Central Piedmont Community College Confucianism Discussion Question
Please choose ONE of the THREE discussion question below and answer the prompt. You will also need to respond to at least 2 other classmates for full credit.
The “Dao” in Daoism is usually translated as the “Way,” or the “force,” or “energy.” The main principle of the Dao, however, is that it is an impersonal divine power, which means it is not good or bad, you can’t pray to it, and it will not intervene in the world. What do you think are some advantages or disadvantages with this way of life?
Wacth the Panopto video that decribes the debate between Mencius and Hzun Tzu as to whether human nature is inherently “good” or “evil.” Based on your experiences or philosophical musings, do you tend to agree with Mencius or Hzun Tzu? Why or why not? Give specific examples to back your arguments.
Buddhism (part 2)
Watch the YouTube video interview with the Dalai Lama. As he is getting older, the possibility is that if the world does not need a 15th Dalai Lama, he will not reincarnate. What would the world be like is there was not another Dalai Lama? What would it be like if there was? What are your thoughts as to the Dalai Lama’s interview? Give specifics.