Rasmussen College An Information Sheet on Toilet Learning Paper
In this assignment, you will be creating an information sheet to educate parents on a selected milestone.
Select and research a milestone from below:
- – Walking
- – Object permanence
- – Toilet learning
- – Saying first words
Create a two-page information sheet on the selected milestone that addresses the following:
- List the approximate age/stage of development in which the milestone might be mastered.
- Explain the significance of mastering this milestone and the impact that this milestone has on learning across all other developmental domains.
- Identify other skills that a child might need to have in order to master this milestone.
- Provide a local resource that a parent can contact if they are concerned about the child’s development.
- Contact Information – Name, Website, and Phone Number.
- Explain how the local resources can help families and/or the child master milestone.
- Describe three activities parents can do at home to help support the mastery of the selected milestone.