Miami Dade College Sentencing Model Discussion
Sam is a 40 year old who was convicted of a breaking into a jewelry store in Coral Gables, Florida. During the burglary he successfully took over $1 million dollars worth of jewelry. One month after the crime, Sam was arrested for the crimes of burglary and grand theft. All of the jewelry was successfully recovered and given back to the business owner. Sam was found guilty by a jury in your court room for burglary and grand theft. He has accepted responsibility for his actions. He has no previous criminal history.
Select one of the scenarios to discuss. Do not add any facts to the scenario. Please answer the questions below based solely on the information you have.
- What type of sentencing model would you use to sentence the offenders?
- What actual sentence would you impose (type and time)?
- What are the “goals of sentencing” that are associated with your decision?
- Do not use current sentencing strategies to determine your sentence. You are to discuss what you think is appropriate, not what is already in place.