Power of The Unconscious Cultural Narratives in American Schools Questions
I’m working on a african studies discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
1. First impressions-What parts of the reading(s) did you find surprising, puzzling, useful, new, already knew, and interesting?
2. Essential message
3. What are the expressed institutional beliefs by some white educators and teachers that African American families do not place a high value on education?
4. What effect does unconscious bias and racism by white teachers and educators have on African American students?
5. How do we shift the power of the unconscious cultural narratives that have pervaded in American schools?
6. Describe the successes and failures of the educational landscape of African Americans since the institution of the Head Start Program in 1965, primary and secondary education, and college.
7. Explain how segregated school systems have re-emerged after Brown v. Board of Education and the continued push for education reform throughout the United States.
8. Describe the impact of the recent education policymaking and its effect on African American children and youth.
9. What are the changes needed in education policymaking in order African American youth in low-income majority-minority schools to be successful?
10. Significance for African Americans and education
11. Points of agreement/dissension