For this assignment, answer the questions below regarding the assigned chapters in the reading & the journal. You should submit your assignment as one document making it clear where each section begins. You should have 4 sections listed: Chapter 7, Chapter 8 Chapter 9, and Journal
This assignment requires a minimum of 1500 words total (1200 words from the chapter reviews and 300 words from the journal assignment).
- To receive full credit, make sure to hit the minimum word count requested for each area.
- You should answer 2 questions from each chapter & one of the journal questions to meet the 1500 words
- When submitting, you should submit only the answers, not the questions.
- You can upload word docs or PDFs.
Chapter 7: Networking
In a minimum of 400 words, address any 2 of the following:
- How would you describe your willingness to network and talk to other professionals about your career and career goals?
- From section 7.1, what are your thoughts on the research, approach, follow-up, and request as they pertain to networking and reaching out? What did you learn from this section that might impact your strategy or how you see networking?
- While I don’t love the term “pitch” it’s important to speak confidently about who you are and what you are after in life. In reviewing and referencing section 7.2, what would be your 30-45 second pitch?
- What are some of the networking strategies you have tried from section 7.3? Are there new ones that you have learned about? What are some local clubs or organizations that might be helpful ways for you to network given your career goals?
- What have been your experiences with social networking sites like LinkedIn? Have you had success in the past? Do you see value in creating an account on that website? Why or why not?
- Take a look at the case studies in section 7.6. What are your thoughts? Do you agree with the etiquette and recommended follow-up? Are there any recommendations from this section that you might change or introduce to your networking strategy moving forward?
- Review some of the chapter takeaways and chapter review questions at the end of chapter 7. What are some of the things that you learned that you might carry forward as you continue to talk with and connect with other professionals?
Chapter 8: Interviews
In a minimum of 400 words, address any 2 of the following:
- How would you rate your previous knowledge or experience with interviews prior to reading this chapter? Do you feel more confident and comfortable now with how to prepare, research, and deliver an effective interview? What questions are you still left with?
- What are some of the recommendations that stood out from section 8.1 regarding what to do before, during, and after an interview?
- What are your thoughts on some of the common interview questions? Which ones are often most difficult for you and how can you go into your next interview better prepared to answer effectively?
- Asking questions at the end of an interview shows interest, initiative, and that you have done your research. Take a look at the questions you might ask at the end of the interview in section 8.1. Which ones seem most realistic for you to be interested in?
- What are some of the recommendations from section 8.3 that stood out to you regarding in person, phone, or video interviews? What have been your experiences or mistakes with different styles in the past and how can you better prepare for future ones?
- What are some of the questions from section 8.4 that stood out to you? What are the strategies with the questions and answers here that you agree with or don’t agree with?
- What are some of the pet peeves from section 8.5 that stood out to you? What are the things you can do to make sure that you don’t check anything on that list?
- Review some of the chapter takeaways and chapter review questions at the end of chapter 8. What are some of the things that you learned that you might carry forward as you continue to prepare for interviews?
Chapter 9: Motivation
In a minimum of 400 words, address any 2 of the following:
- How would you describe your level of motivation? Do you think your peers see you as a motivated and ambitious person? Do you think your level of motivation in your classes is related to motivation in other areas of your life? Do you see your level of motivation as being a valuable trait or something that might be an obstacle to the life you imagine?
- What are your thoughts on section 9.2? Are there any recommendations there that you would consider for improving motivation? Do you see them as realistic?
- Out of 100, how would you rate your motivation so far in terms of maximizing your potential as a person, student, and future employee? What number would be a fair goal for you? If you choose to have children, do you think you would be setting a good example for them?
- Take a look through sections 9.3 and 9.4. What are some of the recommendations for staying organized that you do well? Are there things you would consider changing this month that would be helpful as you build toward your career & life goals?
- Take a look through sections 9.5 and 9.6 regarding potential obstacles and solutions to those obstacles. What did you learn of value from this section that you might use or consider?
- Review some of the chapter takeaways and chapter review questions at the end of chapter 9. What are some of the things that you learned that you might carry forward as you continue to motivate yourself and work to maximize your potential in life?
Journal Assignment: Answer one of the following in a minimum of 300 words:
Option 1
We live in a world in which we are constantly bombarded by information. Much of that information is aimed at persuading us to buy a product, ideology, idea, etc. A lack of critical thinking can lead to a population which is easily manipulated or coerced by those with power, money, control, status, and agendas. As a student, one of your goals should be to deeply develop your critical thinking skills so that you can navigate and find truth in an often cloudy world. We don’t need to look far into our past to see the atrocities that have been committed in a world of conformity or authoritarianism.
Read the passage below by educational psychologist Dr. Linda Elder and address any or all of the following:
- What does critical thinking mean to you?
- Choose the sentence below that means the most to you and explain why it matters to your life.
- Do you think college and higher education improves critical thinking? Why or why not?
- How will you continue to develop your critical thinking skills so that your eyes can be as wide open to this world as possible?
- How will you help ensure that you and your future families will not be easily manipulated by ads, news, politicians, teachers, leaders, or agendas aimed at changing your opinion?
- How does critical thinking play a role in career and life planning?
Another Brief Conceptualization of Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way. People who think critically consistently attempt to live rationally, reasonably, empathically. They are keenly aware of the inherently flawed nature of human thinking when left unchecked. They strive to diminish the power of their egocentric and sociocentric tendencies. They use the intellectual tools that critical thinking offers – concepts and principles that enable them to analyze, assess, and improve thinking. They work diligently to develop the intellectual virtues of intellectual integrity, intellectual humility, intellectual civility, intellectual empathy, intellectual sense of justice and confidence in reason. They realize that no matter how skilled they are as thinkers, they can always improve their reasoning abilities and they will at times fall prey to mistakes in reasoning, human irrationality, prejudices, biases, distortions, uncritically accepted social rules and taboos, self-interest, and vested interest. They strive to improve the world in whatever ways they can and contribute to a more rational, civilized society. At the same time, they recognize the complexities often inherent in doing so. They avoid thinking simplistically about complicated issues and strive to appropriately consider the rights and needs of relevant others. They recognize the complexities in developing as thinkers, and commit themselves to life-long practice toward self-improvement. They embody the Socratic principle: The unexamined life is not worth living ,because they realize that many unexamined lives together result in an uncritical, unjust, dangerous world. ~ Linda Elder, September, 2007
Option 2
We have made it already through much of this course.. As your instructor, I work to grade assignments quickly and to provide feedback so that you can stay up on tasks, expectations, and your performance. As an educator, I emphasize the importance of developing and strengthening insight & authenticity, and reducing self-deception or self-justification. As such, I am asking for your honest self-assessment at the halfway mark of this class in terms of what is working & how you are meeting your original expectations.
For this journal assignment, answer any or all of the questions below:
- What is your current grade in this course?
- How does that grade meet your original expectations from the first journal assignment? Were you correct with your original expectations?
- What grade do you feel that you will receive in this course with what you know about the assignments and grading so far?
- If you’re struggling in the course, do you feel that you still have the time, ability, or interest to turn it around? How does this relate to resilience and other challenges/obstacles in your life?
- What is allowing you to perform well in this class or what is negatively impacting your performance?
- How does your grade in this class relate to your motivation, effort, & optimism for your educational goals?
- Does your effort and grade in this course reflect your effort and grade in all of your courses?
- How does your current grade transfer over or relate to other areas of your life at present?
- What resources can I provide that can help you improve your maintain your current grade moving forward?
Option 3
One of the many goals of college is to attempt to see how the learning that takes place in the classroom connects to our overall lives. Learning how to voice your opinion, speak up for yourself & others, and find the power of your voice are all areas that can be worked on, improved, and mastered while in college. In life, you may be asked to do presentations at jobs, give toasts at weddings, read eulogies at funerals, or stand up for yourselves or others in the face of discrimination or injustice. Finding our voice while in college can be an important part of our development as an individual as critical thinking without the courage to voice it, can be a dangerous world.
Review and reflect on the questions below regarding this area of college life and answer any or all of the questions.
- If you choose to have children, what would you teach them about speaking up and voicing their opinions? Would you want them to be confident and raise their hands in class? Would you want them to care about contributing? Does that differ from your perspective or experience in classes so far?
- How would you evaluate your public speaking skills?
- Is it something you shy away from or something you enjoy doing?
- Is your perspective of public speaking an asset or a possible barrier when it comes to achieving your academic and career goals?
- Where do you think your experience or perspective with public speaking comes from mostly? Is it healthy & helpful?
- What are your thoughts on the statements above?
- What might the world look like when the dumbest person in the room is the only one brave enough to step up to the microphone?
- When you look back on your life, what advice would the 70-year old version of yourself give you regarding maximizing your potential in this area? Think about job interviews, toasts at weddings, eulogies, vows at weddings, or speaking up against hatred, bigotry, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.