Humanities Homework Help

Walden University Sociology The Professor Child Discussion Questions


I’m working on a sociology multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

  • View the Professor Child (2014) video in the Learning Resources showing the experiences and feelings of children in military families.
  • Describe the skills and characteristics you possess that would help create an effective relationship with children such as those in the video. Why are these skills important?
  • Explain your comfort level talking about difficult subjects with children (i.e., grief, death, dying). If you are not very comfortable, how might you become more so?
  • Identify two open-ended questions you would ask one of the children depicted in the video to work with them effectively as an Human Service Professional

Link for Video https://video-alexanderstreet-com.ezp.waldenulibra…

Humanities Homework Help

CAS 310 CSUN Structure of Development in Liberal Guatemala Article Review


Here is the information you must seek to find when organizing your Article Review


1) Goal (s) – sometimes there can be more than one

  • What is the author attempting to do with the writing? What’s his/her overarching goal?

2) Objective (s) – sometimes there can be more than one

  • What else is author conveying to you in order to fulfill the goal?

3) Summary

  • Write one paragraph summary about the article you read. It must include author’s name and title of article.

4) Key Points

  • Select 10 to 12 key points, that means information the author is providing the reader to prove his/her argument. Use your own words. Use bullet points for each key point.

5) Glossary

  • When reading the articles, you will encounter words that are not familiar to you or are written in Spanish, therefore you must put attention and start a glossary or vocabulary of those words that you do not know the meaning of. Also learning a new field or discipline requires learning a different nomenclature.

6) Conclusion

  • Write one paragraph indicating if author did a good job in providing evidence to you. Did author make his/her point? Did it leave you with any unanswered or new questions? Include what’s your opinion of the article as well

Humanities Homework Help

UCR Primary Sources From the 15th and 16th Centuries


A number of weeks over the course of the semester we’ll be posting primary sources (especially visual sources) from the web on the Primary Sources Board. The post is always due Sunday by midnight (30 points). We’ll be using these sources for a few writing assignments in the class, including the final 2 page essay.

This week, we focus our primary sources from the 15th & 16th centuries (which means 1400-1620). Select any topic from the first 2 weeks (Native Americans, Europe’s drive for colonies, the early colonies themselves), then look on the web to find a visual primary source (a painting, statue, building, printed book) from these centuries that you find interesting. Post it here and tell us something about it, and which part of the course material to which it relates. Give us artist/author, title, date, a live link to where you found it (the web page with information, not the image itself), plus your comment on how it could provide evidence for this era.

  • Your source must be about something tied to U.S. History from 1400-1620
  • It must be a primary source and not a secondary source, see the learning unit, so it must have been painted/made/written within at most 20-30 or maybe 50 years at most of the event it is depicting. It CANNOT be from hundreds of years after the event.
  • The date you provide MUST be from when the object/painting/document is produced, not when the subject of the image takes place.
  • You must provide a live (clickable) link to the site where you retrieved the image and the image must be visible on the page, if I click on the link and cannot see your image your grade will be marked down.
  • The commentary cannot just describe the source, it MUST explain how the source relates to the course material.
  • It cannot be the same/very similar to any image I have used in the course, such as the sample below, images used in the powerpoint presentation or the course video clips.
  • This assignment is primarily about posting visual sources, if you decide to post a written source you MUST post an image of the original document (which needs to come from the assigned era, and you also MUST provided an extended excerpt (at least one paragraph if not several) from the document.
  • You may NOT upload your image to canvas and then link from it there since that can cause issues where some people cannot view the image, you need to embed the image using a link to the original site where you found it. If you are uncertain about how to do this please see the course help page.

Here is a sample:

History Image

Artist: Onondaga Nation

Title: Hiawatha Belt

Date: 1400s

Retrieved from

Comment: This belt represents the formation of the Iroquois Confederacy in the 15th century. This confederacy would have a major impact on the development of the European colonies (French, English, and Dutch) founded along the northern part of the Atlantic coast because of the large population and territory controlled by the 5 tribes together. The central tree represents the Onondaga nation since it was under a tree on their territory that the confederacy was formed. The other four boxes represent the other 4 nations (tribes) in the confederacy: the Seneca, the Cayuga, the Onieda and the Mohawks.

Please use Reply to this post to add your source. Then afterward reply to someone else’s post when you are going to comment. When commenting please do not just say “good post” or “I never knew that”, etc. Your comment does not need to be real long, a few sentences to a paragraph, but it should add something meaningful to what the original poster wrote about the source.

One of the student’s post

Native Confederation tribe leader Powhatan in council

Artist: John Smith(1580-1631) and William Hole (1624)

Title: Virginia

Date: 1624

Retrieved from Virginia’s Early Relations with Native Americans | Colonial Settlement, 1600s – 1763 | U.S. History Primary Source Timeline | Classroom Materials at the Library of Congress | Library of Congress (

Comment: The image shown is a close up image located on a map. In this image Native Confederation Leader Powhatan is shown. The larger image shows the Chesapeake bay and Potomac River in Virginia. Powhatan, the father of Pocahontas, was the leader of the Confederacy of tribes around the Chesapeake Bay. He was responsible for keeping the peace between the Native Americans tribes in the area and the English Settlers that arrived in 1607. The tribes were weary of new Settlers but the Settlers were interested in changing the way of life for Native Americans. Eventually, the tension between the Tribes and Settlers would erupt and fighting would break out between both sides.

Humanities Homework Help

Walden University Week 3 Explaining Serial Murder Through Theory Discussion


Criminal profilers use criminal theories of serial and mass murderers, in addition to typologies, to construct a murderer’s profile. To use theories effectively, a criminal profiler must first accurately identify the theory that best applies to a specific crime. Identifying an incorrect theory actually can produce an incorrect profile and impede, rather than aid, the investigation. To identify the relevant theory in a case, a profiler examines the evidence to determine whether the victim was sexually assaulted. The profiler also tries to identify any theme that the murder has in common with other murders—for example, the race of the victims. The profiler collates information about other murders from existing statistics. After sifting through the information, the profiler makes an educated guess about the theory or theories that best explain the serial murderer. The same theories also can be applied to mass murderers. The information provided by these theories, for example, that mass and serial murderers are usually abused as children or that they have neurological impairments, eventually helps the profiler create the profile of the serial murderer.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review Chapter 4 of your course text, Profiling Violent Crimes: An Investigative Tool. Focus on the central themes relevant to each theory, including psychological, constitutional/biological, and social/ecological theories. Also, pay attention to the statistics that are used to support each theoretical perspective. Consider how these theories can be applied to different serial and mass murderers.
  • Review the book excerpt, “The Making of a Serial Killer.” Pay attention to the various factors that are hypothesized to be causes for the creation of serial and mass murderers.
  • Reflect on the typologies you used in Week 2 to describe the murderer in the case study.
  • Think about the themes related to the crimes and crime scenes in the case study.
  • Select one criminal theory—psychological, constitutional/biological, or social/ecological—you think best accounts for the behaviors of the murderer in the case study.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a brief explanation of the typologies you used to describe the murderer from the case study in Week 2. Then based on these typologies, the themes related to the crimes and crime scenes, and prior statistics, describe one criminal theory you think best accounts for the murderer’s behaviors and explain why.

Humanities Homework Help

The Unwanted Labour of Social Media Article Discussion Questions


I’m working on a film discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Read the article and respond to the following prompts. 

1. The article is about unpaid volunteer moderation or community management labor. What work is being described in the article? Who is doing it? What does it accomplish?

2. How do the volunteer workers in the article feel about the unpaid work they are doing? Do they feel their work is valued? Are there challenges that they face?

3. What are some of the questions that the article raises about unpaid volunteer online labor? Does the article identify potential problems? Does it suggest future changes?

Humanities Homework Help

UCF Impact of Technology on Health Care Industry Thesis Paper


The thesis is the central idea of your essay. It should communicate a specific point about your topic and suit the purpose of the assignment. As you explore your topic, ideas for your thesis will emerge. You can first draft a working thesis statement which can be one or a few sentences long. As you revise your paper, you can also revise your thesis a few times to make sure it is strong and true to your main idea. Remember, just as your research and focus might change throughout this process, your thesis should reflect these changes.

The strongest thesis you can write is one that makes an assertion that could change what readers know, understand, or believe. It not only provides a clear indication of what the essay will be about, but it also actively works to answer a question presented, provide a solution to a problem, or makes a debatable claim that evidence throughout the essay will support. Here are some brief characteristics of both strong, weak, and conventional theses:


fits the purpose of the assignment

makes a specific point

  • gives readers a sense of direction for the essay
  • asserts something that could make a difference in the mind of the reader
  • simply announce your topic (I will discuss…)

    I will be discussing about the impact of technology on health care industry.

Humanities Homework Help

Colorado Technical University Biopsychosocial Model Question


Social Workers use of the DSM to provide a diagnosis to a client presenting symptoms/problems, allowing a focused treatment approach. There can be hesitation to do so even as the agency bills insurance companies for the treatment services.

Respond to the following question in 3-4 paragraphs. Be sure to use the literature to support your perspective. Please use professional terminology. Reference in APA 7.

  • How has the biopsychosocial assessment evolved, and has the Diagnostic Statistical Manual also developed over time to better include culture and individual needs in the process of determining a diagnosis?

Humanities Homework Help

SOCI 106 UCLA Unemployment Movement & Industrial Workers Movement Essay


Part One: Identifications 5pts x 6 IDs = 30%For each of the six concepts below, please provide a brief explanation in your own words describing what the term means. Please also provide an example from our course materials (readings, lectures, slides) that provides an illustration of each concept.

Please note: When providing each definition, please define the concept in general. You can then use a particular example to illustrate how the concept has been conceptualized/applied in a particular context.1.) Within-Case Comparisons 2.) Teleology 3.) Nomothetic Explanations 4.) Determinism (in relation to theories of history) 5.) Historical Materialism 6.) Ideographic Explanations

Part Two: Short Essay 70% Please choose one of the two following prompts to answer in a short-essay format. Please aim to make your response approximately 4-5 paragraphs.

Direct textual citations are not required, but folks are certainly welcome to include them. If quotations or paraphrases are included, please be sure to provide brief citations

In the first half of our comparative historical methodology course, we have been exploring a series of case studies that aim to explain how and why large-scale social movements and transformations 1.) emerge in particular historical contexts and 2.) develop in particular directions. Both Piven & Cloward’s and Federici’s texts seek to identify the key factors and variables at play in their respective historical case studies in order to provide not only descriptive but also explanatory accounts of precisely how and why social transformations took place as they did. Through careful analysis of primary and secondary historical materials, P&C and Federici offer detailed accountings of the who/when/where/how/why of social change.

1.) Please choose two of the three case studies (unemployed movement, industrial worker’s movement, Civil Rights movement) from Piven and Cloward’s Poor People’s Movementtext and reflect upon the following questions:

Why, according to P&C, did each of these two movements arise? In other words, what conditions of possibility were in existence that allowed for the emergence of each of movement?What were the demands or goals of each of the two movements? In other words, what changes or outcomes were the movements aiming to bring about?

According to P&C, what factors contributed to the success of each movement?What dynamics or variables were in place or developed over time that helped each of these movements – at least partially – achieve their goals?

According to P&C, what factors limited the success of each movement? What dynamics or variables were in place or developed over time that constrained or otherwise hindered the achievement of the movements demands/goals?

When considering both movements together, what, to your estimation, are the ‘punchlines’ or overall conclusions that P&C provide us with respect to analyzing and understanding social change? Do they provide anything like an overarching framework or perspective for conducting comparative historical research?

2.) Please reflect upon the analysis provided in Federici’s comparative historical study, Caliban and the Witch.

What is the central research question(s) that Federici aims to answer in this text? What, specifically, is she trying to figure out?

In developing her argument, Federici critiques a variety of previous scholarship pertaining to the ‘transition’ from feudalism to capitalism as well as previous scholarship pertaining to the witch-hunts in Europe. Why? What reasons motivate Federici to develop her critiques of previous historical analyses? In other words, what does Federici find inaccurate or missing from previous historical scholarshipwith respect to these topics?

In light of her research questions and analysis of previous scholarship, Federici goes on to identify a series of key variables and dynamics that, to her estimation, provide a more complete and more accurate explanation of how and why exactly capitalism as a mode of production ‘took off’ in the manner it did. Federici maintains that gendered and sexual divisions of labor were directly and significantly involved in this ongoing historical transformation. Why? What specific connections does Federici identify between class relations and gender/sex relations?How do the witch-hunts of Europe figure into Federici’s overall argument?

When considering Federici’s account as a whole, one notices that she is simultaneously providing a single extended within-case historical study – the study of the transition from feudalism to capitalism- and a comparative historical study of the roles/statuses/norms/practices relating to sex & gender as said transition from feudalism to capitalism developed.What, to your estimation, are the ‘punchlines’ or overall conclusions that Federici provide us with respect to analyzing and understanding social change? Does she provide anything like an overarching framework or perspective for conducting comparative historical research?

Humanities Homework Help

OSCM 440 GMU Commodity Credit Corporation and Technology in The US Discussion


The United States federal government established Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) in 1933 to help in addressing the concerns of the farmers and harmonize the farm produces, including the prices and other aspects of supply (Frischknecht 1953). The corporation has helped in marketing the agricultural produce and services in the United States, among other key functions of helping advance the functionality, which is key in addressing the major issues of productivity as required. Ideally, the focus of the corporation has been on fighting for the less-privileged farmers and enhancing productivity, which is a key role and managerial approach in making the country perfect when it comes to agriculture (Ozdogan, Gacar & Aktas, 2017). The corporation is supposed by Farm Service Agency (FSG) and Foreign Agricultural Services (FAS) employees whereby the key services and other aspects of productivity get implemented in the organization. Since it was established, the corporation has the mandate of taking loans with a credit limit of 30 billion dollars to help in boosting the market and supporting the key operations necessary in stabilizing the prices, supply, and complaints of farmers. The following research is about the impact of technology in Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), whereby the service evolution is seen with respect to the changes and advancements in technology (Klerkx, Jakku & Labarthe, 2019). An emphasis on the crucial aspects of the company is key in making the organization work perfectly as recommended for qualitatively applying the necessary and ideal practices as needed.

Impact of technology on Commodity Credit Corporation

a.Supply Chain Management

The process of supply chain management has been smooth, especially with the technology incorporated into the systems. Some of the basic issues that the Commodity Credit Corporation ensured got executed included supporting the income of the farmers through blended operations and financial aids (Hyberg, Smith, Skully & Davison, 1995). Additionally, there is the aspect of disaster management assistance to help the various people, and places that are rich in agricultural produce addressed based on the needs which are key and quality. Ideal practices in commodity promotion and support are on the level of perfection and ideal focus on things that matter, especially in making things work effectively as necessary. Basically, the emphasis is on the level of perfection and working on the organizational goals as required.

The introduction of technology in supply chain management has helped in promoting the ordering process of the CCC hence promoting the service to the people (Klerkx, Jakku & Labarthe, 2019). Some of the recommended practices in the agricultural sectors include outsourcing for farm produces and implementing ideal practices in helping to stabilize the processes as necessary. The process of the supply chain within the key recommendations and working on the perfection in making the United States department of agriculture good (Klerkx, Jakku & Labarthe, 2019). Technological advancement has taken a leading step in helping accomplish various objectives such as promoting the success level in making things work perfectly, which is key and quality and ideal. Necessarily, the focus and quality of such metrics are on the way supplemental processes get implemented in making the necessary information key in the organization.

An introduction of the e-supply chain management has helped in promoting the work process in the corporation hence getting the required services that have helped in changing the agricultural sector (Miller, Meyers & Lancaster, 1978). In the management of outsourced services and agricultural goods, technology has helped in stabilizing the agricultural processes and making things work perfectly, which is an ideal practice for making the changes which is necessary for making the protocols work as recommended (Ozdogan, Gacar & Aktas, 2017). Necessarily, the focus and quality ideas are key in the supply chain industry, and working on the protocols of change is necessary for making the Commodity Credit Corporation advance in the levels of practice. With the profit margin rising to more than 30 billion dollars annually, the corporation is one of the organizations that has helped in making the United States accomplish some of the basic and key requirements in making the implementations perfect and good for a successful and key issue which is ideal in making things work procedurally. The supply chain involves getting goods and services that are not available within the corporation, such that the operations are made better and perfect. With technology such as internet marketing and social media processes, the supply chain has been enhanced, whereby the simplicity and quality of operations are applied precisely. With the quality aspects and implementation metrics in the organizations, working on key processes is an ideal protocol in making things work for the promotion of necessary and ideal practices, which is a requirement.

Approximately 50% of the Commodity Credit Corporation’s functions have been improved with the introduction of e-commerce and electronic data management systems. The cloud system backups using companies such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services have helped in making the corporation good and organization the supply chain documents perfectly, which has been instrumental in making the organization well-organized. Technology has helped the supply chain management of the company prosper with ideal practices implemented in making things better and promoting the success level, which is recommended in making things work perfectly as recommended.

b.Strategy and Service Design

In the services offered to the farms and farm produce, the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) has been supported effectively by the rise in technology and key issues associated with perfect technological involvement and support. Based on the necessary information and key processes, the necessary approaches have been on working on critical and informed processes, especially in making things ideal (Ozdogan, Gacar & Aktas, 2017). The CCC has improved in business terms, and the federal government is getting an easy time in giving the best services to the society which is required.

Technology has improved financial processing and management as well as planning. With a credit limit of 30 billion dollars, the company has been good and enhanced the art of wellness and quality in the making of ideal services work that is quality and necessary (Ozdogan, Gacar & Aktas, 2017). A focused and effective intervention is key in making the organization accomplish some of the basic elements of success, which is a requirement to make things ideally implemented as needed (Klerkx, Jakku & Labarthe, 2019). With the focus and integrated approaches, the basic issues and key ideas have been on the strategic operations of the corporation. Since 1933, the rise in technology has promoted better planning and organization of the services to be within the desirable standards and key ideas as per the protocols and quality processes as necessary.

c.Responsiveness and Resourcing

Technology and IT incorporation in the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) has increased the business aspect whereby the level of responsiveness has increased. According to a recent survey, the level of responsiveness and resourcing has enhanced the operations and promoted the focus, which is key and quality (Ozdogan, Gacar & Aktas, 2017). Some of the focus and quality processes in the corporation have been state-directed techniques, including responding to the complaints of the farmers.

Issues and incidences in the agricultural sector are diverse; hence necessary information on the promotion of ideal circumstances is a key requirement. With the levels of challenges and key requirements, the organization has been doing well, especially in response to the major requirements.

Communication is a major improvement area promoted by the technology advancement. Airing out issues associated with the corporation or the regulations that are newly arriving are made through the social media channels and other official communication pages that have helped the federal government curb the major challenges they face in the agricultural sector. Technology and informational techniques have helped in making the organization good and focus on the ideal workload processing and stabilizing the prices or the complaints of the farmers (Field 2005). The responsiveness levels and requests made by the various governmental agencies have been a good strategy in helping make the corporation work perfectly and implement some of the necessary measures in enhancing the quality and key measures as necessary (Ozdogan, Gacar & Aktas, 2017). With the emphasis and key protocols in changing the organizational needs, the focus and key recommendations have been on making a successful point out of the organization.

d.Performance Management and Improvement

Technology has helped in increasing the performance management for Commodity Credit Corporation and enhanced the level of advancement, which is good. With the financial, human resource, and corporation issues, technology, including e-commerce and information systems, has promoted the performance (Coppess, Schnitkey, Zulauf & Swanson, 2019). Task execution is a key element of the corporation that has changed over time and enhanced the level of quality in a successful and key approach in making things work perfectly. Ideally, the success level and key issues associated with the performance is focusing on precise measures such as the implementation of the necessary processes of change, which is good.

Improvement is one of the major aspects of the operational measures, especially in focusing on the ideal practices. With the incorporation of ideal practices, the focus and strategic implementation has been a great aspect of the corporation and has helped in advancing the levels and quality aspects, which is key (Ozdogan, Gacar & Aktas, 2017). Ideally, the necessary techniques such as computerized information systems, sorting of the files, and robotics in the agricultural sector have produced more than 903 billion dollars. With the success factor in the promotion of a quality organizational performance, the levels of success have been realized, and the organization is doing well with improved services as per the recommendations.