Please use python. My current codes are: import datetime import os.path def send_message(sender,…

Please use python.

My current codes are:

import datetime
import os.path

def send_message(sender, recipient, message):
d =
# change the format of the time to what we want
new_datetime = str(d)[:-7].replace(“-“, “/”)
new_message = sender + “|” + new_datetime + “|” + message +

if os.path.isfile(“messages/” + recipient + “.txt”):
fp = open(“messages/” + recipient + “.txt”, “a”)
data = fp.write(new_message)
fp = open(“messages/” + recipient + “.txt”, “w+”)
welcome = fp.write(“Welcome to your account!” + “n”)
data = fp.write(new_message)


send_message(‘pikachu’, ‘charmander’, ‘Hey there!’)
send_message(‘charmander’, ‘pikachu’, ‘Good to see you!’)
send_message(‘pikachu’, ‘charmander’, ‘You too, ttyl’)

There will be two files created: pikachu.txt and

What I need to do is to create another function that prints all
messages sent to the username in question.

The output should be something like:

In the file named ‘charmander.txt’:

pikachu|11/14/2020 13:37:15|Hey there!
pikachu|11/14/2020 13:37:15|You too, ttyl

Messages should be generated like this:

Message #1 received from pikachu
Time: 11/14/2020 13:37:15
Hey there!
Message #2 received from pikachu
Time: 11/14/2020 13:37:15
You too, ttyl

Please do not use the split function.

Thank you!