MAT 0522 FAU Historical Development of 6 Mathematical Domains Discussion
The purpose of this assignment is to increase one’s knowledge base of the historical development of the different mathematical domains (CAEP A.1.4, A.2.7, A.3.10, A.4.6, A.5.6, A.6.5) and the implications for teaching. The assignment has two parts.
Part 1 requires candidates to access and evaluate/analyze researched articles on the historical development of the six mathematical domains and the contributions from diverse culture to their development (NCTM CAEP 2e.1, 4c.3, 6c.1)
Part 2 provides an opportunity for candidates to analyze and consider the research implications of the development of these domains when planning instructional activities for diverse middle or secondary classroom setting (NCTM CAEP 3b.1 3b.2, 3c.1, 3c.2, 4b.1, 4b.2, 4c.1, 4c.3, 4e.1, 6b.2, 6b.4).
See syllabus for more detailed information!
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