Oklahoma City to Community College Scope of Elevator Operations Questions
1. Identify the size and scope of elevator operations to include estimations of bushel quantity.
2. Explain the grain handling process.
3. Identify 5 types of material handling devices used in grain operations.
4. Identify 5 general liability exposures.
5. Identify three product liability exposures.
6. What are the three primary type of worker’s compensable injuries in grain operation?
7. Identify 5 control measure to prevent crime in grain operations.
8. Identify the general liability exposures on premises and operations.
9. Describe two methods to prevent grain dust explosions.
10. Identify three OSHA standards linked to protection from air contaminants in grain operations.
11. Identify three items to investigate is relation to business interruption.
12. Identify the full name of two NFPA codes in relation to grain operations.