Keiser Career College Miami Lakes Difference between ELL and LEP Questions
1. What are the differences between the terms ELL and LEP? What is problematic with the term LEP? Is there a potential issue with the term LEP? Why or why not?
2. While the population of language minority students is growing, the number of students in bilingual programs is decreasing. What are some of the reasons for this decline?
3. Describe “sink or swim” policies.
4. What is a multiliterate learning community?
5. What is the definition of bilingual education? How is this broad definition both beneficial and problematic?
B. Please provide a short paragraph for the following questions (Please answer 5 out of 10) (Chapter 6)
1. Which states have the largest enrollments of language-minority students? What are the profound implications for educating immigrant children?
2. What are some of the reasons for the largest immigrant trend in the US since the 1970s?
3. Although the public has always been divided over bilingual education, why is this truer today than ever before?
4. What are some of the reasons that teachers and schools disregard language-minority students’ native language?
5. Describe the trauma many ELL students experience learning a new language even when they have caring and gifted teachers?
6. More than 40 percent of all teachers have reports that they have worked with students with limited English proficiency but at the same time, only 12 percent have had a minimum of 8 hours of training to work with these students. What needs to be done to ensure that teachers have adequate educational training to teach English-language learners?
7. What is the significance of the Lau v. Nichols case?
8. How has the Equal Educational Opportunities Act (EEOA) been instrumental in protecting the language rights of students?
9. What are low incidence populations?
10. Why do we need to differentiate between language-minority students and the larger category of immigrant students?
C. Please select one of the following questions and answer in essay format (one page, double spaced, 12 point font). (Chapter 6)
1. Read the case study on Manuel Gomes. Examine the history of immigration to the United States from the Cape Verde Islands. How did the immigration to the US impact Manuel? What was Manuel’s experience in bilingual education? What can classroom teachers learn from Manuel’s education and home life?
2. What is additive bilingualism and what are the implications for schools and school systems?
3. Read the case study on Alicia Montejo. Three themes emerge from her case study that tell us a great deal about her perspective on language, education, and her Mexican heritage. The role of Spanish language in shaping her identity is pervasive throughout these themes: interconnectedness of language, identity, and learning; family, respect, and expectations; and desire for academic challenge. Explain each theme and how these have implications for your own ELL students/children and their success.