Business Finance Homework Help

Business The Impacts of Business Trends on Business Strategy Question


I’m stuck on a Business question and need an explanation.

  • Watch the following video:Digital Trends and Digital Business Model Innovation – The Fourth Industrial Revolution 
  • and research and list 5 current trends and write a paragraph per trend on how they impact business strategy?
  • Be sure to include 2 technology trends. 

Business Finance Homework Help

FIDM Analysis of Kodak Paper


  1. Access the industry with Porter’s 5 forces analysis (Supplier power, Buyer power, Competitive rivalry, Threat of substitution & Threat of new entry)
  2. Access the leadership, governance, ethics and culture of the company(Kodak)
    1. Please use the following to research and discuss evidence of what is going on inside the company for leadership, governance, ethics and culture?
      1. How do you Assess Leadership Effectiveness?
        1. Length of tenure?
        1. Financial results?
        1. 360 evaluations?
        1. Are goals met?
      1. How do you Assess Governance?
        1. Structure of governing board?
        1. Board turnover?
        1. Number of outside directors?
        1. Global differences in governance? (MI pgs. 150-151)
      1. How do you Assess Ethics and Culture?
        1. Are there lawsuits pending from inside or outside the company?
        1. Is there a written set of values or code of conduct? Is it lived?
        1. Does the culture appear to be rigid or more creative and entrepreneurial? (MI pg. 90, 120-130)
  3. MI link:…

Business Finance Homework Help

Zhejiang University Amazon Defeat of Unionization Campaign Essay


Your assignment is to write two short essays (3-4 pages each, total 6-8 pages, double spaced)

addressing the prompt below. 


In Part I of the course, we have surveyed three prominent philosophical schools. These schools 

provide alternative conceptual lens to analyze contemporary problems in business ethics. 

• Utilitarianism 

• Deontology 

• Justice 

Business Finance Homework Help

University of Phoenix Brand Development Management Business Consultant Case Study


Assignment Content

    You are a new business development consultant. You are meeting with a client to discuss the importance of developing his or her brand.Write a 1,050-word paper that outlines how you will present the topic of brand management to your client, including any charts, illustrations, or other graphics as needed to clearly state the importance of effective branding.Describe these key branding points:

    • Benefits
    • Pitfalls
    • Recommendations
    • Evaluate the benefits of brand development.Explain how you will advise your client to develop and introduce the brand to their customers.

Business Finance Homework Help

University of Cumberlands Quality and Tech at Workplace Discussion


Systems Thinking enables us to see the bigger picture and find solutions to problems we may not even know we have! For example, the Nestle Evaporated Milk Case Study (2020)

Watch this video, research specific elements you observed.

How may have systems thinking prompted Bob?

Explain how you know psychological safety was present for Bob.

What behaviors did Bob display?

  • What behaviors or actions did leadership display?
  • Share an opportunity you may currently have to apply systems thinking in your career.

Business Finance Homework Help

UCM Data Analytics Improving Baldrige Frameworks Essay


Instructions: Think about your healthcare services work area or area of inter- est. Identify two activities a manager in this area does to advance organizational excellence in each of the following Baldrige framework categories:





Examples of what healthcare recipients of the Baldrige National Quality Award have done in these areas can be found online at

Business Finance Homework Help

University of Cumberlands Learning Methodology Human Resource Discussion


Organizations have been known to benefit from subscribing to a continuous learning methodology. In what ways can the human resources department ensure that the organization’s training needs are being met? What role can eLearning play in the employee training process? And what can your organization (or a previous organization) do to effectively promote perpetual learning?