Kunming International Academy Opera and Hip hop Music Genres Comparison Essay
For Essay #3, you will compare two musical genres that are more than 100 years apart and from two different cultural-linguistic regions.
You will make the case for the significance of their differences and similarities by
1) Explaining the definitions and defining features of the two musical genres: you must reference Oxford Music Online https://www-oxfordmusiconline-com.libezproxy2.syr.edu/page/about-gmo
2) Comparing the genres’ cultural and historical backgrounds.
3) Anaylze and further compare one or two musical works from each genre as your case studies: you cannot discuss the examples from your textbooks.
For proper citation, please consult Purdue OWL: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/purdue_owl.html
Please make sure that your writing focuses on the comparison instead of describing the items individually.