hospitalization, she looked like a fragile little girl. She was cooperative, coherent, but looked scared. She communicated that she felt alone and had feelings of inferiority. Recently, she started having nightmares about her stabbing a child or even herself. She complained that she was only “an empty shell transparent for everyone.”
Her parents divorced when she was three years old and for the following five years she lived with her grandmother and mother, whom had a terrible alcohol problem. When she was eight, her grandmother passed away; and she remembers trying to overcome the loss. She lived with several family members for the following two years, including a period with her dad, whom she had not seen since the divorce. When she was 9, her mother was hospitalized and was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Since she was 10 and during her college years, she lived with an aunt and uncle, but maintained contact with her mother.
Her academic performance was good. She was able to have romantic relationships, but they ended abruptly; she was angry because they disappointed her. She had a few female roommates and friends but had issues maintaining those relationships due to her resistance to share them with other friends; often manipulating them so that they could not see anybody else.
1.What type of Attachment is Laura likely to have?
2.What role played her past experiences with in how she is reacting at the present and how she reacted in past relationships?
3.What do you predict are the contents of her internal working models for romantic relationships?