Humanities Homework Help

GCU Culturally Diverse Counseling Discussion & Responses


Topic 6 DQ 1 (Obj. 6.1) DQ 1

Reflect on racial identity development models discussed in previous chapters of the text and discuss why it is reasonable to assume different types of treatment will be more or less effective with individuals of the same ethnic group.

This discussion question is informed by the following CACREP Standard(s):

2.F.2.d. The impact of heritage, attitudes, beliefs, understandings, and acculturative experiences on an individual’s views of others.

2.F.2.f. Help-seeking behaviors of diverse clients.


Jones-Smith, E. (2019). Culturally diverse counseling: Theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc. ISBN-13: 9781483388267


2 posts

Re: Topic 6 DQ 1 (Obj. 6.1)

It is reasonable to assume various types of treatment will influence clients of the same ethnic group differently because of the way cultural groups vary in what they value. Jones-Smith (2019) gives an example when referencing White Euro-Americans, that “while English Americans may view dependency or emotionality as undesirable, the Irish become upset because a family member makes a scene” (p. 392). Even though individuals come from the same ethnic group their ancestry, places they live, and challenges they face differ (Jones-Smith, 2019). You can share the same ethnic group but have a different perspective on what behaviors are considered challenging and what behaviors are consider acceptable. Each client needs to be treated as an individual with unique needs and struggles. For example, if someone comes from a Euro-American cultural background, that does not mean they have the same spiritual practices or religious beliefs. Maybe one client is atheist, and another is Christian. A shared ethnic group does not equate to shared world views, motivations, and approaches to treatment plans or methods of counseling. Jones-Smith (2019) denotes “While some clients might respond best to culturally specific strategies, others do better when the emphasis is on universal issues of human functioning (Velez et al., 2015 as cited by Jones-Smith, 2019, p. 12).

2 posts

Re: Topic 6 DQ 1 (Obj. 6.1)

Therapeutic treatments are the framework of working with clients. They give us a starting point and guidelines to help the continuation of forward progression. It used to be that therapists would pick one technique to work with, such as individual therapy, cognitive therapy or traditional psychotherapy. As research has expanded, it has been found that a combination of therapies are necessary when working with people, even people within the same culture.

In an article by Robinder Bedi (2018), it is discussed how culturally adapted counseling and psychotherapy (CACP), specifically for non-Western cultures, can be effective depending on the level of acculturation of the client. Plainly speaking, when we take Western practices and adapt them to a person’s culture, there is a greater chance for effectiveness of that therapy. It cannot be expected to be completely effective because some people retain more of their indigenous culture after moving to a foreign one and others completely assimilate. Cultural identity can also be seen as a framework, with many traits being consistent and others not. This will cause disparity in counseling techniques and strategies. Counselors should build goals and select techniques based on the individual, using ethnic and cultural traits as guidelines.

2 posts

Re: Topic 6 DQ 1 (Obj. 6.1)

One of the most important methods of using counseling models with clients of different racial identity includes being culturally sensitive by engaging with the person’s past and present, medically, mentally and culturally (Jones-Smith, 2019).

While using this method, the counselor must keep in mind that positive racial identity development is greatly beneficial for a person’s progress forward (Grantham & Ford, 2003), and that the way the counselor engages with the client may impact that, especially if their client is younger. Case examples and studies have shown this repeatedly (Jones-Smith, 2019). Counselors must know about “normative methodological approaches,” to not only explore issues related to racial disparity but also to find the one that supports the client for their best healing (Lee & Tracey, 2005).

One example of a method that practices cultural sensitivity, especially if working with children, is to have picture books with positive representation of their ethnicity (Wee et al., 2021). This is one method that could help a child see themselves and their heritage in a more positive light; but one must remember that this may not work for all and be able to keep one’s mind open to other possibilities.

Humanities Homework Help

University of California San Diego Confucian Moral Theory Discussion


Prompts for Essay, Please choose one from below as the topic of the essay.

Explain the theory of law in Confucianism

Explain the Confucian political economy

Explain the Confucian moral theory

Explain the role of the gentry in east Asia

Explain the concepts of the ecological family and human nature

Please answer one question in 6–7 pages. Please include the title of the prompt you are responding to. The bibliography page does not count toward your page count. If you use extensive amount of footnotes, then you should write more than 7 pages. The bottom line is that you need to demonstrate a keen understanding of the course materials. Playing with the format in order to write less will decrease the probability that you can demonstrate your understanding of the materials. Please do not include pictures, charts, or tables in your essay. Please do not copy/paste lecture notes into the text of your response. Please do not simply paraphrase the lecture notes or the book. You will need to cite both the lectures and assigned course readings in your papers. Do nouse outside sources beyond the lectures and assigned course readings.You must demonstrate a keen understanding of the course materials to receive a grade of A (94%) or higher.1Format.Use standard formatting (points will be deducted otherwise):Double spacing,Please use 12pt Times New Roman or Helvetica. Monospaced typeface such as Courier is not allowed,• 1-inch margins,No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header (you only need to include the title of the prompt that you are responding to in the title/header),No extraneous space between paragraphs or headers.Citation.Cite lecture and readings where appropriate (points will be deducted otherwise):Include a bibliography page at the end of your paper,Include in-text citations throughout the paper,2You may use any standard citation style, (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.),Please do not use outside sources, Extensive amount of footnotes is not encouraged,3Please do not copy/paste lecture notes into the text of your response. Please do not simply paraphrase the lecture notes or the book.Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

Humanities Homework Help

Juvenile Delinquency and Strength Based Therapy Discussion


Topic 6 DQ 2 (Obj. 6.2) DQ 2

Choose one of the following populations, disabled or older adults, and discuss how a counselor can provide culturally responsive strength-based therapy. Provide at least one scholarly reference.

This discussion question is informed by the following CACREP Standard(s):

2.F.2.d. The impact of heritage, attitudes, beliefs, understandings, and acculturative experiences on an individual’s views of others.

2.F.2.h. Strategies for identifying and eliminating barriers, prejudices, and processes of intentional and unintentional oppression and discrimination.


Jones-Smith, E. (2019). Culturally diverse counseling: Theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc. ISBN-13: 9781483388267


The MD Department of Juvenile Services received many juvenile delinquent complaints in the 2017 year. 71% of the complaints involve juveniles under the age of 16. Name one (1) contributing factor to juvenile delinquency and discuss how these problems can be prevented *

Humanities Homework Help

University of Phoenix Sociology & Management Team Creation Essay


I’m working on a Sociology exercise and need support.

Imagine you have been asked to create a team to meet a specific need within your company.

Write a 350- to 525-word proposal for creating a team to present to your manager in which you:

  • Describe what type of team you will create.
  • Describe the team’s goals and how many team members will be needed.
  • List the roles and responsibilities associated with the team and its members.
  • Explain how you will incorporate diverse team members.
  • Summarize how the diverse perspectives and experiences of the selected team members will bring value to the team.

Humanities Homework Help

The University of Alabama Human Cognition and Behavior Psychology Questions


  1. As the study of human cognition and behavior, psychology can often be directly applied to everyday situations in our own lives.  Through an understanding of psychological concepts, we are able to gain insight as to why we behave in certain ways as well as how our thoughts can influence our behaviors.  One of the primary goals of this class is to provide you with a sufficient background in psychology so that you may be able to apply this knowledge to the direct experiences you will encounter in the remainder of your time at the university and beyond.The goal of this paper is to define four psychological concepts and use them to explain your behavior in situations from your past.  For example, I could use my knowledge of the bystander effect (Ch. 12) to explain why I hesitated to stop and help when I witnessed a car accident.  The concepts you choose may come from any of the sections we have covered in the book.  However, do not choose more than one concept from each chapter.You will have sufficient knowledge to complete this assignment through the chapters that we covered in the textbook.  Do not use any other sources.  Write the paper completely in your own words and do not use any quotes or even slightly reworded statements. 

Humanities Homework Help

Moorpark College Brown v Board of Education Discussion


I need help with a Political Science question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

For this discussion please answer one of the following questions in a reply.

  1. The federal government recently implemented Secure Communities, a program of the Department of Homeland Security where local police departments are connected with DHS to identify illegal immigrants who have committed crimes and deport them. Unfortunately, in working to identify and deport illegal immigrants, several American citizens have been improperly detained before being identified as citizens and released. How can the rights of Americans with certain ethnic backgrounds be protected as the government enforces U.S. immigration laws?
  2. What did Brown v. Brown of Education accomplish? Has it failed to fulfill its promise? Can or should U.S. Courts be the agents to bring about social change in society?
  3. Most Americans seem to support the principle of equal opportunity for all groups, but there is significant disagreement over government’s role in ensuring equal outcomes. What is the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of outcome in the context of women’s rights? Racial equality?
  4. One of Title IX’s purposes was to create equality in intercollegiate athletics. Has it achieved equality between the sexes? Should government play a role in ensuring specific opportunities for extracurricular activities for students?

Humanities Homework Help

North Central University Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Team to Deliver Services PPT


For this assignment, select one of the scenarios below. Your task is to assemble an interdisciplinary therapeutic team to deliver services in your chosen scenario.

Develop a PowerPoint presentation to present to the therapeutic team you have assembled. 

Determine who the team members are, why you have selected that profession for inclusion as part of the team, the evidence-based interventions you will use, and the individual roles of each team member as well as how the team will work together (Hint: For Scenario 1, think more ‘micro’ level- Mrs. Jones is your client; for Scenario 2, think more macro level- the school is your client.)

Select three primary goals for the team to address with the client system.

Be sure you clearly operationalize the role and responsibility of each team member, as well as explain the intervention or strategy each might use to accomplish the goals. 

Finally, describe how you will evaluate the team’s effectiveness in accomplishing the goals you set forth.   

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists and should cite material appropriately. Add audio to each slide using the Media section of the Insert tab in the top menu bar for each slide. 

Scenario 1:

Mrs. Jones is an 84-year-old, African American woman who lives by herself in subsidized housing in a large, inner-city neighborhood. Her husband of 58 years recently passed away. While Mrs. Jones is in fairly good physical health, she does require medication management for diabetes and some assistance with daily living activities. The nurse’s aide who visits her twice per week recently reported she is at increased risk for falls, particularly when bathing herself and other personal care activities. She has Medicare coverage but has a lot of out-of-pocket expenses Medicaid doesn’t cover for her care, and medical debt remaining from the care for her deceased husband. While some of the residents in her apartment complex stop by to check in on her from time to time, Mrs. Jones has no family in the area, is becoming more isolated, and demonstrating symptoms of depression. She barely makes ends meet on her social security check each month, and the nurse’s aide has also reported she may be at risk for food insecurity. She has limited resources, and it is increasingly difficult for her to use the public transportation system to get to a grocery store. Mrs. Jones used to attend church functions twice per week but finds it difficult for her to attend services, and she has stated she “just doesn’t want to be around people anymore.” She has stated she would like to live independently for as long as possible and does not wish to move into assisted living. The manager of the apartment complex has reported she left the stove burner on in her kitchen at least twice during the past month. Fortunately, a neighbor smelled the pan burning and helped her. The manager states these accidents are a danger to the health and safety of all residents, and he may recommend a non-renewal of her lease, which expires in 3 months. 

Scenario 2:

Wagner Elementary School is a public K-5 institution, located in Miller County in the Southeastern U.S. The county is largely rural, with Wagner serving children in the only urban area of Miller County- the county seat. Miller County has high rates of crime, poverty, homelessness, lower socioeconomic status, lower education, and poorer health outcomes of residents as opposed to nearby counties. Wagner Elementary is located in an area of the county where many of these social and economic burdens are highly concentrated. The school is situated in one of the “roughest” neighborhoods, adjacent to a large cluster of sub-standard housing projects. Residents of the housing projects face deplorable living conditions; gang and gun violence and other crimes are common occurrences. Wagner serves approximately 400 students, 25 percent of whom all live in the adjacent housing projects. Many of Wagner’s students face untreated mental health and behavioral issues, learning complications, and physical health challenges such as severe asthma and allergies due to the living conditions in the housing projects. Many students face hunger daily as their families’ experience chronic food insecurity, as well as unsafe environments, including a dangerous walk to and from school. These complications greatly impede students’ ability to learn. Also, violence in the housing project has become so severe it is an additional learning impediment. For example, most of the 125 students who attend Wagner and live in the complex were exposed to a recent gang-related shooting at the complex which resulted in several deaths and multiple injuries. Consequently, many students missed school or were unable to concentrate at school for many weeks after the event. 

Humanities Homework Help

Moorpark College MLK and the Second Phase of the CRM Paper


For this assignment we’ll be listening to 3 speeches by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. These speeches were given in late 1967 just a few months before his assassination. They were published as ‘The Trumpet of Conscience’. By this point the Civil Rights Movement had successfully begun the dismantling of de jure, Jim Crow discrimination and pivoted to fighting the three evils,identified by King, of racism, poverty and militarism. King argued that fighting these interrelated structures of oppression would be even harder than Jim Crow.

Listen to all three speeches then respond to the corresponding questions. Each response should be no more than 250 words.

The Impasse in Race Relations (Links to an external site.)

Do you agree with King’s assessment of white society and the privileges it is trying to hold onto? Do you agree with his contention that rioting, while inexcusable, still communicates a message that must be heard and is less of a sin than the inequality and deprivation that led to them?

Youth and Social Action (Links to an external site.)

King separates young people into three main categories. Strugglers, radicals and hippies. Which group do you feel like you fall into and why? If you don’t feel a part of one of those groups is there another you feel like you’re a part of? What defines that group and how does it relate to society?

Nonviolence and Social Change (Links to an external site.)

King argues that ‘massive civil disobedience’ create ‘drama’ and ‘creative tension’ capable of making ‘a great deal of history’. Do you agree with King’s position? Reflect on the ongoing uprisings against police brutality and economic injustice in the wake of the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and Andres Guardado in your answer.

Humanities Homework Help

CU Ethnography and Peer Responses Discussion


Chapter 12 by Levitt (2016), and Sections 3.1,3.2  “Pros and Cons of Observational Research” and “Types of Observational Research” in section 3.4 of the Newman (2016) textbook. 

View the following videos: Different Qualitative Approaches (Links to an external site.) and When to Use a Qualitative Research Design? Four Things to Consider (Links to an external site.).

Then, determine from the list below your assigned qualitative research design based on the first letter of your last name:

A-F: Ethnography (my topic)

Using the Research Methods research guide’s list of suggested articles, look for information about your assigned qualitative research design.

Evaluate the features of the design and what kinds of research topics it is suitable for.

Explain the data collection and data analysis methods used in the design.

Cite at least one scholarly/peer-reviewed article about the design and one published research study that used the design, for a total of at least two scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles.

Document your sources in APA Style

  • Peer 1 

The qualitative design that I was assigned to discuss was the Phenomenology approach. A main principle of Phenomenology is that scientific knowledge should begin from a point of unbiased description of the subject matter (Wertz, 2005). Researchers use epochs, the idea of setting aside prior scientific assumptions, in order to understand “the things themselves” (Wertz, 2005). The creator of the Phenomenology approach was named Edmund Husserl and his goal was to use pure logic in his scientific approach (Kinkaid, 2020). The ways that researches collect data for the Phenomenology design is through first person verbal or written descriptions or drawings of a participant’s experiences with certain phenomena (Wertz, 2005). This information can be collected and analyzed by researchers through semi- structured interviews and then put through a coding scheme (Bull. 2021). This coding scheme is known as coding to theme creation (Wertz, 2005).  The participants who give these interviews must have direct exposure with the experience being researched (Wertz, 2005). Some viable topics that could be researched through this design would be skin picking in people with Prader-Willi syndrome, and the problem of recidivism among people with schizophrenia (Bull, 2021). Phenomenology can provide information and context to experiences that individuals have to certain phenomena (Wertz, 2005). Research done by L. E Bull, C. Oliver and K.A. Woodcock used the Phenomenology approach to provide reasons why individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome pick at their skin and came up with some management approaches on how to get these individuals to stop picking at their skin (Bull, 2021).


Ethnography is a qualitative method that focuses on the customs and culture of people around the world. I think this approach is one of my favorites because I love anthropology and this reminds me of it a lot. In order to be successful with this research approach, you will have to use participant observation. You will be able to discover how people in different cultures interact with each other, the dos and don’ts of the culture, etc. The approach is very interesting and important because your job is to visit different places, some not fully discovered yet, and watch how people live day to day in their culture. I love how hands-on the approach is because you can get a better understanding of people by observing them and also being in their environment. In Urban Ethnography: Legacies and Challenges (Ocejo, R, 2019)Richard showcased how researchers used the method. Mainly urban ethnography was explained, however, it wasn’t drastically different than what I’ve read about ethnography.