Lifespan Development Analysis, Autobiography Assignment and Rubric
ESSAY: Answer the following on a three-four page document (no title page). Be sure to use double spaced typed college level writing in size 11-12 font, Times New Roman. Include the three aspects by citing information from your textbook and examples from your own life to support your answer. Use 5-6 parenthetical references and attach this sheet as well as the provided APA reference page.
Prompt: How did/does the development in your life shape you into the person you are today? Provide a detailed and specific answer using your Santrock textbook and examples from your own personal life.
Rubric (grading sheet) /100
Include the 3 aspects (listed below)-According to Santrock, include 5-6 references from the text to support your discussion. Describe the following while focusing on how significant events and relationships affected your development throughout the stages of the lifespan that you have achieved.
/25 Family of orientation: Discuss structure and dynamics and a relevant event that has affected your development (Between birth-18 years of age) (i.e. parents, siblings, other relatives if they live with you)
/25 Early social learning: What ideas and feelings you remember from your childhood that influenced you to have the values you have now. Discuss how an important relationship influenced your development (Elementary/middle school years-i.e. parents, siblings, other relatives, friends, neighbor, coach, pastor, mentor, etc.)
/25 Discuss what healthy development looks like to you: Describe how taking this class and writing this paper has and will affect you now and in the future. Be sure to use information gleaned from your Child and Adolescence Development class. INCLUDE theory or research relevant to your discussion as support for your ideas.
Support and examples require thorough explanation of the aspects/topics listed above. Please be sure to use academic honesty when completing this assignment. Your integrity and “work ethic” are valuable characteristics which will enhance your learning experience. Please report any incidents of dishonesty to your professor.