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HLS 420 CTU Online National Strategy for Homeland Security Discussion

Unit 3 – Individual Project 


Assignment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to explore the implications of the National Strategy for Homeland Security (NSHS) on state and local homeland security strategies. You work as a program analyst for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the Office of Strategic Planning within the Office of the Secretary. The White House Homeland Security Council has asked the Secretary of Homeland Security to assess the impact of the NSHS on state homeland security strategic planning efforts. The secretary plans to engage with the states in preparing this report but wants an initial assessment of the impacts of the NSHS on state homeland security strategic planning efforts. You are charged with conducting this assessment. Using the resources provided below, as well as information from resources you identify through your own research efforts, your assignment is to craft an executive briefing memo of 2-3 pages that focuses on the instructions posed below. 

Assignment Guidelines

  • Assumption: The      Secretary of Homeland Security, as a former governor, is reasonably aware      of the basic connection between the NSHS and state planning efforts. What      she is most interested in learning about is where there are challenges,      incongruities, or friction between federal homeland security planning      efforts as outlined in the NSHS and state efforts to develop comprehensive      and effective state-level homeland security strategic plans.
  • Address the following in 2-3 pages:
    • Assignment: Your assignment is to develop an executive-level briefing       that provides succinct information to the Secretary of Homeland Security       so that she is prepared to engage the states in assessing the impact of       the NSHS on state homeland security strategic planning efforts. Your       briefing memo should include the following:
      • What have the states had to say        about the 2002 and 2007 versions of the NSHS? Explain.
        • Conduct an         Internet and library search for writings that shed light on the states’         position.
      • Review the current NSHS and assess        the states’ role.
        • In your         opinion, does the NSHS place an unfair burden on states with respect to         planning? Explain.
      • Does the 2007 NSHS provide a        sufficient road map for states to develop their plans in a way that is        complementary? Explain.
        • Where do         you see that there are deficiencies or disconnects?
      • Have states embraced the Homeland        Security Management System advocated in the 2007 NSHS