Apple iPhone 11 Advertisement Analysis
I’m working on a english project and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Advertisement Analysis: This assignment requires you to step outside of the required readings and find your own point of focus; an advertisement you want to analyze. The possibilities are open, you can use a magazine ad, a billboard, a commercial-as long as you only analyze one advertisement.
**This is your rough draft, I will provide feedback on this copy so that you can edit it before you turn in your final draft. You may choose to submit your final draft without my feedback, but I do not recommend it.
- Who the advertisers are targeting.
- What methods they are using.
- What message they are trying to send through the advertisement.
- What are “They Say I Saying,” what do “You Say?”
The rhetorical tools and strategies we have discussed over the weeks will come in handy here. You will be required to reference both your chosen advertisement and one outside source that supports your analysis as well as attach a works cited page.