Humanities Homework Help

SNHU Some of The Challenges that Exist Every Day Discussion


Read this quote by James Baldwin:

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”

Discuss your reaction to this statement. Describe a scenario from your work with a client where this statement has proven true (no names or identifying information to maintain client confidentiality).

If you do not work in the field yet, describe a scenario from your own experience or someone in your family where this statement has proven to be true. Remember to be respectful of others’ stories and refrain from using names or identifying information here either. (I don’t want to meet your sister and know all her business without her permission, and I’ll bet she wouldn’t want that either.)

Respond to 2 of your class colleagues posts below:

student one:

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”

I like the spin of the words and their is a bit of attention drawn into seeing (facing) wrongs or bad laws, or poor human behavior. The quote reminds us that we cannot change everything, and, that there is only the possibility of changing things once they are brought into our attention.

African-Americans, not being able to vote, for example, was once ‘faced’ as an issue and because it was looked at, observed and given approval this ‘something faced’, became ‘something changed.

The example that I can relate to is smoking. In our companies treatment Phase I facility smoking was permitted outside. In my transition house the rules are that smoking is prohibited. After comparisons were made we decided that we, too, at my transition house, would allow for the staff and clients to smoke outside.

student two:

I have not began to work in the human service field dealing with a client base but I have experienced this in my daily customer service job. I recently came into a position of being in a managerial title and had a interaction with a close minded guest in my opinion at my job. There was an exchange of words to where the guest had become rude & I had to learn in that moment how to deal with challenging people in a professional way. If that man would have never gotten me into that situations I wouldn’t know how to react. It took me being faced with a difficult time being a fresh new manager I would be naive.

Humanities Homework Help

UPM The Shadow an Infamous Type of Archetype Essay


TOPIC : The Shadow Archetype


2. Select a minimum of six relevant articles from peer-reviewed journals only

3. Begin the paper with an general introduction to the topic.

4. Summarize the purpose of each study and the methods and results of each article. Compare and contrast, combining them into a cohesive review. Some articles may be review articles or theoretical and may not include any data analysis (methods and results). Just structure those and summarize the major points made in the article or articles.

5. End with a conclusion paragraph about the usefulness of research like this, along with possible applications to the “real world” and recommendations for future research.

Humanities Homework Help

What is Art? Presentation


What is Art? Presentation

For this project your goal is to try to solve the question: What is Art? To do so you will be required to collect a series of images, cited text, links, and your own opinions. From these resources you will be required to create a presentation and document that attempts to answer the question: What is Art? This presentation must be a voice over slide show or video presentation.

Presentation Guidelines


To begin your presentation, briefly discuss your ideas of the question “What is Art?” You may want to answer some of the following questions (*note only choose those that are appropriate to your idea):

  • What is the function of art?
  • Why do artists make art?
  • How does art reflect culture?
  • Why does art have value?
  • Why is art preserved and protected?
  • How can art help in times of crisis or struggle


  1. Your presentation must include at least 3 different artists. *note: you may use the artist you chose for your research.
  2. Each artwork must be labeled with the artist’s name, title of artwork, date, medium and dimensions of artwork.
  3. Include at least two different artworks by each artist and be sure to use high resolution images.
  4. The artworks you chose must have a connecting theme or idea.


  1. You must describe why you consider each artwork a work of art and why you chose the work.
  2. What makes each work of art significant? Consider the history of the work, the message of the work, the time period it was created in, how it was made etc.


How have your ideas of art changed?

Presentation Requirements

  1. Your presentation must include an audio recording of you discussing your presentation. This can be screen recording or a video recording . You can create a PDF, Power Point, google slides, website, or any other form that can be presented and recorded. A simple example would be to create a power point slide lecture and screen record using zoom. Videos must be posted to YouTube or Vimeo, OneDrive, Google drive, or another file sharing platform. You must provide a hyperlink to share it with the class.
  2. Your recorded presentation must be no longer than 5 minutes. Avoid reading from your presentation. Explain in your own words why you have chosen the works in your presentation.
  3. Your final document must contain your name, project synopsis, and the links to your presentation.

Examples of student presentations: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Humanities Homework Help

Miami Dade College Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide Articles Summary


I’m working on a philosophy discussion question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Select ONE of the following primary source readings:

  • “Active and Passive Euthanasia” by James Rachels (starting on page 300)
  • “The Wrongfulness of Euthanasia” by J. Gay-Williams (starting on page 304)
  • “Voluntary Active Euthanasia” by Dan. W. Brock (starting on page 307)
  • “Euthanasia” by Philippa Foot (starting on page 315)
  • “Killing and Allowing to Die” by Daniel Callahan (starting on page 329)
  • “Euthanasia for Disabled People?” by Liz Carr (starting on page 332)

Write a short, objective summary of 250-500 words which summarizes the main ideas being put forward by the author in this selection.

Humanities Homework Help

Mountain View College The Concept of Self Management Paper


1. The first step
is to choose a topic of interest to you from our assigned reading
chapters in the text. Be sure stick with the assigned reading chapters
so that your paper is relevant to our course objectives and material.
Consider researching a topic that will also be of some use to you,
either personally or professionally. This will allow you to yield some
personal benefit from your research outside of class. Also, keep in mind
that in a latter section of the final paper (Assignment #3) the focus will be about the application of your topic in relationships, whether personal or professional.

topics can include any major topic from the course competencies in the
syllabus or from one of the chapters in our text.

2. Again,
Assignment 2 is the first major section the of the final paper, but for
the purposes of this paper, it will read like a stand alone paper about
your chosen topic from the assigned reading chapters. This first paper
will deal with the “what” regarding your topic. Simply introduce,
define, and describe your topic in detail. Be sure to use multiple
scholarly and academic sources, textbook, books, and peer-reviewed
journal articles in psychology, counseling, or related disciplines.
Avoid websites in general, unless they are from expert sources, list
author’s name with doctoral credentials, and affiliated with a
professional organization. Use of bogus or non-expert sources can result
in loss of points in the final paper. There is no strict length
requirement, but typically this Assignment #2 will be anywhere from 4-6
pages in length. I do not mind if you go longer, I applaud a thorough

3. Always include a title page, abstract,
and reference section with each assignment (appendices if needed). Again
each assignment will look like a stand-alone paper. However, when you
combine them for the final paper (Assignment 5) you will do some final
editing to make it all flow as one paper with one title page, reference
section, appendices, etc.

Humanities Homework Help

Northern Star Online 7 Common World Plots Discussion


I’m working on a english exercise and need a sample draft to help me study.

Click link for NYT article on the 7 plots if needed.

Click link to open resource.


  1. Watch the short film, French Roast
  2. Write a paragraph justifying which of the seven plots it is an example of.  Use the New York Times article or check out this summary of the plots for help.  

Make sure your paragraph makes clear references to the definition of the plot and uses specific details from the short film.

Humanities Homework Help

Mountain View College Psychology Self Awareness Research Paper


1. The first step
is to choose a topic of interest to you from our assigned reading
chapters in the text. Be sure stick with the assigned reading chapters
so that your paper is relevant to our course objectives and material.
Consider researching a topic that will also be of some use to you,
either personally or professionally. This will allow you to yield some
personal benefit from your research outside of class. Also, keep in mind
that in a latter section of the final paper (Assignment #3) the focus will be about the application of your topic in relationships, whether personal or professional.

topics can include any major topic from the course competencies in the
syllabus or from one of the chapters in our text.

2. Again,
Assignment 2 is the first major section the of the final paper, but for
the purposes of this paper, it will read like a stand alone paper about
your chosen topic from the assigned reading chapters. This first paper
will deal with the “what” regarding your topic. Simply introduce,
define, and describe your topic in detail. Be sure to use multiple
scholarly and academic sources, textbook, books, and peer-reviewed
journal articles in psychology, counseling, or related disciplines.
Avoid websites in general, unless they are from expert sources, list
author’s name with doctoral credentials, and affiliated with a
professional organization. Use of bogus or non-expert sources can result
in loss of points in the final paper. There is no strict length
requirement, but typically this Assignment #2 will be anywhere from 4-6
pages in length. I do not mind if you go longer, I applaud a thorough

3. Always include a title page, abstract,
and reference section with each assignment (appendices if needed). Again
each assignment will look like a stand-alone paper. However, when you
combine them for the final paper (Assignment 5) you will do some final
editing to make it all flow as one paper with one title page, reference
section, appendices, etc.

Humanities Homework Help

NSO VideoAnt or YouTube Plot Identification the Pursuit of Happyness Essay


Showcase a television plot

By now, you should be familiar with the seven different plots.  Here is a resource you can use to review if needed though.  Or use the New York Times article or check out this summary of the plots for help.  

Your assignment

  1. Your task is to find an example of one of the & plots 
  2. The example you find should be from a television show and you should find a link to the particular show on youtube or the network’s website.  
  3. Next, you will create your assignment using VideoAnt.  

Humanities Homework Help

LAS 1115 NEC Connecting Values and Values of the Community Reflection & Responses


Discussion and peer response

How Do We Positively Affect Our Communities?

How does the course to date and the readings and video this week relate to the idea of positively affecting our communities?

Discussion Assignment Words Limit: 300 Words
Peer Response word limit: 200 words for each Student

Extra credit Assignment

You are welcome to do an extra credit assignment worth 2 points  towards your final grade, due no later than the last Friday of this  term, June 25th, 2021. The assignment is in line with our discussion in  Week 3 regarding Jacqueline Novogratz’s approach to her work when it  came to so called failures. If I could summarize the discussion in  simple terms, she had the capacity to recognize and reflect on her  mistakes and adapt her methods accordingly. This capacity also helped  her to see ways society failed those in poverty, and to develop  effective strategies based on an economic model. Social capitalism  rather than direct aid is used to change the trajectory of people’s  lives.

I would like for you to reflect on how you approach learning and how you think about yourself. For the Growth Mindset Project:

  1. You will need to watch the video of Carol Dweck explaining the Growth Mindset theory (about 10 minutes long) – see link below
  2. Take  a short questionnaire, which will help you assess your growth mindset.  The second page of the questionnaire has the scoring information – see  link to pdf below.

Ted Talk Video link:…

*The Growth Mindset Questionnaire is Attached below
Final Reflection Essay: Community need project
Attached Files:

  Write a 2  to 4 page essay reflecting on your experience developing your Community  Need Project. Please address the three questions below in the essay. 

  • How did your project connect to your values and the values of your community?
  • How did the project fit with a theme or reading(s) in the course? 
  • What did your project teach you about yourself as a community member?

and these are the students post you have to respond to:


We all came together with a variety of ideas to impact the community effectively. The concepts that came to my mind and my classmate include volunteering, donating, sharing skills, supporting business, establishing a company for the community member, offering assistance to those who need help, and sharing skills, experience in life, and knowledge with others. Although there are different required assistances in a diverse community, the course material such as the reading and videos advocate for the online community to come together, providing the skills we need to get to know our community. Impact by learning to become more aware of what is happening around us and what others have experience in their life. When we learn, we have the opportunity to help others live more fully in the present. The reading material builds on the community member’s abilities, encourages independence, and provides biological, physiological, and safety needs, and positively affects the community. Increasing vital opportunities in all aspects will be effective and helpful for a person, even if it means tackling our own experience to assist others in becoming a better version of themselves to live out their dream. My perspective of this week’s poem that relates to the idea of positively affecting our community is that the poem encourages others to stay motivated, no matter what is going on in your life. No situation should take your soul, and stay encourage in which this poem can motivate everybody. One of my perspectives on this week’s video and listening to Roosevelt’s speech he positively affects community members by giving them something to remember in life. If we want to achieve something, it is not about the significant steps; we must take small steps to make things possible and consider the people around us when we are on our journey. We need to know the meaning of our life; when we come to terms with ourselves, we will see the process we need to reach and our purpose in life. They all have a common goal of transforming lives by tackling the community member’s needs by providing resources by increasing opportunities and motivating others, which is vital in all aspects that will be


Every person and organization we have studied over the last seven weeks relates to the idea of positively affecting our communities. They all have chosen to not see a hierarchy within their communities and see everyone as equals. And more importantly, treat everyone as equals and fight for everyone to be treated that way by the world. I want to emphasize a part of “Man in the Arena” as I think it beautifully fits the role models we have focused on during this course, like Jacqueline Novogratz and Chef Houser:

“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” (Roosevelt, 2011).

I love this quote because in the simplest terms, it means to just try. These people that we have spoken about over the course have done just that, they have tried. And they do not stop trying, working, and believing in their communities and the people within. It has been fun to read about the strength of these pillars of community these past several weeks and I am grateful to know their stories and be inspired by them.