Humanities Homework Help

NVCC Characterization Between the Spiritual and The Natural Discussion


I’m working on a literature writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Read Walden up to chapter seven, “The Bean-Field,” and analyze the theme of nature. Thoreau writes, “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” What does Thoreau discover in nature living by Walden Pond? How is nature a companion for Thoreau? How does he view nature that is in line with the transcendentalist philosophy? 

Humanities Homework Help

UW Whitewater Sociology White Collar Crime Essay Questions



Watch the video to understand the Boeing 737 Max crashes

Section A 

Consider the opportunity approach to white-collar crime as it relates to the Boeing 737 Max crashes. Can the theory adequately explain this particular instance of corporate violence? Why or why not? Regardless of your opinion on whether or not it is appropriate to apply the opportunity perspective, attempt to do so. What specific factors combined to create a criminal opportunity for Boeing? Describe them in detail. What criminal techniques were used by Boeing and how? Describe them in detail. Identify one class concept (not related to the opportunity perspective) that can help us make sense of Boeing as a motivated offender. 

It is June of 1991. You are Pacific State University’s resident expert on the crimes of the powerful and one of your students, Alex, wants to conduct a study on the Exxon Valdez disaster. She is interested in the oil spill itself as well as the resulting lawsuits. She informs you that she grew up in Cordova, Alaska and is friends with some of the Exxon employees working on the clean up. Alex plans to ask these friends if they will put her in touch with officials at Exxon so she can conduct participant observation by interviewing higher-ups and observing their internal meetings. Give Alex your expert opinion on her research proposal. Is this a “good” method for her topic? If so, explain why and identify its strengths–if you think it is necessary, suggest some areas that could be improved. If not, explain why–identify the weaknesses and propose a more appropriate method. Explain why the method(s) you suggest is more appropriate.

Section B

Question 2: Why does white-collar crime receive less attention from criminologists and our criminal justice system than conventional “street” crime? Justify your perspective with evidence/ examples.

Humanities Homework Help

GIT A and P Sammy and The North of Boston Girls Essay


you will need an introduction, which identifies the author and title of the story and sets up your thesis.  In your thesis you will make an assertion about your subject.  You will then support that thesis through a series of body paragraphs.  Remember, each body paragraph should have a topic sentence, which introduces the paragraph’s subject, followed by the presentation of a quote or quotes from the story, which support the topic, followed by analysis of the quote(s).  You will also need a short concluding paragraph.  You will need to title that essay.  Your title can include the title of the story, but it can’t be only the title of the story. 

Remember to use academic voice (first person plural (we) or third person (one), formal, authoritative) and to describe the action in your story in present tense. You will not use second person (you).

  • Your quotations should be cited, as in models number 1 and 2 on page 123 in The Little Seagull Handbook.  You will also present a work cited entry, similar to that in model number 19, on page 144, in Little Seagull
  • You will want to format your paper like the sample paper beginning on page 161, in Little Seagull.
  • See the schedule of assignments or deadlines file for due dates.

Humanities Homework Help

John Muir Health Center Understanding Children Learning Question


I’m working on a english question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

If you click on the link in the discussion, it links to this piece:

Where Will We Go Today? – Little Owl School Blog

“We teachers must see ourselves as researchers, able to think, and to produce a true curriculum, a curriculum produced from all of the children. What we so often do is impose adult time on children’s time and this negates children being able to work with their own resources.” ~Loris Malaguzzi

Please just read it and reply to this question here:

What connections can you make between how the reading connects to what we’ve studied this semester? Make as many connections as you can.

Humanities Homework Help

UCSD Racism and Racial Issues Discussion


A journal assignment is neither a diary nor a polished written paper. Journal writing focuses on
connecting class activity with thoughts, emotions, and events in your everyday life. You do not need to
answer all the questions or answer the questions directly. Instead, use the questions as prompts to get
you thinking and writing a response about a topic related to race and racism. Approach the exercise with
the intention of being challenged.

Humanities Homework Help

ASSA Early Childhood Developmental Continuum Worksheet


For this assignment you are condcuting an preschool assessment on one chilld age 2,3, or 4 . Then Completed the DRDP (2015) Profile and rating . I have attached the rating sheet just in case you need it. You will need the book

Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS-R): Revised Edition Revised Edition by Thelma Harms (Author). So dont bid unless you can get this book to complete the assessment

– You must fill out the child’s profile information to the best of your knowledge

– Fill in the bubble (rating) for the child’s developmental level for all 29 measures

14 pts for completing all the child’s profile and rating the child developmental’s level is 56 pts= 70 pts

For the Drdp rating sheet for Observer put the name Seanna Lackey for the child you can make up the information ,But you must complete all the pages and areas on the rating form it is 4 pages.

Humanities Homework Help

SUNYESC What Is the Difference Between Unanimity and Consensus Discussion


I will need you to answer 7 psychology questions. There are questions such as “What is the difference between unanimity and consensus?” and I would need you to please clearly explain your answer.

Humanities Homework Help

GSC Social Construction Welfare Service Provision Question


Question: In Why Both Social Structure and Culture Matter in a Holistic Analysis of Inner-City Poverty by William Julius Wilson (2010) he states, “Social structure refers to the way social positions, social roles, and networks of social relationships are arranged in our institutions, such as the economy, polity, education, and the organization of the family” (2010; 201). He goes on to state that “Social processes refer to the ‘machinery’ of society that exists to promote ongoing relations between members of the larger group” (2010: 201). Defining and then bringing together the concepts of social structure and borrowing from the lectures, readings, and books discuss how the social context shapes the lives of the poor. I am uploading all documents necessary to draw information from to write this paper. be sure to use info from all of them to write the paper. the paper is 67% of my final exam grade.

Humanities Homework Help

PC History of Fashion Design Structure Question


You would need to read chapter 13 and 14 to answer the questions please ready carefully this is an imporant assignment. I will attach the pdf and screen shot of the assignment and the reading. Thank you