University of Idaho American History Slave Laws Essay
I’m working on a history writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
One of the problems confronting the colonies was the shortage of labor primarily in the agriculture sector. The demand for crops grew faster than the labor pool to harvest them. Indentured servants filled the void initially followed by the institution of slavery of African Americans. As you view these documents note the differences and similarities between the two practices.
Virginia Slave Laws 1662-1669 (Links to an external site.)
Indentured Servitude 1656; John Hammond (Links to an external site.)
Indentured Servitude 1747; Javin Toby (Links to an external site.)
Why did the Virginia slave laws change so frequently?
Regarding the two indentured servitude documents, one speaks of the experience in Virginia and the other Rhode Island. What are the similarities and differences between the two? How would you account for these differences and similarities
Compare and contrast the similarities of slavery and indentured servitude. Why did the two systems evolve so differently?