Amniotes on The Terrestrial Environment Questionnaire
Can you help me understand this Geology question?
1 Amniotes have very different eggs than lissamphibians. How did the amniotic egg help amniotes take over terrestrial environments?
2 Many different taxa have become prominent reef-builders throughout the geologic record. Why do you think reef-builders consistently favor shallow ocean environments over the deeper ocean?
3 Imagine you discover an incomplete specimen of new fossil tetrapod from the late Jurassic. The only bones you recover are vertebrae. How can you figure determine if they belonged to a lissamphibian or an amniote?
4 Many early tetrapods had 8,7 or 6 digits on their hands and feet. What is your hypothesis as to why later tetrapods(like us) evolved to have only 5 or fewer digits, and how could you verify it?