BIO 240 Grossmont College Identify the Arthropods Biology Discussion
Your assignment is to find, capture and photograph THREE different Arthropods from the terrestrial environment (soil or plants, around your house or yard) and identify them using a DICHOTOMOUS KEY.
The Key to Common Terrestrial Arthropods downloadis such a key. By starting at the top (yes, every time) and working through the steps you will (theoretically) arrive at the correct identification. This key does not include all the possible things you may find, however! Do your best.
You will submit:
A) Photos of the three specimens
B) The identification AND every step of the key you went through to get there for all three specimens. For example, if I have identified a bee: 1A, 2B, 3B, 5B, 7A, 8B, 9B, 10B.
You may upload a PowerPoint or link to a Google file, Word, PDF or enter the ID into the textbox and the three photos separately.