Projected Revenue Sources and Ethical IssuesAdd to Part 1 of your Organization Wide Operating Budget by identifying the Projected Revenue Sources for Year 1. This will require you to commit to the proposed clientele you will be working with by payer sources (private pay, traditional health insurance, Medicare/Medicaid, managed care, grants). In other words, what percentage or number of patients can you see in a day? Single licensed provider with 60 minute treatments would be 8 clients per day x 5 days per week x 50 weeks per year (less a 2 week vacation). How many of these would you expect to be private pay, have traditional health insurance like Blue Cross/Blue Shield, be Medicare/Medicaid eligible, managed care related, or funded by a specific grant? You may use Worksheet 15.1 and 15.2, page 71 as a guide to help format this portion of your budget. Upon reviewing the Calley (2009) article in ProQuest and reviewing the Code of Ethics websites posted by the ACA and APA comment on any design or ethical concerns you have related to your projected revenue sources for year 1. Having evaluated this component of budgeting, are there any revisions you would like to make to your payer source projections, why or why not. The recommended length of this assignment is 2-3 pages with reference support.ResourcesReadings1. Textbook: Dropkin, M., Halpin, J., & LaTouche, B. (2007). The budget-building book for nonprofits (2nd ed.). Jossey-Bass. Chapter 7: Start with the Budget-Building Checklist Chapter 8: Designing your Budgeting Policies and Procedures Chapter 9: Creating your Budgeting Calendar Chapter 10: Orienting Program and Department Managers and Staff to Budgeting Chapter 11: Contents of the Annual Budget Preparation Package Chapter 12: Developing Organization-Wide Operating Budgets Chapter 13: Developing Operating Budgets for Individual Programs, Units, or Activities 2. Article: Calley, N. (2009). Comprehensive program development in mental health counseling: Design, implementation, and evaluation. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 31(1), 9-21. 3. Websites: American Counseling Association, (n.d.). 2014 ACA Code of Ethics Resources. American Counseling Association. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)American Psychological Association. (2017). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct: Including 2010 and 2016 Amendments. American Psychological Association. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)4. Videos: financevideos, [financevideos]. (2008, October 2). What is the income statement? [Video File]. Retrieved from