HIS 103 UAGC Classical Indian Unity & Rome From a Republic to an Empire Report
This course has taken you through the development of complex civilizations from their origins in the river valleys of China and the Near East through the global empires of the 16th century. Along the way, you have considered patterns of interaction within and between societies that affect political, economic, social, ethical, religious, and cultural systems. Now, for your Final Project, you will have an opportunity to focus on two societies or civilizations of your choice. You will do your own research to find relevant scholarly secondary sources and primary sources, then develop an in-depth analysis of the ways these societies or civilizations compare and contrast, based on your assessment of the main overarching themes of the course and your research findings.
The purpose of the Final Project is for you to demonstrate the learning achieved in the course by creating an original work based on your analysis of scholarly secondary sources (see the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table for assistance) and primary sources. The HIS103 Research Guide: Library Resources and Primary Sourcesprovides links to relevant books, articles, and primary sources.
Your original work can be one of the options in the list provided below. You are encouraged to think openly and choose a format in which you can express yourself most effectively.
Choose one of the options below to complete your Final Project:
- A six-page research paper.
- A 12-slide PowerPoint presentation (see How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation (Links to an external site.) for assistance) or Prezi downloadthat includes detailed notes (see Create and Print Notes Pages (Links to an external site.) for assistance), or has audio recorded on each slide with a transcript of all audio (see Record a Slide Show With Narration and Slide Timings (Links to an external site.) for assistance).
- A six- to 10-minute video production with a transcript. This could be a recorded video of a presentation on the topic to YouTube (see Upload Videos: Android (Links to an external site.) or Upload Videos: iPhone & iPad (Links to an external site.) for assistance) or a recorded PowerPoint through Screencast-O-Matic download.
Note: Transcripts are basically your scripts that you will read for your presentations, plus any additional dialog and descriptive information that will help others understand your work clearly. In PowerPoint, scripts are added as “Speaker Notes.” See this example downloadfor more information and the Print Speaker Notes (Links to an external site.)reference for help in printing speaker notes as transcripts.
Keep in mind that the Writing Center and University of Arizona Global Campus Library have many additional resources available to you, which you are also encouraged to explore. The Writing Center has two kinds of tutoring available to you: