Economics Homework Help

Covid Within the Hospital Settings Discussion


Discussion posting demonstrates an excellent understanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Posting provides significant detail including multiple relevant examples, evidence from the readings and other scholarly sources, and discerning ideas.

Post a brief description of one issue in your field of study in which you are interested (Covid-19 within the hospital settings). Then, explain what motivates you to get involved in this issue (Interested in more information about cures and the spreading of it and how we can prevent it in our communities). Also, explain how this issue relates to the Human health program. Finally, explain what goals you would like to accomplish in your field of study and why (Community Health). Expand on your insights utilizing the Learning Resources.

Economics Homework Help

Saudi Electronic University Financial Crisis 2008 Covid-19 Economic Impact Essay


I’m trying to learn for my Economics class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

What is the Difference in Impacts Between Economic Crisis Caused by Financial Crisis 2008 Compared to the Economic Crisis Caused by Covid-19 in 2020? 

Economics Homework Help

SU Wk 1 Microeconomics Public and Private Choice Analysis


I’m working on a macro economics discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Can you analyze the way that property rights can have a beneficial effect on the economy?

How are the private owners promoting economic growth?

What could hinder the market possibilities?

Economics Homework Help

BBA 2401 CSU Levels of Gross Domestic Product for The United States Question


1. Below is a hypothetical table such as would be generated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics when reporting historical and forecasted levels of gross domestic product for the United States. Use the answer table to fill in the blanks for the missing estimates. Make sure you show your work. 

  1. 1998 Gross Domestic Product Answer (Remember to show work):
  2. 2028 Personal Consumption Expenditures Answer (Remember to show work):
  3. 2008 Gross Private Domestic Investment Answer (Remember to show work):
  4. 2018 Exports Answer (Remember to show work):

2. Explain what the consumption function shows, and describe what is held constant along the consumption function.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

3. In your own words, describe what happens when firms and workers underestimate future prices in the economy. Focus your answer on what would happen to actual output as opposed to the expected potential output.

Economics Homework Help

Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College Federal Reserve System Discussion


Watch the above video. Once you have done this respond to the questions below. To receive full credit, please reply with a minimum of 4-5 sentences in length to each bullet point below (including when replying to 2 of your peers). To create a post, please click the reply button below.

  • What is the mission, or goals, of the Fed?
  • Explain the structure of the Fed and the hierarchy of governance.
  • Is the Fed a public or private entity? Who owns the Fed?
  • If issuing Federal Reserve Notes stimulates the economy, why not print money indefinitely?
  • Under what conditions would the Fed purchase securities like U.S. treasuries?
  • How does the Fed regulate and supervise banks and why is this important?
  • What services does the Fed provide to our country’s financial system and how did it come to be known as the “Bankers Bank”?
  • Visit the debt clock website at and locate the category M2. This is the present money supply in the hands of the public. Using a timer determine how much the money changes in 1 minute. Is it increasing or decreasing? What do you think this means for the overall economy?
  • After you post your narrative, reply to at least two other students comments. Explain why you agree, or better yet, find others that take a different position and explain why you disagree.

Economics Homework Help

Glendale College Effects of Growing Counterfeit Money on US Currency Essay


  1. U.S. paper currency is made with several features that are difficult to counterfeit, including a security thread, color-shifting ink, microprinting, a portrait, a watermark, and a fine-line printing pattern. As duplication technology, however, continually improves and more and more counterfeits are circulated, what will happen to the following?
    • The value of money circulated.
    • The volume of cashless transactions.
    • The amount of money the U.S. Treasury spends to introduce additional security measures.
      • You are required to post one “substantive” posting addressing the course material. By “substantive,” I mean not merely providing a brief “yes, I agree” or “no, I do not agree” posting, but discussing the issues in some depth, providing your own thoughts or questions on the matter. Ideally, I’d like you to connect and integrate the discussion prompt to the course lectures, class discussions, and course textbook (whenever possible). The more evidence that shows you are doing the readings and engaging with them, the better. In your posting, avoid making unsubstantiated assertions and claims. Support your point with evidence from the textbook or other websites (include citations), whenever possible. Some possible ideas to write about include, describing any connections between the readings or course material, expanding on a concept or idea that struck you in the course material, or offering another explanation or illustrative example. (minimum of 250 words)

Economics Homework Help

SUNYB Capital Budgeting FV PV NPV & Disposals of Fixed Assets Worksheet


I have excel question that must use Present value and future value on equipment and calculating tax benefits. I have handout and class notes to help. When accessing the file write down a name. I will also be giving you lecture video of teacher explaining how to do it. All problem are very similar and shouldnt take long and each have a video to go along with it. After completeing the problems press “CTRL G” and it will tell if its 100% correct.

Economics Homework Help

Texas Womans University Prisons and Police Forces by Alice Goffman Analysis


typed 2 page double spaced, 12 point font and 1 inch margin video analysis assignment and should include your reaction to the video; your reaction to what you learned from the video and/ or you should focus on at least one specific issue, theme, or portion of the video that impacts you. Use first and second person to write (I and you).Some questions you might consider while writing your analysis:How does this video ( or set of videos) illustrate the concepts covered in the reading?How does the video highlight( or show for the first time) something related to the readings or issue at hand that might otherwise be missed?

Link of the Video:

Economics Homework Help

California State University Long Beach NVIDIA Corporation Analysis


I’m working on a finance project and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Evaluate any firm of your choice 

? Estimate for the fair market value of the firm
? Use a minimum of 3 valuation metrics to make your determination
? Include valid reasoning why each metric was selected
? Provide a comprehensive assessment of each firm based on your metrics

? Show all work and calculations clearly and precisely ? Provide a recommendation for the firm – Buy, Sell, Hold

  • ?  Explain your recommendation
  • ?  Include reference to the firm’s business segments, strengths or weakness as required.
  • ?  Include reference to other industry competitors as appropriate