GMU Black Footed Ferrets Research Methodology Overview & Study Site Essay
For this assignment you need to write the “Methods” section which itself is a part of a bigger assignment/paper.
This section is based on an already chosen “hypothesis” which is this:
“Due to residential development, Black-footed Ferret may have to be active during the day as well in order to hunt, eat, and tend to their young.”
Requirements for this assignment:
1. Fill the “methods outline grant proposal” document which is attached.
2. Read”Methods Handout biol308″document (which is attached) carefully and make sure the “methods” section that you write follows everything in this document.
3. write a 500-words essay following the grading rubric (placed at the end of “methods handout biol308” document).
Notes are writing a proposal (a study plan) for a specie, you’re not actually conducting the study. therefore your have more freedom with locations and methods that you use.
2. make sure in the “methods” section use a location where Black-footed Ferret can actually be found. This specie is currently only found in few states in the middle west and central of US.
3. in the said hypothesis,”Residential development” is independent variable as it relates to human disturbance in the specie habitat. You can measure residential development through mapping with softwares like ArcGIS. Likewise there are methods to observe behavior of Black-footed Ferret (which is your job to figure out and explain)
Please only accept this job if you know how to write a “methods” section. this is not just a research essay, it requires writing a complete plan about how to collect data, what tools to use and how to analyze them to reject the hypothesis or not. There is only 500 words needed, so no extra details or information, all need to be about the method.
Please READ the attached documents carefully, specially the grading rubric.