Humanities Homework Help

Film The Dark Knight and The Iron Man Comparative Essay Proposal


In this paper, I will compare The films The Dark Knight (Nolan, 2008) and The Iron Man(Jon Favreau, 2008).

I need a proposal that will outline the two films I want to use and how I intend to answer the questions raised by this paper.

Note for research:

You should begin by making notes on how the two films accord with the characteristics that you might expect of films of their kind (we will be discussing such characteristics throughout the course). This might refer to their use of the Language of film (i.e. such things as Cinematography, editing, mise-en-scene and Sound), the structure of their narratives and their choice of subject matter, or the aesthetic, philosophical or political ideas that motivate them. Do not feel that you have to write about ALL of these things! Just focus on the aspects that interest you most or seem most relevant.

You should then make notes on what differentiates the films. Does one of the films push its artistic movement in new directions, with new ideas? Are the films communicating very different messages despite focusing on similar subject matter? Or are their plots and subject matter so different that their artistic movement or national origins seem almost irrelevant?

Having created these notes, use the most relevant ideas to create first your proposal. In this formal paper; you must indicate what films you will be using, what aspect of the films you will be assessing and what you theorise your conclusions will be. This does not have to accurate. Your conclusions can and hopefully will change as you think, research and write on your films.

Begin your essay after receiving your proposal back. This is where you will address the central questions; “How does the construction of the film affect the reception? Do these films have different aims?” The word “aims” is deliberately unspecific here. For some films, You could focus on the aim of the entertaining the audience — for example, are the filmmakers trying to amuse, delight, frighten, or make tearful its audience? But the word could also refer to philosophical aims (encouraging the audience to debate or think about a particular idea), political aims (attempting to change the way people think about their society), or aesthetic aims (experimenting with new ways of making cinema). Again, do not feel that you have to write about ALL of these things! Just focus on what that interests you most and feels most relevant to the films that you have chosen.

Humanities Homework Help

Financial Aspects on Early Childhood Centers Discussion


1.Congratulations! You have just been selected as director for a church-related preschool. The president of the school board directs you to prioritize supporting and involving families in the preschool program and asks for a list of ideas you will use to achieve that purpose. Fortunately, you have resources to help you; using the articles on supporting families.

2. One of the primary objectives of this class is to evaluate the role of human relationships – relationships between children and adults as well as between the many adults involved in an early childhood center – staff, parents, and any involved central or corporate staff or board members. This has been the subject of readings, discussion boards, journal entries and now this exam question.

Take some time to think about what’s been presented this semester as well as reviewing your own experiences in early childhood education programs, then respond to the three following questions, being sure to include all groups (children, staff and parents) in each of your responses.

  1. How might the fiscal or financial aspects of an early childhood center affect relationships between all groups at the center? What influence might the financial situation in the country at large have on relationships?
  2. What impact do working conditions at an early childhood center have on human relationships?
  3. Discuss the role politics in both society at large and at the center itself may have at an early childhood center and any potential effect on human relationships.

3. A potential parent visits your program and likes what she sees; however, she is concerned that the children spend so much time playing rather than learning to read, write and do math. How would you respond to her, gently sharing what you know about research, developmentally appropriate practice, and your program’s philosophy? Be sure to touch upon all 3 of these factors in your answer.

Humanities Homework Help

A Child Care Center Needs Comprehensive Program Discussion


This Week’s Question

For the purposes of this question, assume that you are a new director of a large child care center serving 400 children, ages 2-8 years and their families. The board of directors hired you after terminating the previous director unexpectedly. This happened because one of the directors attended a conference and became acquainted with the PAS and its’ relationship to the provision of a quality program for children. It became obvious to the board that the center scores on most of the items would fall far below the ‘excellent’ standard.

The board has directed you to review the PAS, and select two items from two different subscales to focus on improving during your first year – for a total of 4 items in all. They request that you come to the next monthly meeting prepared to answer these questions about each item:

  1. Why was this item selected? What is the relationship of this item to the provision of a quality program for children and families?
  2. Share your ideas for improving this item, including what resources you need from the board in order to carry out your ideas.

Humanities Homework Help

Seminole State College Writing for Diplomacy Questions


Writing for Diplomacy

(or how to avoid getting your car keyed)

Similar words and phrases can have different connotation. Some phrases can smooth over an awkward situation and others can get you in more trouble. People will have very different reactions to “Would you please shut up?” vs. “Would you please be quiet?” Understanding how to phrase things diplomatically and put people at ease is crucial to navigating adult life.




You need to keep your *&$% dog quiet! It’s keeping the entire neighborhood awake! If you don’t get that dog to shut up, I’m calling the police!”]

Questions to Consider:

-What exactly needs to be said?

-What do I want to happen/what is my ultimate goal?

-Will the language I use here help the situation or make things worse?

-Am I unnecessarily hurting/offending/threating this person? What are the consequences of offending this person?

-Do I have any sincere, constructive solutions about what might be done?

-Is my information correct?

-Is there anything I can say to “soften the blow” or smooth things over?

What needs to be said (in a constructive and polite way): 1) dog is barking frequently, 2) it is keeping neighbors awake, 3) police may be called.

Change “You need to…” to _______________________

Change “Keeping the entire neighborhood awake…” to ___________________

Change “Get that dog to shut up…” to ________________________

Change “I’m calling the police…” to _____________________

Added: ________________________________

Revised edition:


You may not be aware, but your dog has been barking frequently at all hours, even at night. Several neighbors have complained of being woken up. Please understand that if the situation doesn’t improve, we’ll have to file an official complaint with authorities. Thank you for your attention to this matter.”]

_______________________(*Assignment Starts Here*)

Directions : Look at the following statements (1-3). For each original statement, look at the Questions to Consider and list what phrases need to be changed or added. Then, rewrite each statement to be more diplomatic, polite, and constructive.

“A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down” –Mary Poppins

1) Original Statement


Stop eating all my food! It’s not my fault you’re too lazy to go to the grocery store and it’s not my job to feed you. Put on some pants, go to the store, pull your weight, and grow up!”]

Look at Questions to Consider from the first page.

What needs to be said (politely and constructively): 1) you’re unhappy that they’re eating your food, 2) you want them to contribute more to household groceries, 3) you want to discuss boundaries, so this doesn’t happen again.

Change “Eating all my food!”

Change “It’s not my fault you’re too lazy…”

Change “Not my job to feed you…”

Change “Pull your weight and grow up…”

Add ________________________________________

Type your revised edition: (3-4 sentences)

2) Original Statement:

[“Dear son/daughter,

I’m very disappointed in you for failing History. If you didn’t waste time with your friends and spend every waking moment on your phone, this wouldn’t have happened. If you don’t shape up you’ll never amount to anything!”]

Look at Questions to Consider from the first page.

What needs to be said (kindly and constructively): 1) you’re unhappy they failed their class, 2) you’re concerned about distractions, and 3) you’re worried about them and their future.

Problem phrase to be changed _________________

Problem phrase to be changed _________________

Problem phrase to be changed _________________

Added: ________________________________

Type your revised edition: (3-4 sentences)

3) Original Statement:

[“Dear Ms./Mrs./Mr. Boss,

Making me work overtime without paying me overtime is illegal. It’s happened several times over the last three months. If it keeps happening, I’ll have no choice but to sue this company for what I’m owed. Good day.”]

*This is a delicate situation, so approach with caution*

Look at Questions to Consider from the first page.

What needs to be said (politely and constructively): 1) you were worked overtime hours without overtime pay, which is not legal (do your research first!*), 2) it’s happened frequently (give specific dates and times), 3) if it keeps happening, you’ll file a complaint (decide whether you even need to include this).

Problem phrase to be changed: ____________________________________

Problem phrase to be changed: ____________________________________

Problem phrase to be changed: ____________________________________

Added: ______________________________________

* (Links to an external site.)

Type your revised edition: (3-4 sentences)

Humanities Homework Help

FUE Mood Depressive Disorder & Significant Gender Difference Discussion


Discussion Question of your choice! Of the Discussion Questions included at the end of the four assigned Noba Reading chapters, choose one question and and provide your own, original answer in at least TWO complete sentences below. Please be specific and provide EXAMPLES to illustrate your response.

Please begin by specifying (copy/paste) which question you are answering.

Gershon, A. & Thompson, R. (2020). Mood disorders. In R. Biswas-Diener & E. Diener (Eds), Noba textbook series: Psychology. Champaign, IL: DEF publishers. Retrieved from

Humanities Homework Help

SSS 572 CUA WK 2 Adulthood Development and Diagnostic Essay


PART A:Selected Ed,

For Ed:

  • As a way to understand Ed’s adult functioning and the challenges he is facing, apply either Erikson’s OR Levinson’s theory to what you know about his life. In your explanation, define the theory and incorporate literature, as well as evidence from the case material.
  • What signs, if any, do you see in terms of a mental health condition for Ed? Define the particular mental health condition(s) you are considering and discuss the additional information you still need to make a solid assessment. Use a peer-reviewed journal as one reference and the DSM-5 to justify your points, as well as information from the case.
  • PART B: Respond to BOTH
    of the following two questions.

  • Overall Considerations:
  • 1.
    In thinking about the
    ways in which middle-aged adults are caregivers in their families
    (simultaneously caring for growing children and elderly parents as they age),
    what role does gender identity, race, and class play in opportunities,
    perspectives, plans, and/or decisions in care planning? Address either care (to
    include discipline) of children/adolescents OR caring for aging parents in your
    consideration of the implications of gender, race, and class on these

  • 2.
    Using concepts from the
    Life Course Perspective, what are the life events and/or transitions, in this
    couple’s life that are most salient? Are
    there historical events or societal trends that are having an impact on this
    family’s functioning? Critique the
    strengths and limitations of taking a Life Course Perspective to assess and
    understand human behavior in general and this family in particular.

    Use your own words to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts. Please
    contribute a minimum of one
    unique reference per question from a peer-reviewed
    to support the answers, with appropriate citations. Additional
    references from the lectures and textbooks may also be used. References and
    citations should be in APA 7 style. If you quote, you must use quotation marks
    and include a citation with a page number for the quote. The references should
    be new to this assignment and not references used in other classes for other
  • Please do not repeat case facts or use class PowerPoints as
    a reference.

    Grading will be based on the accuracy of the answer, the writing style,
    critical thinking, and the use of appropriate literature to support the answer.
    See the rubric at the end of this assignment for more details about grading.

Humanities Homework Help

WU Female College Students the Body Shape Questionnaire Norming & Test Use Discussion


Norming and Test Use

The normative sample used to develop a test has implications regarding the populations to which the normed scores can be generalized. Consider the following excerpt from the Mental Measurements Yearbook review of the Infant-Toddler Development Assessment:

There is no discussion of the types of children who represented the group used for development of both the Provence Profile and the complete IDA. Without such information, it is impossible to determine whether or not the IDA is representative along characteristics such as gender, family experience, and ethnicity. Without this information one could question the appropriateness of the IDA for all children.

When deciding whether a test may be appropriately used with a particular population, it is important to keep in mind the normative sample collected during the test’s development. Selective factors and other influences related to norming must be considered when implementing a test or scoring it.

To prepare for this Discussion, select one specific test instrument and a population. Research the test instrument you selected in the Walden Library, paying particular attention to the group used to develop or norm the instrument and considering how this may affect the populations with which the test is able to be used.

Reference: Provence, S., Erikson, J., Vater, S., & Palmeri, S. (1995). Infant-toddler developmental Assessment. Mental measurements yearbook (12th ed.). Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post the title and a brief description of the test and population you selected. Explain whether or not this test can be appropriately used with this population. Use the current literature to support your response.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Anastasi, A., & Urbina, S. (1997). Psychological testing (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

  • Chapter 3, “Norms and the Meaning of Test Scores”

American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, & National Council on Measurement in Education. (2014). Standards for educational and psychological testing. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.

  • Chapter 5, “Scores, Scales, Norms, Score Linking, and Cut Scores”

Blanton, H., & Jaccard, J. (2006). Arbitrary metrics in psychology. American Psychologist, 61(1), 27–41.

Gibbons, R. D., Weiss, D. J., Kupfer, D. J., Frank, E., Fagiolini, A., Grochocinski, V. J., Bhaumik, D. K., Stover, A., Bock, R. D., & Immekus, J. C. (2008). Using computerized adaptive testing to reduce the burden of mental health assessment. Psychiatric Services, 59(4), 361–368.

Thurstone, L. L. (1925). A method of scaling psychological and educational tests. Journal of Educational Psychology, 16(7), 433–451.

Young, F. W. (1984). Scaling. Annual Review of Psychology, 35(1), 55–81.

Humanities Homework Help

CSULA Negotiation Impacts on Workforce Analytical Review


Summative Lessons Learned Paper

In this paper, apply concepts from throughout the course. Lessons Learned from the slides

Please select 4 core principals or lessons that you learned in this course that you prefer over others. Provide a brief analysis and apply these lessons to real problems that you know or anticipate.

Learning objectives:

Analyze lessons learned.

Judge whether collaborative strategies are appropriate in a given real context, and articulate arguments for and against using collaborative versus agonistic approaches to improve democratic practice or policy outcomes.

Practice and refine written communication skills.


Approximately 8 pages, double-spaced, plus references, figures, etc.

please use simple easy english and before you start let me know what you wanna write about

use the powerpoints uploaded

please let me know if you have any questions