Walden University Total Probability of Asian Donors Questions
- Continue using SAS on Demand for Academics Support Page resources that include video explanations and demonstrations:
- Go to the SAS on Demand for Academic (Links to an external site.)
- Click on Access nowlink in the middle of the page.
- Go to Independent Learner – Step 2: Write Your SAS Programs.
- Click on SAS Studio video library.
- Under CATEGORIES tab, click on How To Tutorials.
- See the video resources under SAS Studio.
- In this week problems students are supposed to compute probabilities for a given distribution or by table. In the first case, Distribution is given by name and students are supposed to remember the formula for that distribution from the name only. The formula is used instead of data to compute probabilities or SAS could compute the probability if name is used. In the second case, info from the table or data summaries may be used to compute desired probabilities.
Students are supposed to figure out which case they are dealing with and proceed appropriately.
Excel Resources: https://statpages.info/javasta2.html#Excel (Links to an external site.)
R Resources: https://www.r-project.org/ (Links to an external site.)
- In this assignment, you are required to demonstrate your understanding of concepts, tools, and/or techniques covered in the course readings and class activities for this unit. You will demonstrate this through completion of selected practice exercises at the end of assigned chapter readings.
- You are required to be thorough in your responses. As you do this, constantly ask yourself (and reflect) on how you would apply the same statistical concepts and techniques to any other project of interest or to your upcoming dissertation. Even if the questions in the exercises are worded as yes/no questions, you are expected to provide an explanation and justification for your answers.
Do the following
- Based on your study of this unit’s assigned readings (Chapter 4, Sec 4.2 – 4.8, Exclude 5), discuss with your group members to complete the following practice exercises: (No attachment available, you have to provide it)
- 16
- 21
- 23
- 26
- 41
- 46
- 51
- Type your answers with any supporting work on a Word document. If you use the SAS software to complete any statistical analysis in answering these practice questions, copy and paste the outputs into this document.