Business Finance Homework Help

Saudi Electronic University Business Idea Project


Artificial Intelligence could help in nearly any part of life, your project could be one that really shows what an AI can do! Saving time for workers gives them more time for analysis and decision making is a really great benefit. You need to work a bit more on the different sections in the document, please make sure they are containing the required information. A good document could help alleviate one of your constraints too!

The following sections need some updates in your document:

  • Executive Summary
  • Business Opportunity
  • Project Description
  • Estimated Timeline

Think of this document as one big paper you put down your idea, every part is connected: you pitch it to the executives in a summary, you show what opportunities and challenges the company currently have, and then describe how your project address it all. You describe the benefits and, constraints/dependencies and even give a timeline of how fast your project can start.



How to Write the Perfect Business Plan: A Comprehensive Guide
7 tips for presenting your business id

We’re looking forward to your next submission.

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Structure & Description

Students must complete all required submission parts (Executive Summary, business opportunity, project description, dependencies & constraints, benefits & ROI, estimated timeline).

? Students must complete all required submission parts (Executive Summary, business opportunity, project description, dependencies & constraints, benefits & ROI, estimated timeline).

You filled out the whole document, great job!



How to Write a Business Plan in 2021

Student provides relevant background information of the domain from which the idea is proposed. Historical information relevant to the project can be included. It should be clear how or why a problem in the domain can or should be solved.

? Student provides relevant background information of the domain from which the idea is proposed. Historical information relevant to the project can be included. It should be clear how or why a problem in the domain can or should be solved.

Artificial Intelligence is a great choice for emerging technology that could help in many facets of life. In your Executive Summary, you describe what is strategic management and what it does in your company, but you forgot to describe what is your project. You also need to write down why is the project important to you, your department, and the company. Also, add at least one example of how it would be used.

Challenges that the company currently has do not belong in this section: you could add one and tell how your project solves it, but not more!


? 2-5 paragraphs long
? Briefly explains your project, that uses an emerging technology
? Explains why is it important to you, your department, and company (it can be one sentence that contains all three)
? Have at least a brief example of how is it useful


  • Think about the Executive Summary as a pitch for your executives that should convince them to start the project
  • You do not need to introduce your company, it is for the executives after all
  • You should not give a very detailed description of your idea here, but it should be understandable what it is about



How to Write an Executive Summary: A Quick Guide

Student clearly describes the challenge/opportunity to be solved. A discussion of the student’s personal motivation for investigating a particular problem in the domain is encouraged but not required.

? Student clearly describes the challenge/opportunity to be solved. A discussion of the student’s personal motivation for investigating a particular problem in the domain is encouraged but not required.

The Business Opportunity section is the core of your project, it should explain the current challenges and opportunities the company is facing, and your project can solve. In your description, you already jump to the solutions that you provide, which should be in the project description or benefits section. You can describe AI as an opportunity, that will bring X and Y benefits for the company if properly implemented.

You need to explain at least one challenge that your project solves, but the solution is for the Project Description section! Also, you need to get some domain-specific material that is connected to your project: describing what is AI is not related to any challenges or opportunities you describe, or your project directly.


? 2-5 paragraphs long
? Explains at least one challenge/opportunity your project can solve
? Explains WHY is important to address these challenges/opportunities
? Includes some domain-specific information that is relevant to the challenge/opportunity (facts, information, data)


  • To figure out what is the challenge/opportunity your project solves, think about WHY you picked this idea
  • This should be a description, not bullet points
  • For domain-specific information, you could get a graph of the industry your project is in, for example, if your project is about IoT devices, you can include a diagram what is the projected revenue of the industry: this would underpin why is it important to get the opportunity you pitch.



Write your Business Opportunity Statement

Student clearly describes a solution to the problem that is quantifiable, measurable, and replicable. The solution is applicable to the project domain.

? Student clearly describes a solution to the problem that is quantifiable, measurable, and replicable. The solution is applicable to the project domain.

Your project description is shaping up nicely, just needs a bit more work. In this section you need to directly address the challenges/opportunities you raised in the BO section, and tell how does your project solves them. Since you do not have a clear challenge/opportunity in the BO section (at least one that is not solved immediately) please add this part after you finished the Business Opportunities.


? 2-5 paragraphs long
? Describes how the project works, what it is about
? Address how it solves the challenges/opportunities you raised in the Business Opportunities section
? The project is quantifiable, measurable, and replicable


  • The project description does not have to go into a lot of details, a general overview is enough, highlight the emerging technology
  • The project must have some kind of metrics to measure the result of the project and know it’s successful, it can be “saved manpower hours” or “increased revenue in X sector”, you do not need to add any calculations, but a rough estimation is always welcome



How to Create a Solution Position Statement

The student estimates the timeline of the idea implementation using days, weeks, months, or quarters with an explanation of key milestones.

? The student estimates the timeline of the idea implementation using days, weeks, months, or quarters with an explanation of key milestones.

Saying something will take 12-16 months does not mean much. You should add the steps needed (milestones) and how much time it takes, with a small description for each of them. If you really want to be exceptional, create it in an image, similar to this:




How to Create a Project Timeline: the Ultimate Guide
5 Project Milestone Examples (With Tips)


Student gives quantifiable estimation of the benefits and ROI of the idea.

? Student gives quantifiable estimation of the benefits and ROI of the idea.

The list contains some great elements, but you should explain them more to have a better document.

Student clearly lists their idea’s possible dependencies, constraints and risks.

? Student clearly lists their idea’s possible dependencies, constraints and risks.

One of your constraints is exactly why this document is needed to be excellent: to convince the management.



How to Identify Project Constraints

Business Finance Homework Help

ENT 588 University of Phoenix Week 3 Correspondence Memo Essay


Assignment Content

  1. When businesses implement change, that change must start within the company. In order to gain alliance and facilitate change, managers must educate and inform internal staff of the reasons for the change and the proposed solution to the identified problem. As part of your Business Plan this week, you will write a Correspondence Memo for internal staff and develop a communication plan. Continuing with your Business Plan, incorporate your work and findings from your Wk 2 SWOT Analysis and your Wk 3 Consumer Needs Assessment in order to successfully communicate your identified problem and solution(s).
    Compose an internal Correspondence Memo. In a 700-word document, complete the following:

    • Discuss the reason(s) for the change and the proposed recommendations (solution) to your internal staff, as well as staff expectations.
    • Develop a communication plan to inform internal staff of changes and explain how it will be delivered.
    • Propose the mode(s) of your selected communication plan and the rationale.
    • Propose a strategy for ongoing engagement with staff and leaders and the rationale.
    • Propose opportunities to demonstrate corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the rationale.

Business Finance Homework Help

Miami Dade College Capital Project Funds and Debt Service Fund Discussion


I don’t know how to handle this Accounting question and need guidance.

Class, please explain the financial reporting for special assessment bonds when (a) a government assumes responsibility for debt service should special assessment collections be insufficient and (b) the government assumes no responsibility whatsoever.

Business Finance Homework Help

MT 460 Purdue Vocational Rehab Counselor Strategic Career Plan Paper


Strategic Career Plan

The following Course Outcome is assessed in this assignment:

MT499-6: Evaluate career skills in the field of business and management.

Reflecting on the results of the self-actualization exercises you executed throughout the term, your occupation and job opportunity exploration, and the understanding you garnered from feedback in team assessments, complete the following requirements to develop a strategic career plan:


  • Develop a professional vision statement that will drive your pursuit of the career you desire. I desire a career with the Veterans Affairs as a Vocational rehabilitation counselor
  • Develop a career mission statement that will guide you to achieve your professional vision.
  • Develop a professional statement. Identify a minimum of three (3) keywords that exemplify your values. Explain why these values represent who you are as a professional.
  • Assess your professional knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors at present.
  • Assess your current career situation, including your role, responsibilities, and compensation plan. Currently a full time student so this does not really apply!
  • Identify your targeted and desired job position and title within the next 7 years.
  • Determine the role and responsibilities of your targeted job position and title.
  • Identify and justify your targeted and desired compensation plan. Just put the info from the job posting that will be fine.
  • Develop three (3) short-term, three (3) mid-term, and three (3) long-term career goal statements based on a 7-year time period for your targeted and desired job position and title. Your goals should be very specific, realistic, measurable, and readily observable.
    • What knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors do you need to acquire or improve in 1 year to accomplish your 1-year goals? I would say this would be something along the lines of getting into a starting career with the Veterans Affairs in general
    • What knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors do you need to acquire or improve in 4 years to accomplish your 4-year goals? This would have to be getting a Master degree in Vocational Rehabilitation and maybe any certificates that might help if you find any.
    • What knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors do you need to acquire or improve in 7-year to accomplish your 7-year goals? This would I assume be the actual skills obtained through the degree and from working as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor to move up to a more supervisory role
  • Conduct a gap analysis to identify the skills and abilities you will need to develop to reach your goals and to prepare for your targeted and desired job position and title.
  • Explain the resources (experience, education, training, certifications, or mentorship) you will need to reach your goals and to prepare for your targeted and desired job position and title. Would need to do a supervised internship with a certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
  • Explain what barriers, weaknesses, threats, or obstacles may prevent you from accomplishing your goals in a timely manner (e.g., spare time, funding, family commitments, etc.). How will you overcome these challenges? I have a family so this could be one. If more are needed just put some in there.
  • Develop a plan outlining the actions you will take to reach your goals and to prepare for your targeted and desired job position and title.
  • Develop a personal brand strategy to prepare to reach your goals and to prepare for your targeted and desired job position and title.
  • Write in current APA style format with no grammar or spelling errors, providing additional title and reference pages.
  • Use research to help substantiate your thoughts, opinions, ideas, and statements.
  • Use headings to segment the topics in your writing and to create a flow of ideas for your readers

Business Finance Homework Help

CON 100 Northern Virginia College Module 8 Lesson 11 Importance of Market Research to the PMO PPT


DAU Lesson 11 Powerpoint Presentation

  • Complete the following:
    • You have been requested by your base commander to give a presentation on the importance of Market Research to the PMO. Your briefing is to focus on the legal requirements and the importance of market research, the preferred approach to meeting customer needs, the benefits, and challenges of procuring commercial items modified commercial items, non-developmental items, and government-unique items, and finally their role in the market research process.

Business Finance Homework Help

CON 100 NVCC Mod 7 Importance of Federal Contract Law to the PMO PPT


DAU Lesson 9 PowerPoint Presentation

  • Complete the following:
  • You have been requested by your base commander to give a presentation on the importance of federal contract law to the PMO. Your briefing is to focus on the legal process, the role of federal contract law in the federal government, contract authority and where it derives from, elements of the contract and protest process. Also, focus on the fundamentals of the legal process, the role of contract law in federal government,  the sources of procurement law, where does our Contracting Authority derive from, the elements of a contract and the contract protest process.
  • Your presentation shall be a minimum of 8 slides (not including the Title slide and the ending slide)
  • Each slide shall have bulleted talking points and shall also have at least 100 words per slide in the notes section explaining your talking points

Business Finance Homework Help

CON 100 NVCC Mod 8 E Business E government & DoD Business Enterprise Discussion


I’m studying for my Business class and need an explanation.

  • As a new contracting officer, it is important that your PMO and Contract Team be capable of defining e-business, e-government, and DoD Business Enterprise. Please define and discuss all three. You also shall discuss the role and function of e-business integrated systems used in the ?procurement process and the benefits and challenges of technology in supporting business functions. Also, discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of eBusiness. 

Business Finance Homework Help

CON 100 NVCC Module 9 Lesson 12 Contracting Officer Discussion


I’m trying to learn for my Business class and I’m stuck. Can you help?


  • As a contracting officer that you understand the business alternatives that are available to you. Also, discuss the required sources of supplies and the order preference. Discuss the intent and value of the Economy Act. This knowledge may provide insight into solutions to the customer’s mission requirements early in the market research process.  What steps would you take do to develop acquisition support strategies for your customers?

Business Finance Homework Help

CON 100 NVCC Module 9 Lesson 13 Government Contracting Discussion


I’m studying and need help with a Business question to help me learn.


  • Understanding that government contracting officers are business advisors to their customers. We are also want to be sure to protect the American Taxpayer. Therefore, I want you to discuss what motivates contractors and government to do business with each other, and why WIN3 is an important outcome. Discuss the importance of understanding business risk and how that will influence acquisition strategies.