William Rainey Harper College Create a Basic Website Project
Here is the layout
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en”>
<!–The head section contains informational items about your page
but not content that actually appear on the page within your browser.
This section should contain any meta tags, a title tag, and any link elements
to link your CSS files. It should NOT contain any h1-h6 heading tags, paragraph tags,
sectioning elements like header, nav, main, or footer, etc. –>
<!–The body section contains your content.
While not required, sectioning elements including header, nav, main, and footer are used in this course
to help with CSS styling and must go within the body section. Your opening body tag will appear directly
after your closing head tag. The closing body tag will appear after your closing footer tag, before the
closing html tag. –>
<!–Your header image and/or text goes here–>
<!–Your navigation goes here –>
<!–Your main content goes here –>
<!–Your footer goes here–>