Humanities Homework Help

San Diego State University San Diego Education Essay


  1. SDSU Month promotes the strengths and contributions of SDSU Alumni to the San Diego community and global society. How will your SDSU education help you to become a “mind that moves the world?”

majoring in nursing : bachelor degree in science of nursing 

Humanities Homework Help

University of California Riverside Dance The Diaspora Dance Question


Can you help me understand this Dance question?

Part 1

When we watched the hip-hop video during “Week 1”, something stood out to me. There is a moment when hip-hop artist Rennie Harris refers to Fosse (Bob Fosse-famous for jazz in the US) and Balanchine (famous for innovating American ballet). This moment goes by very quickly in that video but Rennie Harris is talking about the African influence that made the work of these choreographers “new” and “modern” and “innovative”. Elements like “grounded-ness”, “polycentrism”, “polyrhythm”, “assymmetry”, and “the aesthetic of the cool” are a few of those elements in the choreography of both Fosse and Balanchine.

Read the essay “The Diaspora Dance Boom” written by dance-scholar Brenda Dixon-Gottschild.

Choose The Diaspora Dance Boom under Essays (Links to an external site.)

Respond by recording yourself or typing up responses to the following:

  1. What is the author’s premise/thesis/main point?
  2. What sources does the author refer to in the essay? Name one or two. (choreographer? dance company? author?)
  3. Describe in your own words one of the Africanist Aesthetics (examples include poly-centered, grounded to the earth, aesthetic of the cool).

Part 2

Great work responding to the first part of this assignment.

Continue here if you also looked at Balanchine’s “Agon” in the “compare and contrast” discussion this week.

Below are the video again and Brenda Dixon-Gottschild’s essay “The Diaspora Dance Boom”.

For part 2 of this assignment:

  1. Find an example of the Africanist presence in the duet.
  2. Describe in your own words the Africanist Aesthetic principle or Africanist element that you see in the duet.
  3. Share the time stamp in the video that shows your example.

***Looking at part 1 of the article response will help point you to what we are looking for (also detailed in pp 3-5 in the essay).

AGON Pas de Deux (original cast) (Links to an external site.)

Choose The Diaspora Dance Boom under Essays

Humanities Homework Help

University of California Riverside Contemporary Dance Questions


There are four-part to this assignment

part 1

Hi everyone,

This assignment is part one of two and worth 50 points.

Draw a quick sketch/map that shows your pathways in your house. See mine attached as an example.

I chose the pathways of my morning routine (getting coffee is the first thing I do!).

Take a picture of the map and turn that in for 50 points.

Keep the map to use in the second part of this assignment.


part 2

Hi everyone,

Take a look at the video of (local choreographer and RCC dance faculty) Kirsten Johansen’s work.

What are you curious about?

Pose a question for Kirsten Johansen about this dance in your assignment.

part 3


To get this week started, what do you know about modern dance? This dance style is now called contemporary dance.

Respond with your thoughts in this discussion. You might say, I’ve never heard of that but maybe it is…

I cannot wait to read your thoughts!


Watch the video and choose one contemporary choreographer from the video. Choose a person whose movement choices stood out to you.

Put that name in the discussion response and tell us why you chose that choreographer. In other words what stood out to you about the movement? or the environment or both?

Part 4

Read the following to include in the second writing practice.

1. Describe: Details, details, details. What do you see? hear? notice? What is happening in the movement?

2. Analyze: Compare one part of this dance to another part OR compare this dance to something you have seen before.

3. Interpret: What is this dance about or what is the choreographer’s intent? What in the dance backs that up? Use your details for evidence here.

Write a 1-3 paragraph response to this dance. Include details with analysis or interpretation.

Choreography by Lindsay Rapport, RCC Dance Faculty

Humanities Homework Help

Psychology Whole Trait Personality Theory Question


I’m stuck on a Psychology question and need an explanation.


Come up with an example of a media character or public figure that is high on one aspect (explanatory/descriptive) of a big five trait (can be any of the traits – remember there are two aspects for each trait) but not on the other aspect. Explain your choice.

Humanities Homework Help

Youth Alcohol Use Question


I’m working on a music writing question and need support to help me learn.

In keeping with last week’s topic of social commentary in music: If you were a songwriter (maybe you are!), about what social issues would you write a song? For your journal entry, write about your issue, perhaps include a sample of your lyrics, and describe what the music for your song would sound like.

Humanities Homework Help

SOCY 443 CCBCMD Week 6 Government Policies and Family Support Discussion


I’m studying and need help with a Psychology question to help me learn.

In what ways can government policies be used to support families?  Identify 5 specific policies from this week’s Learning Resources that could be enacted to support family life at any particular level (local, state, national, international).  Briefly explain why you think that each policy would be important and what its impact could be.

To help make your post easier to read, please number your policies from 1 to 5.  

Humanities Homework Help

Adler University Human Services Agency Case Management Proposal


Assignment Content

  1. While case managers focus on assisting clients and typically do not discuss which model or method of case planning they are using, any good project or program determines early on which methods or models make the most sense for the work they are engaging in. To practice case management, apply these models and methods to realistic situations to explore the impact of choosing one method over another.Imagine you are developing your own human services agency for clients reentering the community after incarceration. You must determine an effective case management model and present it to your stakeholders. Write a 700-word proposal for your human services agency that describes the best case management model for your population. For your proposal you should:

    • Identify the population your agency will serve.
    • Describe the types of services the agency will provide.
    • Identify any potential barriers to care faced by the population served.
    • Compare 2 case management models and propose the model you believe will best serve this population.
    • Justify your selection with research on how this model can assist this population.
    • Provide an example of how a human services worker would provide services using this model.

    Include a minimum of 2 sources to support your proposal. Cite your sources according to APA guidelines.


Humanities Homework Help

SMC Do The Right Thing Racial and Social Disparities Critical Review


Assignment Objectives: Enhance and/or improve critical thinking and media literacy skills by:

1. Developing a clear and concise thesis statement (an argument) in response to the

following question: Does the film have the power to transform political sensibilities?

2. Writing an outline for a five paragraph analytical essay building on a clear and

concise thesis statement, including topic sentences and secondary supports.

3. Identifying and explaining three scenes from the film text in support of the thesis


4. Writing an introductory paragraph for the outlined analytical essay


Be sure to read thoroughly the writing conventions below before beginning this assignment.

Note: You are NOT writing a full essay; rather, you are outlining an analytical essay by completing the dialogue boxes


Writing a Critical Review (analytical) Essay

  1. Every essay that you write for this course must have a clear thesis, placed (perhaps) somewhere near the end of the introductory paragraph. Simply stated, a THESIS (or ARGUMENT) expresses, preferably in a single sentence, the point you want to make about the text that is the subject of your essay. A THESIS should be an opinion or interpretation of the text, not merely a fact or observation. The best possible THESIS will answer some specific questions about the text. Very often the THESIS contains an outline of the major points to be covered in the essay. A possible thesis for an essay on character in Perry Henzell’s The Harder They Come might read somewhat as follows:

    The protagonist of THTC is not a hero in the epic sense of the word, but a self-centered young man bred of economic oppression and cultural dependency. The characters in this film have no real psychological depth, but are markers for a society of consumption and momentary glory.

    (You might then go on to exemplify from the text and argue in favor or against this interpretation: your essay need not hold to only one perspective.)

    What single, clear QUESTION does the above THESIS attempt to answer?

  2. Each essay should be organized into five (5) paragraphs, each based on one of two to four major ideas, which will comprise the BODY of the essay. Each paragraph must have a topic sentence, often (but not always) towards the beginning of the paragraph, which clearly states the ARGUMENT or point to be made in the paragraph. Following the thesis set forth above, the first paragraph might begin with a sentence like “Ivan’s desires and his destiny are signaled in the opening shots of the film, where the friendly, jumbled interior of the bus is contrasted with Ivan’s first view of the outer world: a world of shiny white cars and beautiful women.” Avoid topic sentences that fail to make an interpretative statement about the work or that merely state something any reader might observe; for example, “The first characters we see are country people on a bus to town.”
  3. Underline the THESIS and each TOPIC SENTENCE in every critical review essay you submit. This exercise will force you to make certain that you have expressed and developed the ideas in your essay clearly and logically. (In other words, do not do this exercise five minutes before you submit the essay but, rather, as you are working on the very first draft.)
  4. Always use present tense verbs in your critical review essays about film texts. Present tense is the verb tense of analysis. Past tense, on the other hand, is the tense of narration. In each essay, you will be analyzing a particular text, not retelling or summarizing the story. If you find yourself slipping into past tense as you compose, you are probably narrating rather than analyzing.
  5. Use specific passages from the text to support each point that you make in your essay. You may simply refer to an event in the text, or you may paraphrase what a character or the narrator says. But the best EVIDENCE will most often be direct quotes from the text.

The Introductory Paragraph – Some Approaches

In your essay, an opening or introductory paragraph may not always be the first one you write. But it will be the first one your readers read and you need to engage your readers’ attention and interest and present all you need to make your thesis clear and convincing.

  1. Some Pitfalls to Avoid
    1. Dictionary definitions: Define key terms and concepts in your opening paragraph, but don’t quote directly from the dictionary to do so. Use a dictionary – more than one dictionary – to formulate the definition in your own words.
    2. Generalizations about “life,” “society,” “people today,” etc.: You don’t want to begin your essay with the kind of statement that teeters on that fine line between opinion (those ideas you will go on to prove) and belief (those ideas unprovable with the evidence offered by the text). Rather than a statement like, “Almost every man has a sense of pride and will go to war to prove it,” try something more specific to the text you are analyzing. “The character of Roland exemplifies how personal pride and personal valor do not always lead to the most fortunate conclusion.”
    3. The painfully obvious: Avoid opening statements like “Dante’s Inferno is about a journey to hell,” or “Roland is the hero of The Song of Roland,” unless such statements are in some way controversial and challenging to traditional interpretations of the text. Try to avoid any kind of tautological formula – “something is something else” – in the opening sentence, especially, but also elsewhere as an “argument.”
    4. Try to distinguish between historical or biographical fact: “Dante’s Inferno was written in fourteenth-century Italy,” and interpretation, especially when you are considering the intention of an author: “Dante wrote his Inferno to expose the problem of Florentine political corruption to the world.” The latter may be a part of your theory or thesis (or conclusion) but if you use it as a statement of fact (an “intentional fallacy”) you will have to prove it rather than merely argue it – a slippery and difficult and perhaps not particularly useful task. Beware also of using vague or imprecise generalizations of terms such as “dramatic,” “realistic,” or “critical,” which differ in their literary and historical significance.
  2. Challenges to Meet
    1. Try for a (syntactically) shapely and relevant opening sentence: be thoughtful and original and persuasive. Always look for interesting ways into your essay: an epigraph, perhaps, or an important episode that seems to set the stage for what you want to say, or a succinct comparison with another well-known work, which will help your reader understand the point you want to make.
    2. Always (particularly in a comparative essay) identify your texts early on. (Usually with full title, full authors’ names, and date/period of publication.)
    3. Think of your thesis statement as the logical goal of the first paragraph. Everything you say here should lead towards (or from) that thesis. Anything that doesn’t lead in that direction – unless you are presenting a view different from yours, which you want to argue against—doesn’t belong in your paragraph. Think of the paragraph as a funnel, where the contents are being concentrated and filtered to one end.



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  • Oct 27, 2021 @ 11:59 PM