Humanities Homework Help

Howard University Essential Case for Judicial Review Cases Analysis Paper


In 5 typed double spaced pages please respond to the following topic, compare the two cases for which one is essential for judicial review : Marbury vs Madison &  United  States  Vs  LOPEZ. 

Judicial power is largely a construction of the judiciary itself. The US Constitution does not say what the precise power of the US Supreme Court is supposed to be, though it does hint at the jurisdiction in some cases. Given the cases that we have discussed in the class on the nature of judicial power and the separation of powers, make a case for whether or not the Supreme Court should have the power to overturn laws that Congress and the President believe to be constitutional. What is the essential case for judicial review in the cases that we have studied thus far? Does the Supreme Court’s power extend too far or not far enough or is it just right?

BOOK: American Constitutional Law: vol 1

Humanities Homework Help

FSU Franz Liszt and Frédéric Chopin at The Culmination of The 18th Century Essay


I’m working on a music report and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

The key assignment for this course is a research paper on a musical topic, or composer. To get started on this assignment post your research topic in this module in the form of a purpose statement. Here are three examples of purpose statements:

  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the life and musical contribution of __________.
    • In this paper I will explore three aspects of opera by comparing the operas of
    Monteverdi, Mozart, and Verdi.
    • I will compare the life and music of Liszt and Chopin, illustrating different types of
    fame and acclaim in the nineteenth century.
  • Humanities Homework Help

    SMU History W?last?kwey & The Lower St John River Valley Articles Reflection


    I’m studying and need help with a History question to help me learn.

    Read the following two articles and write a one-page reflection.

    Capture the main idea of the article.

    Humanities Homework Help

    Florida International University Psychology Curriculum Discussion


    Please pick one of the below topics to respond to:

    Topic 1

    What do you hope to gain from a college education? At this point in time, what interests you in psychology? Do you know any psychology majors? What do they find interesting about being a psychology major? What would you be doing if you were not in college?

    If you’re not a psychology major, answer the following :

    What is it about this course that made you sign up? What do you hope to gain from a college education? Do you know any psychology majors? Assuming you’ve taken psychology courses already, what interests you about psychology? What would you be doing if you were not in college?

    Topic 2

    What are the key features of a psychology curriculum? What are some inaccurate beliefs about the nature of a psychology degree? What are some profitable minors that can enhance the value of a psychology BA?

    If you’re not a psychology major, answer the following:

    What is your major, what are the key features of your major’s curriculum and how can psychology courses contribute to your major? What are some profitable minors that can enhance the value of the degree you’re majoring in?  Are you minoring in Psychology? Why or why not?

    Humanities Homework Help

    TC Is Abortion Right or Wrong a Controversial Argument Essay


    For Touchstone 2 you will be writing an argumentative essay on a topic of your choice. The topic you choose must be debatable and you must take a clear stand on one side of the issue. Your topic must also be on a small enough scale that it is appropriately narrow for a 3-5 page essay. Your essay must include a title, an introductory paragraph, which contains your argumentative thesis statement, at least three body paragraphs, which provide support for your argument and a conclusion paragraph. Research from at least two outside sources is required to provide evidence and support for your argument. Research must be cited using APA style. You must include a reference page, which lists the specific sources you used and properly cite the sources within your essay. An example essay is provided below for reference. Please read this before writing your essay.

    Choosing a Topic

    You may choose any topic you wish as long as the topic has two clear sides and is not agreed upon by most of society. Your topic should be current and should have a narrow focus appropriate for a 3-5 page essay.

    Essay Guidelines

    Refer to the checklist below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until your essay meets all guidelines. We also suggest reading the complete sample essay before you begin writing.

    Argumentative Thesis Statement and Focus
    • Does the topic of the argument have two clear sides?
    • Do you take a clear position on the argument in your thesis statement?
    • Is the topic appropriately narrow for a 3-5 page essay?
    Development and Support
    • Are all details relevant to the argumentative thesis statement?
    • Is your position supported through use of rhetorical appeals?
    • Is your position supported through evidence?
    Essay Structure and Organization
    • Does your essay have an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement?
    • Does your essay have at least three body paragraphs, which support your thesis statement?
    • Does your essay have a conclusion paragraph that wraps up the essay?
    • Are the essay paragraphs logically sequenced?
    • Have you used transitions to connect ideas between sentences and paragraphs?
    • Is it easy to follow the argument?
    • Have you checked your essay for redundancies and imprecise language?
    • Does your essay employ a formal style and objective tone?
    Sources and Citations
    • Have you referenced at least two outside sources as evidence for your argument?
    • Are your sources current and credible?
    • Have you properly cited the sources using APA style within your essay and included a reference page?
    • Have you checked your essay for grammatical errors?
    • Have you used Spell-Check or another method to check spelling?
    • Have you used punctuation correctly?
    • Have you checked your essay for sentence run-ons and sentence fragments?
    • Have you answered all of the reflection questions thoughtfully and thoroughly?
    • Are your answers to the reflection questions included on a separate page below your essay
    • Have you met or exceeded the required length for each reflection response

    • Reflection Questions

      1. How did your purpose and audience shape the way in which you wrote your argument? (1-2 sentences)
      2. What was the most difficult part of writing your argumentative essay? (2-3 sentences)
      3. Which appeals did you use and how do you think they strengthened your argument? (3-4 sentences)
      4. How has your understanding of argumentative writing changed after completing this unit? (2-3 sentences)

    Humanities Homework Help

    WKU The Birth of Venus 1482 by Sandro Botticelli Essay


    Write a formal analysis of a work of art that we have studied this term. Your formal analysis should be no shorter than two pages, and no longer than four. This is an essay assignment so your formal analysis should be well-organized, with an introduction, body of discussion, and a conclusion.

    You may choose one of the following subjects for your formal analysis. Please indicate in bold the title of your selected artwork at the top of your papers.

               Choose from:

    • Giotto, Madonna and Child Enthroned (Ognissanti Madonna), 1310
    • Botticelli, Birth of Venus, 1482
    • Jan Van Eyck, Ghent Altarpiece, 1432
    • Raphael, The School of Athens, 150911
    • Durer, Adam and Eve, 1504
    • Bronzino, Allegory of Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time, 1542
    • Caravaggio, Calling of St. Matthew, 15991600
    • Bernini, Ecstasy of St. Theresa, 1642
    • Jan Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earring, 1665

    What is a Formal Analysis?

    This paper is a formal analysis paper. In this context formal does not refer to fancy clothes. Instead, it refers to the physical characteristics or elements of an artwork– its shapes, lines, colors, light, texture, and composition. Formal analysis is not just description however. Descriptions are obvious inventories or reports of what the viewer sees whereas a formal analysis involves evaluation of these elements. Your task involves a critical consideration of the elements of artistic style. Although they involve description, good formal analyses evaluate howexpressive content shapes subject matter or meaning. What are the specific characteristics of an artwork? These might include details like material, brush strokes, quality of line, or the choices of composition, which help to identify an artist, period, or culture. An analysis always requires and advances a thesis. A formal analysis is not interpretive (that is the focus is not on the work’s symbolism or its social, political, or historical context).

    How to Write a formal analysis?

    Your thesis should explain how formal criteria influence the total effect of an image. It is the framework for the details that follow, and it should communicate how an artwork’s formal features affect the viewer.

    A sample thesis “The sculpture combines a conventional symmetrical style, on the one hand, with mild asymmetry and a degree of realism on the other.” (from the article on writing a formal analysis by Barnet, attached) to this assignment)

    Then, support your claim with visual details.

    • Target your description. Focus on the features that relate to your thesis.
    • Organize these details in a logical order. You might trace a painting’s contour from left to right, or from background to foreground. Or begin with medium and move to color. There is no single way to write a good formal analysis, but you should try to find a persuasive structure that reinforces your thesis.
    • End with a conclusion that explains new ideas or insights gained through the formal analysis.

    Some pointers and helpful hints

    Questions to ask as you write:

    1. How does each element contribute to the overall composition?
    2. How do formal elements relate to each other?
    3. What are the effects of these formal relationships?


    1. Develop a strong thesis about the artwork’s visual effect.
    2. Use specific formal terms to support your thesis (Be sure to discuss the criteria discussed in the article by Barnet)
    3. Explain how an artwork’s various elements work to further the subject of the work

    Humanities Homework Help

    PSYC 101 University of North Carolina Roles & Effects of Endorphins Essay




    You will be required to complete two brief Web papers on topics of your choice. These papers will give you an opportunity to expand upon some of the discussion forum assignments and delve a bit deeper into a particular topic or idea that interests you. You should choose a topic that we have covered in the course, and find three relevant sources of information, for instance, reputable websites or scholarly research journal articles, that expand upon this topic. The Web papers should be brief—three pages each—and include:

    • a brief introduction, including any relevant information from the text, lesson notes, and discussion forums
    • a brief conclusion or statement that reflects your personal interpretation or analysis of what you have learned.

    Also, include a separate page with a list of your references (in APA format). Under each reference, you should include a brief paragraph summarizing the website. Do not summarize the websites in your paper.

    Please see the lesson schedule for due dates. The papers must be submitted via the Drop Box link in the sidebar on or before these due dates. I encourage you to submit them early, especially if there is a chance that you will miss the deadline. Late web papers will not be accepted but 20 points per day late will be deducted from your score.

    This is a good topic to write about

    • From the perspective of a healthcare provider, how would you explain the placebo effect and the role of endorphins to patients who wish to try unproven treatment methods that they find on the web?

    Humanities Homework Help

    University of Arkansas Introduction to Music Theory Questions


    • Questions will mostly assess your knowledge of key artists, producers, and musicians, along with the development of different musical styles and genres. Expect to write a fair sized paragraph for each question in prose (full sentence) form.

    • see attached document with questions……