Science Homework Help

Hinds Community College Why Evolution is Wrong Discussion

Need help with my Biology question – I’m studying for my class. (Links to an external site.)

In the video, there are propositions below that seem to be the most common misconceptions based on a Creationism version of Evolution.

  • Evolution has never been observed.
  • Evolution violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
  • There are no transitional fossils.
  • The theory of evolution says that life originated
  • Evolution proceeds by random chance.
  • Evolution is only a theory; it hasn’t been proved.
  • Evolution is not responsible for unity and diversity of life

These statements are debatable mainly because of our beliefs and upbringing.

  • Respond in 500 words or more:

1. Explain why evolution and/or creationism is wrong or why you believe them to be true about life.

2. Do you believe that evolution should be taught in the classroom, and what are the benefits or consequences?

3. Do you consider intelligent design as a science?

4. Why do you believe that individuals have a difficult problem accepting any type of religious explanation to explain scientific phenomenons?

5. Which do you believe contributes to life and where it all began: evolution, creationism, or a little of both?

  • Next, end your reply with a question, so that others can have the option to reply to your thread.