Humanities Homework Help

Rassmusen College Social Security Force Field Analysis Essay


I need one paper for each assignment.

Assignment 1

1-4: Activity – Force Field Analysis

  • Force Field Analysis:
    This activity will ask you to explore the barriers you might encounter as you work toward a specific goal or outcome and consider strategies you might use to support your movement toward that outcome.
    First, think about something you want to accomplish. This could be something related to your education, career, or health.
    • What is the goal or outcome you want to achieve?
    • How will you know when you’ve achieved it? Use a few sentences to describe what your success will look like.
    • Where are you in the process of reaching this accomplishment and what have you done so far to reach that level?
    • What barriers, forces, or situations might hinder your progress toward the goal?
    • What factors in the built environment might have an influence as well?
    • Which aspects of those barriers are outside your control, and which aspects of those barriers are in your control?
    • What steps can you take to manage or minimize those barriers?
    • What would you say to a friend who is trying to reach this goal
    • Assignment 2
  • 1-4: Search-Think-Share: Scams

  • Responses should be substantive and meaningful.
    This is your chance to collaborate with your classmates to help everyone connect with our content.
    Today, you learned about many barriers to well-being, including detrimental aspects of the built environment and difficulties navigating the health system.
    Another set of challenges that individuals face are scammers, grifters, and charlatains – people who look to take advantage of others, especially those already facing financial insecurity and other challenges.
    The United States’ Federal Trade Commission maintains an extensive list of scams and other manipulative and predatory practices, as well as lists of tips and recommendations for avoiding overpaying for things like car purchases and vehicle repairs, that is a valuable resource with which to become familiar.
    For today’s discussion board, navigate to the Federal Trade Commission Consumer Information page and find something interesting to share with your classmates.
    Use the following prompts in crafting your post:
    • What did you learn?
    • If a scam, explain how it works and what to recognize. If a tip or guide, share the recommendations.
    • How would this information help you achieve or maintain wellness
    • Assignment 3
  • 1-4: Reflection
    Respond to the prompts below to complete today’s class.
    1. What were your reactions to the information in today’s class?
    2. Today, you learned about the Built Environment and Social Determinants of Health. To what extent did what you learned about the today match up with your personal experience?
    3. Were you able to use the S.T.O.P. or R.U.L.E.R. acronyms this week? If yes, how? If not, can you think of somewhere you could have?
    4. How have you been feeling this week?
    5. Why do you think you have been feeling that way?
    6. What might that feeling be telling you?
    7. How might you apply metacognition to decide what you think and what to do about that feeling’s message?
    8. Do you ever feel like you have trouble focusing on things like reading and class? If so, why do you think it can be so hard to focus sometimes?