HIST 22 SC Civil Rights Movement Stages Internal & External Aspects Essay
Essay Prompt #2>Evaluating the Civil Rights Movement’s Stages>
Our most recent discussions/materials cover “the sixties” emphasizing the various phases of Civil Rights. This includes the transition from Legalism & Non-Violent Direct Action as Civil Rights to Power/Nationalism & “radical” politics during “the sixties”. This is a transition that in reality started much earlier than 1960 and extended far beyond 1969 (at least from WWII era to the 1970s).
A number of prominent members of the Civil Rights movement including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. discuss this shift as an unfortunate turn of events, while a few have even gone on to say that advocates of Black Power (such as Stokely Carmichael, aka Kwame Ture) and Black Nationalism (such as Malcolm X & the Black Panthers) actually betrayed the vision of the Civil Rights movement. Yet others believe the transition from Civil Rights to Power & Nationalism occurring in the mid to late 60s did not foreclose on “minority” access to the American Dream. They argue instead that because of their emphasis on self-reliance and self-determination, cultural pride & the synthesis of economic & political goals the era of Black Power & Nationalism and more radical politics provided a number of opportunities. Your Essay should address the following & focus on #5 as your thesis:
1) Martin Luther King Jr. positioned himself as an advocate of “Non-Violence,” whereas Malcolm X & the Black Panthers repeatedly stated they advocated not “violence,” but “self-defense.” Briefly evaluate the philosophies of King & X specifically in terms of the “role of violence”.
2) “Black Power”—a term Carmichael coined in 1966, was defined differently by a number of individuals and groups. Evaluate Black Power as a phase of the modern Civil Rights movement.
3) What were the origins, goals & tactics of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense? Using the textbook & any supplemental sources, discuss how the Panthers saw themselves as a real-life application of Malcolm X’s views? What were their greatest successes/failures?
4) How do these phases relate to later movements including examples like: the Weather Underground (Weathermen), the “Counterculture,” Women’s & Gay Liberation, Brown & Red Power, etc.)
5) Overall, Make an argument debating whether the “Early” Phases of Civil Rights (Legalism & “Non-Violent Direct Action) or the “Later” Phases (Black Power & Black Nationalism) was more effective or “successful” & discuss why.