MSc Human Resource Management Dissertation – Chapter 4&5
– The Dissertation Topic I chose: the Relationship between career choice and graduates’ major: A study of Shanghai in China.
– For this Dissertation, you will need to:
1) work on Chapter four: Findings and Analysis/Discussion (about 4000 words excludes your bibliography)
2) work on Chapter five: Conclusion and Recommendations (about 2000 words excludes your bibliography)
3) work on Abstract (not more than one page – about 200 words)
******For this dissertation, I will provide the data you will need (named ‘data’), and you will need to use SPSS to do data analysis. When you analyze/discuss the findings, you will need to insert charts/figures/screenshots in your content.
Please follow the dissertation outline that I provided (named ‘steps to chapters 4&5) which means the structure of the dissertation needs to follow the outline I provided. When you work on it, please based on the content of Chapters 1&2&3.
For the questionnaires, I used Credamo to collect the data. The location of the population surveyed is limited in Shanghai.
– I uploaded some samples that you can refer to.
– For the references, please ensure that some of these references relate to work (particularly journal papers) that has been published in the last two or three years. In order to obtain these references, please make use of the electronic resources (databases and e-journals) available through the University of Manchester library. Using the reference style described in the ‘Harvard Manchester Referencing Style Guide’.