D&D Printed Character Generator
- Use the D&D Character sheet on the Class Canvas website and the D&D Player handbook to generate a character.
- Upload a clear image (front and back) of your completed character sheet to the class Canvas website of your submission.
- Print out and fill in the character sheet. Online / electronic versions will not be accepted.
- Use a pencil to fill in the character sheet, be sure it is visible and legible.
- Use a six sided die to roll your abilities as described in class and in the Players Handbook. Write them down in the lower right corner.
- You sheet must contain:
- Your Real Name – skip
- Red Id. – skip
- Your Character Name ( be creative but try to keep it classy )
- Class & Level ( Level starts at 1)
- Race (From the D&D handbook )
- Background ( e.g Wood Elf )
- Alignment ( e.g. Lawful Evil )
- All six abilities consistent with the character you wish to play
- Record of your ability rolls ( use the honor system) make sure they are clearly visible on the back of your character sheet
- A sentence or two for each of the following
- Personality traits
- Ideals
- Bonds
- Flaws
- Speed ( 2d6 )
- Armor Class ( 3d6 )
- Current Hit Points = Last two digits of your Red Id.
- You will be required to Peer review 3 other students character sheets for full credit
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I have upload it the book & player handbook. I need help filling out this worksheet!