
I need help to write this answer in C language.


Jojo got some difficulties in searching a name. Help him to make a program to find a specific name (Case Sensitive) in a file. Help him to make a program to search a name in lines of names.

Format Input

The input consists of several lines in file. The first line of the input will consist of an integer T denoting the number of test cases. Each test case will start with an integer N. The next N lines will consist of a string S denoting the K-th name. After N lines of names will consists of a string F, a name that needs to be found.

Format Output

For each test case, print “Case #X: Y” where X is the number of test case starting from 1, and Y is the index where the name is. If the name isn’t found, Y will be “Not found” without quotation. If there are repeated names in 1 test case, then output the first found name’s index.


1 <= T <= 100

1 <= N <= 100

1 <= |S| <= 30

Example Output: (attach)