Humanities Homework Help

Acaydia School of Aesthetics LLC Occupational health and safety Discussion


I’m working on a social science multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Reflect on your current work environment. Share an example of a work-related accident (please do not include names of people or employers) that occurred and your thoughts on whether or not the accident was preventable. Be sure to add enough detail so that your classmates can form their own opinions about the preventability of the incident and have a discussion about that with you.

Humanities Homework Help

Acaydia School of Aesthetics Occupational Health & Safety Discussion


Please respond to christopher with 180 words

I remember surveying Date Street in Honolulu. I was the party chief, employed by a private survey firm. My instrument man had set up the total station on a city and county street monument in the middle of the intersection of two streets. I had placed traffic cones for the instrument man to create a safe work zone. Once the cones were established, I walked off the sidewalk to start the survey with my head chainman. Unfortunately, a vehicle came too close to the setup and clipped the survey instrument within the work zone, which struck my instrument man in the head. I immediately called 911 and requested EMS and HPD. At the same time, my head chainman ran to get the vehicle’s license plate. Unfortunately, the driver did not stop to render aid. Fortunately, my colleague who was struck was not injured seriously. Futhermore, the police never found the driver who did the hit and run.

There were many incidents like the one I mentioned over the years I worked for the company. These workplace accidents and close calls would be shrugged off like they never happened. There would be no safety meetings, no training, nothing like we have today. The company I worked for never gave us any training in traffic control and was never serious about safety. Whenever someone got hurt, management would throw the party chief under the bus without any explanation. When I reflect back at that time, I’m amazed more workers weren’t seriously injured, especially when working in and around traffic. The company would pretend to care about worker safety only when we got local, State, or Federal contracts. The companies I worked for under the union weren’t any better than private. I find the occupational safety environment with the State of Hawaii to be the best so far.

Humanities Homework Help

AMU History Battle of Montenotte Discussion


I’m studying for my History class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

How did General Napolean Bonaparte, win the battle of Montenotte  ? What tactics did he use?

Humanities Homework Help

Social and Cultural Influence of Western Europe Essay


  • Read the PowerPoint presentation titled “Introduction” and post any comments or questions to the forum.

Some points you may want to address. These are meant as a guide; you do not need to address all of them. You are free to comment on any aspect of the PowerPoint presentation.

  • What do you think the importance of discourses/narratives/ideas on race, gender, class, nationality, Religion, etc. is?
  • In what ways are these ideas relevant to studying literary works?
  • What does Globalism mean for you? What aspects of our lives does it affect and how?
  • What do you think is the meaning of the term postcolonialism? What historical era do you think it refers to?
  • (500 words minimum ) summaries of and commentaries on the required readings assigned as indicated below. The aim of these short papers is to demonstrate that you have read the assigned texts/screened the films and read the critical articles. 

Humanities Homework Help

UCSD Psychology Brainstorming Etiological Factors Case Study Chart


Case of Jorge

JORGE – Not Keeping Up

Jorge was almost 14 years old when he was referred to me because of his academic problems. Since grade 4 he had been performing well below average in his classes, had difficulty concentrating, and was considered to be “too quiet and nervous.” For the past four summers he had taken extra classes to improve his reading, but was currently reading at the third-grade level. As a result, his parents received a letter from the school saying he likely would not be promoted to the next grade if his work didn’t improve. Everyone seemed angry at Jorge for not keeping up.

When I met with Jorge, his version of his school problems was short and to the point: “It’s the teachers,” he said, as he looked at the floor and squirmed in his seat. “How am I expected to learn anything when they yell at you? When I told my English teacher that I hadn’t finished reading my book for class, he said I take too long ’cuz my mind wanders too much. How am I expected to learn when they think I’m dumb?” After further discussion, Jorge summed up his view of the problem in a quiet, sullen voice: “I know I’ll never get anywhere with the brain I’ve got. I can’t figure stuff out very fast, and the teachers aren’t much help. Just thinking about school makes me jittery. I’m afraid I’ll say something stupid in class and everyone will laugh at me.”

Jorge’s mother and father met with me separately and were quick to add their own opinions about why their son didn’t do well in school. They had moved from their Spanish-speaking neighborhood when Jorge was in grade 2, and he struggled to learn English in school because his parents did not speak it at home. His mother admitted that she becomes aggravated and starts to yell when Jorge says he doesn’t want to go to school or can’t do his schoolwork, but she didn’t think this was an issue. She quickly added, “I’ve read about learning disabilities and I think he’s got one. He can’t control his mind enough to center on anything. He’s scared to go to school, and avoids homework as if his life depended on it.” By the end of the interview it was evident that Jorge’s parents were angry at him. They felt Jorge blamed his teachers for his own lack of effort, and that he should be in a special classroom and maybe given medications to calm him down so he wouldn’t worry so much about school.

Brainstorming Etiological Factors

  1. What is causing Jorge’s problems?
  2. What questions might we need to ask based on each theoretical framework?
Theories we can use to help explain contributing factors of disorders, include:
  • Biological theories
  • Psychodynamic theories
  • Cognitive theories
  • Behavioral theories
  • Family systems
  • Ecological – community
  • Sociocultural

Example from Case of Eric (last week’s case study)


–       Genes

–       Heredity

–       Brain structure/function

–       Does Eric have a biological vulnerability for depression , inherited from mom?

–       Is there a neurochemical/hormonal imbalance that is contributing to his depression?

–       Did he suffer a brain injury that might contribute to depression?

Humanities Homework Help

Post University Risk Neighborhood Discussion Post


Unit 1: Discussion Questions

In thinking about your case, please discuss the following questions as they might apply to your case and SHARE this information ON THE DISCUSSION BOARD below. However, do NOT post your completed case study.

1.) What basic demographic information about the client, family, or system is important in your case study? Include issues such as gender, race, socioeconomic status, medical history, developmental delays, academic achievements or challenges, or cultural factors.

2.) What relevant mental health history, family/social relationships, drug/alcohol use, abuse issues are important to include in your case?

3.) What previous diagnoses, life stressors, coping methods, criminal history would be important to discuss?

4.) Discuss the following issues: Why has this individual, family, or system been identified as being “in need” and would be worthy of an action research study? What types of problems or situations have occurred that attention has been brought to this individual, family, or system? What is the nature of the problem(s) and history (how long it has been occurring, etc.).

5.) Discuss any information on individuals who have been working with the individual, family, or system already in regard to these issues? Other family members or friends? Community members? Coworkers? Mental health providers? School personnel? Clergy? Anyone else as it applies?

Humanities Homework Help

Research Subjects in Education and Teaching Essay


Post at least three subjects that you think you can research and write about this semester. These can be in a list format or a paragraph — whatever you like. Consider Antlitz’s essay for some inspiration.

Remember to try and focus your subject a little — don’t write “racism” or “bees.”

Get more specific with it — for instance: “racism on college campuses in the southeast” or “extinction of honey bees.”

Humanities Homework Help

Post University Alcohol and Drug abuse by Teenagers Case Study


In this first section of your paper, please provide a short case study about a human service situation. The situation should involve a family or individual (such as a Department of Child and Family Services or probation department hypothetical case) or other network or system with multiple stakeholders (e.g. a community based issue that needs to be addressed by a non-profit agency). Please note that your action research project should be related to your area of concentration within the MSHSV program. Please work with your instructor to be sure that the case study meets the requirements of your concentration.

Please provide information in your case such as:

– Who is involved and why? What are the individual(s) demographic information such as age, gender, race, socioeconomic status, medical history, or cultural factors that are important to the study. What other information could be helpful?

– Why has this individual, family, or system been identified as being “in need” and would be worthy of an action research study? What types of problems or situations have occurred that attention has been brought to this individual, family, or system? What is the nature of the problem(s) and history (how long it has been occurring, etc.). Are there psychological problems? Legal? Medical? Financial? Neglect? Abuse? Lack of resources? 

– Please provide specific and clear details and examples about the “problems” that are occurring and why this situation continues to need an intervention by way of action research.