Crim 249 The Ohio State University Uneasy Peace Research Proposal
Guidelines for Uneasy Peace Research Proposal
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Uneasy Peace: The Great Crime Decline, the Renewal of City Life, and the Next War on Violence
Book by Patrick Sharkey
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The purpose of this paper is to apply 2 criminological theories learned in the course to the evidence you read in Uneasy Peace and then propose a research project that tests this theory using a method and data collection process we discuss in the course.
The paper should be 8-10 typed pages, double-spaced with regular margins, in a standard 12 pt font such as Times New Roman.
The paper should discuss how your theories explains the evidence in the book. You should apply the concepts and propositions from the theories you choose to particular findings and examples from the book. Make sure that your discussion is at the correct level of analysis (e.g. micro-level or macro-level).
A good suggested structure (though you don’t have to do it this way, if you think of another way that works):o Overview of the book and describing your theories and its overall relevance to the book. (1-2 pages)
o Specific discussion applying concepts from your theories to the data and analysis in the book. Are the theories supported or not by the data? (2-3 pages)
o Think about how you might collect data to test the theory you chose in understanding patterns of urban violence today and in the future. What kind of data would you want (quantitative or qualitative) and how would you collect it (surveys, historical data, interviews, administrative data).
– State the hypotheses connected to your chosen theory and then propose how you would analyze the data to test if your hypotheses were supported or not. (2-3 pages) (hint: make sure data is at the same level as your theories).
o Discuss the limitations or challenges of your proposed study. How feasible is it? (1 page)
o Conclude with a brief summary of your argument and what you learned about your theory by applying them to the book. (1-2 pages
– Description of Theoretical Concepts.
o Overview of the Book.
o How well you demonstrate mastery over and insightinto the theoretical material from class and the book that you apply. Part of how this is accomplished is to analytically apply the concepts or propositions of a theory. To accomplish this, be specific and appropriately detailed about particular theoretical concepts and explanations of crime, and their implications for what is in the book.
o How well you connect your theory to hypothetical data and analyses. Be clear about what type of data and analyses you’d need to test theoretical hypotheses.
o Type of hypothetical data you propose to collect and its fit to theory.
o Description and justification of proposed method.o Feasibility and challenges of proposed data and method.
o The quality and clarity of the writing. By this, I don’t just mean grammar, etc. I mean how clearly and logically you explain your arguments, how one argument connects to another, how well and clearly the paper is organized/structured.