Humanities Homework Help

Clemson University Gender Role Reversal Theatre Plays Comparative Paper


The plays you will write about are Madame Butterfly and Good Woman of Setzuan. I will attach the plays

It’s a short paper, so don’t bother with summaries of the dramas, get right to your subject; be specific; make your points clear.

***************** PROMPT: Address something very specific, comparable, and keenly intellectually interesting to you in two of our works of the second half of the semester.

Possibilities abound.  Look back over your questions and commentaries for suggestions.  Below are a few possibilities, but note that they’re very general: they’d need to be made quite specific to succeed in so short an essay.  For example “Symbols of Self in Trifles and SND” might concentrate on the birdcage and the trunk or on the canary and the Chinese lantern, probing them for their subtleties, their nuances, their meaning.

What follows are possibilities, suggestions.

*******Reversal of the Masculine and Feminine in MB and GWS.