ITS 530 Information technology Practice Quiz Report
We will be using data visualization within a tool for this course. Please download and install R (CRAN) onto your PC.
There are two items that must be downloaded for this course: R and RStudio. Required!
If you are using a computer with a Windows operating system, make sure that when you download base R, you download Rtools, as well.
Verify this by attaching ONLY the screenshots to display your completion of the R software installation. Also, note (in one short paragraph- that is at least three sentences in length) how the installation went and if you encountered any issues. If you did, how were they solved?
Once you complete installation, make your own report to repeat code attached. Make sure to create your own screen shots and report.
Every screenshot in the report should show all 4 Rstudio screens. Attached Files:
- Week2.R (2.232 KB)
- university_rank2.csv (178.069 KB)
- Week2_sample_report.docx Week2_sample_report.docx – Alternative Formats (215.833 KB)