FIU Helping Model How It Applied to Event in Which You Helped Psychology Questions
Instructions: I want you to write about two experiences you had where YOU a). helped and b). failed to help someone else.
a). For the experience in which you provided help, I want you to write down six things (7 points each):
1). Describe the event in which you helped (What was the emergency or situation? Where was it? When was it? Who was involved?).
2). Describe Step One of the helping model and how it was applicable to the event in which you helped: Noticing (How did you come to notice that help was needed?).
3). Describe Step Two of the helping model and how it was applicable to the event in which you helped: Interpreting (How did you interpret this as a situation that needed help?).
4). Describe Step Three of the helping model and how it was applicable to the event in which you helped: Responsibility (How did you decide that YOU were the one responsible for providing help?).
5). Describe Step Four of the helping model and how it was applicable to the event in which you helped: Skills (Describe the skills needed to provide help, and why you think you had those skills or that ability, especially if someone else might have been in a better position to help?).
6). Describe Step Five of the helping model and how it was applicable to the event in which you helped: Decision (Describe what finally made you decide to help. Also let me know how your help turned out! Did things work out well? Badly? Unknown?).
b). For the experience in which you DID NOT provide help, I want you to complete just one more question (8 points total):
7). Describe the event (though briefly) and tell me at which step (One through Five) you failed to provide help and why you failed to help. You can discuss all five steps, but if you stopped at – for example – Step Three (Responsibility), then you don’t need to go any further! Note that in the past I have students tell me they always help, an answer that I WILL NOT accept (Saying there is never a time when you failed to help someone would imply that you empty your bank account for every potential begger, pull over to help every motorist broken down on the side of the road, help everyone in a grocery store that can’t find the item they want, even if you don’t work there, etc. There is at least one time when everyone fails to provide help!)