Grossmont College Voyage 200 Graphing Calculators Questions
1. No TI-89, 92, Voyage 200 graphing calculators allowed. You may use your calculator TI 83 or 84 plus to aid you in solving problems and checking your work. However, to earn full credit, you must show work and/or provide an explanation of how you arrived at your final answer (A correct answer without justificationor appropriate work is worth zero points).
2. Use Calculus II methods ONLY discussed in class. Any method borrowed from the internet that is not discussed in class will not be considered and/or graded.
3. Your work must be organized, and questions’ answers must be listed in order before scanning and uploading them to canvas. Neatness and completeness count.
4. Write answers in exact form
5. Do NOT write more than two questions on the same page, and do NOT write on the back of a page if you are using your own papers
6. Do not use graph paper to write your solution on it as it is hard to grade on canvas. Instead either use plain white paper or lined papers (I prefer if you print this document and write on it)