Humanities Homework Help

ASU University Application Skills and Knowledge Essay


I’m working on an English question and need support to help me understand better.

I would like to apply for university and they required me to do writing and I do not have time to do it I just would like someone to My major is International Business University

I would apply at UF University

do it First Q: What are the core skills and knowledge you hope to acquire by completing a degree in this major and how do you plan to apply these when you graduate?

second Q: Please provide any other information about yourself that you feel will help this college make an admission decision. This may include work, research, volunteer activities, or other experiences pertaining to the degree program. please do at less than 200 or more words for each Q

Humanities Homework Help

RELST 267 SXU The Unconscious Realm of The Mind Essay


Hello, the assignment my professor assigned was to write an essay that is two to three pages and double spaced in response to the question bellow. He also wants us to integrate the course material.

The question for the prompt is as follows: Is the Unconscious real? Or just a metaphor, an analogy, a symbol? How is the unconscious an important resource for the development of the whole person? Using Professor Neff’s lecture and powerpoint on the psychology of Carl Jung, write your philosophical and psychological reasons why you agree or disagree with this important concept.

I have provided the powerpoint it refers to and a pdf of the text by Rolheiser.

Thank you very much for your help.

Humanities Homework Help

SSWO 597 CTUO Biases on Race & How to Not Let Them Interfere with Others Essay


1. After viewing the Peanut Butter, Jelly and Racism video reflect upon your own biases pertaining to race.

2. As part of your reflection, referencing the Likert scale below, indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:

I believe I am still learning about my biases on race and how to not let them interfere in the assessment process with others.

  1. strongly disagree
  2. disagree
  3. neutral
  4. agree
  5. strongly agree

3. Expand on the reasoning for your self-ranking of that statement in your reflection.

Humanities Homework Help

AIU The Investment Opportunities Contain Risks Essay


Review each of the investment opportunities provided by Earll Investments and Pima Financial Trading. In a three paragraph essay (a minimum of 4-5 sentences), write an analysis of these opportunities that answers the following questions.

Based on the evidence available to you, which investment opportunity is more likely to be fraudulent? What are the true risks of investment with this company, and does the company accurately describe these risks? What are the potential returns on an investment, and does the company accurately describe these returns?

Humanities Homework Help

MTSU Herskovits at The Heart of Blackness Intellectual Colonialism Essay


For your term paper you must critically examined THREE of the videos watched throughout the course.In no less than 1500 words total (i.e., your paper should be at least between 5 and 6 pages double-spaced)†, for each of the three videos you must include the following: Video 1- Herskovits at the Heart of Blackness (youtube) Video 2- Franz Boas: The Shackles of Tradition(youtube) video 3- Poor Us: An Animated History of Poverty(youtube)

  1. Brief synopsis of video (no more than one paragraph).
  2. Illustration of anthropological concepts:
    1. What anthropological concepts does the video illustrate (specifically relate back to coursematerials)?
    2. How are issues of cultural diversity and/or globalization dealt with in the video?
    3. Did the video shed light on any of your own cultural practices or worldviews? If so, how? If not,what was it lacking?
  3. Critical Analysis:
    a. What did you like about the video? Why? Provide specific examples.
    b. What did you dislike about the video? Why? Provide specific examples.

To receive full credit, you must include all the above elements. Additionally, make sure you are clear about which video you are discussing and make sure you provide specific examples from both the selected media and the course material (lectures and textbook reading). This is not simply a summary of the videos. You will be expected to synthesize the topics covered in class, and you must critically examine minimally the content of the video, though discussion of style and presentation is permitted.

Five additional extra credit points will be awarded if you conclude each discussion by suggesting a different multimedia resource that covers the same topic (i.e., 15 extra credit points possible).

Your paper must be submitted to the Turnitin folder§ in the Cultural Analysis Assignment module by Sunday May 2, 2021 at 11:59 pm.

† Format requirements: 12 pt Times New Roman (or similar) font, double-spaced, first line paragraph indent, 1 in margins. Name, course number, and due date should be included at top of document, right aligned. Include page numbers and last name in top-right header. Brief, concise title centered before first paragraph.

§ A Turnitin plagiarism score of 20% or higher will result in an automatic zero. If quoting directly from a source (including your textbook), make sure to include in-text citations and a works cited to ensure you are not plagiarizing.

Humanities Homework Help

SU Cultural Influences Christmas in August Music Essay


Art is circumscribed by the cultural influences
of the era in which it is created. It is a statement of the accepted
artistic standards of the time, it mirrors the tastes and preferences of
the citizenry, and it reflects the overarching influence of philosophy
and religion prevalent in the society from which (and in which) it is

Final Project Milestone 3: Discover and
outline the influence of the philosophical and religious environment in
the era in which your chosen work of art was created.

In Week 1, you identified a local exhibition,
event, presentation, or production of an art form that you could attend
by the end of Week 4. In Week 2, you selected the art form and, within
that art form, the specific work of art that you investigate and explore
for your Final Project.

To prepare:

  • Please review the preformatted “Final Project Milestone 3” worksheet.
    Final Project Milestone 3 (Word document)
  • Please review the “Introduction to the Humanities Through the Arts Final Project” document.
  • Use the links in the “Research Resources for the Humanities Through
    the Arts Final Project” document regarding the various humanities as a
    starting point for the Final Project.

answer this question

Write 2–4
paragraphs outlining the philosophical and religious environment in the era in
which the artwork you have chosen was created.

Humanities Homework Help

POSC 121 SDSU The Anatomy of A Journal Article Essay…

Identify the 12 parts of the article, as described in the Anatomy of a Journal Article and elaborated upon in the Details of Analyzing Journal Articles

Typical Anatomy of a Journal Article in Political Science

Journal Articles, especially in the field of political science, typically have twelve parts.

  1. The Title of an article appears on the first page of the article. The Title is brief, typically no more than 5-10 words, and identifies for the reader the subject of the article.
  2. The Main Point of an article is typically found in the Abstract. An Abstract is a summary of the article which is located on the first page, after the Title. The main point may be in the Introduction of the article.
  3. The Question of an article is typically found in the Abstract. The question may be in the Introduction of the article as well.
  4. The Puzzle is a missing piece of knowledge that the article seeks to fulfill.
  5. The Debate is how scholars currently argue the subject of the article. Debates have at least two sides, and the two sides we are most familiar with are “pro” and “con”. However, debates can be more complex.
  6. The Theory is how the author thinks something works. For example, we may have a theory about how campaigns influence voters. Theories consists of constants, variables, and the relationships between variables.
  7. The Hypotheses are derived from the Theory. A hypothesis is the expectation that one variable affects another variable in a specific way.
  8. The Research Design is how the author compares the effect of the explanatory variable (X) on the outcome variable (O) in a group (G) or set of groups.
  9. The Empirical Analysis is the use of quantitative or qualitative evidence to explore whether the hypothesized relationship between two variables does indeed occur in the world.
  10. The Policy Implications are how the findings of the article should influence the behavior of individuals, groups, organizations, or governments.
  11. The Contribution to the Discipline is how the article helps fill the missing Puzzle piece
  12. Future Research offers suggestions for future research that build on the findings from the article.

Humanities Homework Help

EDPD 8044 WU A Plan for Culturally Responsive Advocacy Leadership Essay


research various perspectives of a multicultural education issue and develop an advocacy plan to effectively communicate and advocate for a culturally responsive solution. During the development of your advocacy plan, synthesize and reflect on the major learning points that are applicable to leading culturally responsive social change in your context.

To prepare for this Assignment, review the issues you identified in the Equity Audit assignment. The link below is my equity audit assignment:…

Review Chapters 1–5 (pp. 1–64) of “An Introduction to Advocacy: Training Guide.” the link below is the intro to advocacy training guide:


please let me know if you are unable to open any of the links

Humanities Homework Help

SDSU The Influence of Gender & Stage of Life on Social Media Use Analysis


Activity #8 (Chapter 12 Factorial Design)

Design a 2 x 4 study

  1. Give the study a title (1 pt)
  2. What is your hypothesis? (2 pts)
  3. Describe your independent variables (what are they are and what are their levels/groups) (2 pts)
  4. How many total groups do you have and what are they? (2 pts)
  5. What is your dependent variable? (1 pt)
  6. Provide an example of a main effect and an example of an interaction (2 pts)

Example of a 2 x 3 (I can’t make it too easy and give you a 2 x 4 example!).

Do not use the same independent or dependent variables that are in this example

  1. The Effects of Diet and Exercise on Weight Loss

Be sure to list the “2” variable first (diet) and the “3” variable second (exercise)

  1. It is hypothesized that those who are on a 1000 calorie diet and exercise 4 hours a day for a month will lose more weight than those who are not on a diet and exercise either 1 hour or 2 hours a day
  2. First independent variable = diet (2 levels: Group 1= no diet; Group 2= 1000 calories a day for 1 month)

Second independent variable = exercise (3 levels: Group 1= exercise 1 hr per day for a month; Group 2 = exercise 2 hrs per day for a month; Group 3 = exercise 4 hrs a day for a month)

  1. 6 total groups

1. No diet/exercise 1 hr a day for 1 month

2. No diet/exercise 2 hrs a day for 1 month

3. No diet/exercise 4 hrs a day for 1 month

4. 1000 cal a day for a month/exercise 1 hr a day for 1 month

5. 1000 cal a day for a month/exercise 2 hrs a day for 1 month

6. 1000 cal a day for a month/exercise 4 hrs a day for 1 month

  1. Weight loss after 1 month
  2. Main effect: Those on a diet lost more weight than those not on a diet

Interaction: Subjects who were on a 1000 calorie a day diet and exercised 4 hours a day lost the most weight