Humanities Homework Help

PSY 603 Psychology Goal Attainment Scaling Worksheet


Let’s now talk about nomothetic and idiographic assessment. So I mentioned before that it’s often helpful whenevaluating a couple to use different approaches and almost like a funnel approach where we might initially start witha measure that compares our couple to other couples who have taken a similar assessment tool. And so this is callednomothetic assessment. It’s the same as norm referenced assessment.

And when we’re doing that kind of assessment, we’re essentially giving the same set of scales or items orquestionnaires or measures to assess all individuals that we may evaluate, and we’re comparing their scores tonormative data. So if I’m a couples therapist, I might decide I really like to use this particular measure, x, to evaluateall couples who I see. And that would be a nomothetic assessment, if we’re comparing the couples scores to theresults of the normative sample for measure x.

The idiographic assessment is a nice complement to nomothetic assessment. This is where I might be evaluatingdifferent sets of variables for each client– in this case, a couple or individual who I might see and hear what is goingon for the couples specifically or for the individuals within a couple is my reference point for interpreting andselecting– for selecting assessment measures and interpreting the resulting data.

Let me give you an example. If I determine that members of a couple are conflict-avoidant– they don’t like to bring updisagreements that they’re having about certain issues– I might determine that from a general questionnaire aboutrelationship satisfaction. But then if I delve a little bit deeper, I may discover that one member of the coupleexperienced physical abuse as a child. And so that individual has associations to whenever conflict comes up, thatthere is a possibility of some kind of violent retaliation occurring. And so that is definitely a contributing factor for thatparticular member of a couple being conflict-avoidant.

Knowing that unique factor about that person’s background might lead me to do further idiographic assessmentabout how that history of child abuse continues to affect that individual, both in terms of the couple’s relationship andthen also just in terms of that person’s individual functioning. So both approaches can be helpful and cancomplement each other.

Now, one specific example of an idiographic graphic assessment that I want to talk with you about is somethingcalled goal attainment scaling. And this is a personalized way to track progress towards therapy goals. It’s essentiallycreating a unique assessment measure for an individual, for a couple, or for a family.

So what I can do is to take a particular problem– let’s say that the couple is working on in therapy– and translate thatproblem into specific goal that I’m hoping the couple will reach by the end of treatment. And I can place these goalson individual goal attainment scales that identify several different possible outcomes.

I can identify what I think is most likely to occur at the end of treatment if there is some success in treating thisparticular problem and achieving a goal related to that problem. I can also think through what might be a somewhatbetter outcome and a much better than expected outcome with regard to that particular goal. And I can think throughwhat might be a less than expected outcome and a much less than expected outcome with respect to that particulargoal.

And so I’ve got a number of different possible outcomes– one, expected; two, better than expected; two, less thanexpected, and I’m going to assign each of these a number ranging from minus 2, to those that are less than expected,all the way up to positive 2 for those that are more than expected. And I think it will become clearer if I show you aspecific example of a goal attainment scale.

So here I have a goal for a couple that I would like them to be able to acknowledge their partner’s efforts to change.So maybe right now, when I start therapy, what’s happening is that if one member of the partner is trying to changetheir behavior in a positive or adaptive way, the other partner tends not to ever comment on that and vice versa. AndI’d like for them start noticing these changes and reinforcing them verbally.

So what I’m going to do is identify what I think is the most likely outcome with treatment, and that would be what’sright in the middle that I have a score of 0 4, where I might expect that members of the couple will start to commenton the absence of negative behaviors by their partner. So a member of the couple might say something like, Iappreciate you not criticizing the way that I clean up around the house. So the partner is commenting on the absenceof a negative behavior.

That’s an OK outcome, but a somewhat better than expected outcome would be if the couple starts to comment onpositive behaviors that their partner is displaying. So saying things like, I appreciate you planning a date night for usthis week. An even better than expected outcome, a much more than expected outcome that I’m going to assign avalue of positive 2, is if I see strong and regular comments of that nature being made by each member of the couple.

And I can also identify behaviors in the opposite direction that are less than the expected outcome. And I’m going tolabel those minus 1 and minus 2, depending upon how much less than the expected outcome I think those behaviorsqualify for. So for example, a less than expected outcome might be that really neither member of the couple is makingany comments on positive efforts that their partner is making to change. And a much less than expected outcome atminus 2 is that we’re continuing to see complaints about the partner’s behavior instead of any kind of positivecomment. So it’s not just the absence of any comments, it’s that the comments that are being made are mostlynegative.

And so I’ve created a scale now that I can use to evaluate this particular goal. I could rate this goal every couple ofweeks if I wanted to. I could even graph the results and show the couple over time, and this can give them a sense ofthe change that they are achieving with respect to this goal. It also gives me feedback about whether or not we’remaking progress towards this particular goal. And if we’re not for some reason, then I need to go back to the drawingboard and think through what other interventions could I be using in the therapy to try to better achieve this goal.

Humanities Homework Help

Florida State University The American Civil War Discussion


This discussion topic is designed to get students to think not only about the major forces leading to the outbreak of the Civil War, but to attach it to popular memory of the war, including how it is remembered and celebrated to this day. Since the late 19th century, and through the present day, Americans often celebrate the Civil War as a heroic battle of dedicated and patriotic Americans fighting, on both sides, for righteous and proud causes. The proliferation of monuments celebrating the Confederacy – which began to be built in earnest in the 1920s as a way to intimidate African Americans who had served in World War I, and then again in the 1960s during the Civil Rights Movement – is just one example of how the “Lost Cause” narrative that was cooked up by former Confederates after the war continues to shape the way Americans remember and talk about the Civil War.

  • If you were going to address a group of Americans about the Civil War, what issues, people, events, and/or sources would you highlight to have them understand the true cause and meaning of that war?

Humanities Homework Help

University of Wisconsin Whitewater Crime Theory Discussion Questions


I’m working on a sociology multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Reading 12 Division of Labor in Society:

What makes an act a crime?

What is the conscience collective?

What is the relationship between penal law and religion?

What is mechanical solidarity, and what are the characteristics of a society marked by this type of solidarity?

What is organic solidarity, and what are the characteristics of a society marked by this type of solidarity?

Elementary Forms of Religious Life:

According to Durkheim, what does the totem represent?

What type of solidarity, mechanical or organic, exists in totemic societies?

What is the role of religious practices in creating beliefs?

Can you think of any secular examples of people gathering to affirm something considered to be sacred in contemporary U.S. society?……………Reading 13 : In what ways can we see Durkheim in Merton’s theory?

What does Merton believe is the cause of crime?

Does poverty in itself cause crime?

Is Merton arguing that crime is determined by a particular combination of culture and social structure? Does Merton agree with a rational choice explanation of crime (and social life more generally)?

What does Merton mean by “anomie”?

Humanities Homework Help

Concordia College What Is the Classical Account of Knowledge Discussion Questions


I’m working on a philosophy discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

(1) What is the classical account of knowledge?

(4) Is knowledge instrumentally valuable? If so, why, and to what extent?

(5) Is knowledge more valuable than mere true belief?

Humanities Homework Help

University of Central Florida The Impacts of Covid 19 Essay


Topic: The Impacts of Covid-19

Using the topic and the sources you gathered in Project 1 you will continue researching to round out those sources and prepare to write a research essay for Project 2. This essay should be 8-10 pages in length and formatted in either APA or MLA (you should have at least five scholarly sources accessed through the USF library). You will be exploring your research topic over the course of Project 2. Remember, this is not an argumentative essay, but rather, an exploratory research essay.The guiding question for Project 2 is “How is researched information organized and presented to audiences?”

After writing the paper answer the following questions:

1- How does your research essay explain in detail the information you gathered from each of your sources and how does your draft begin to synthesize ideas using evidence and analysis in the writing? What areas most need improvement, and what do you think you’ll need to do to improve those?

2-Have you included the required sources for P2? Do you fully examine ideas provided in sources, and interpret those ideas for the reader? Do you engage multiple sources for each main idea or point you make in the draft? Are there any sources you need to replace, or do you need an additional source or two to support a point?

3- Return to the Project Two Overview. Are you meeting the requirements for P2 sources and citations? What other requirements do you need to address?

Humanities Homework Help

ARTH 200 AMU WK 3 The Events in The Migratory Farm Discussion


I’m working on a art question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Dorothea Lange, Migrant Mother, 1936. This photograph is important on many levels, but examine it in the context of the Farm Security Administration, discussing the FSA’s involvement. What was the FSA? Why was it important? Why do we consider this photograph a significant art object? Explain the reason for its creation. Then think about the photograph and answer the following:

  • Is it art and/or documentation, or both?
  • Provide solid details about what makes an image art or documentation, and defend your answer. Find a website that has reliable information about Lange and/or this topic, and provide a link to the site in your post for proper attribution.

Humanities Homework Help

USF Billie Holiday Unfair Treatment by the Government PAPER



Diversity and Race Assignment: How Jazz Musicians were affected by Diversity and Race Issues in American Society in the 20th Century.

Choose one of the following jazz artists/groups from the list below to research the way(s) in which race and/or diversity played a role in their interactions with American society in the earlier part of the 20th century (1900’s -1960’s.) This could include employment issues – performance opportunities, equal treatment, touring issues – hotels, travel options, etc.), criminal justice issues (cabaret cards, arrests, drug use-targeting of musicians and neighborhoods, etc.) and other societal issues of the day. Learn how they responded (or were forced to respond) to these issues and how they involved themselves in issues of civil rights and race and diversity discrimination. Discuss how they used their music or status in the entertainment industry to address these issues.

NOTE: – If you have an interest in choosing a different artist, you can email the instructors (through Canvas) to request permission to write about that artist. Be sure there is sufficient documentation of how their career was affected by these issues. BE SURE THAT YOU ASK WELL IN ADVANCE OF THE DRAFT DUE DATE SO YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO GET AN ANSWER AND TIME TO WRITE THE DRAFT.

Write a short (approximately 1000-1500 word paper) and submit. (Word count is NOT the most important component of a research paper.) You will submit a draft for instructor review which will be read, graded, and commented on and returned to you before you submit the final paper. Both versions will use the TurnItIn application. A well-edited, concise, clear and effective presentation is an important component of this assignment. Writing assistance is offered to USF students through the USF Writing Studio – (Links to an external site.)

Remember to submit in the Assignment submit box. Canvas allows resubmissions (before the due date), so be sure you read your Similarity Report and take care of any copied materials issues.

The TurnitIn tool reviews papers for copied materials, and issues a Similarity Report, which identifies the copied materials and the percentage of the paper that uses copied materials. Canvas allows resubmissions of the Draft and Final paper to allow you to review this report and make any changes needed to be sure that any copied materials are cited properly or are used in quotations to support your paper before submitting your Draft and Final Paper. There should not be a large component of the paper that is copied, but some percentage is OK, as long as you are citing the materials and those materials support the points you are making in your paper.


  1. Papers need to be written in a professional style. Basic standards for grammar, sentence structure, citations (if used), and other considerations for a Research Paper style assignment need to be observed. APA or MLA citation standards should be used.
  1. In order to achieve the highest grade you need to include the following topics in your presentation:
  1. A short description of the Artist or group and what issue(s) of discrimination based on race and/or diversity you are writing about.
  2. How race and/or diversity affected their interaction with society during their historical period in America
  3. What sort of responses (if any) the artist/group made to react to the racially/diversity-divided society found in America as jazz music grew along with the country.
  4. How the artist/group used their music or status in the entertainment industry to address these issues

List of Jazz Artists/Groups who were affected by issues of Diversity and/or Race and some of the issues they dealt with. The list of issues are JUST suggestions of a place to start your research, you need find much more material on the artist you choose.

Louis Armstrong– early 20th century stardom for a Black musician

Fletcher Henderson – Black swing bands vs. White Swing Bands – opportunities, acceptance, Black composers/arrangers and White Swing Bands

Benny Goodman– segregation, Black and White musicians playing together

Billie Holiday – female jazz performer, “Strange Fruit”, cabaret card, drug issues

John Coltrane – “Alabama”, how he used his music to comment on Society

Cannonball and Nat Adderley Sextet –raised awareness through their music – “Work Song”, and other songs which were inspired by African American history and traditions. Active in Civil Rights movement in the 1960’s

Nina Simone – singer/pianist who raised awareness and challenged American (World) societal norms with her songs, which often were about civil rights issues. She was an influence on many Americans, not just musicians and others in the entertainment field.

Humanities Homework Help

Rowan University Overcomming Adversity Discussions


discussion 1 :

  • Aimee Mullins is a groundbreaking runner who reminds us that “disabled” does not mean “useless”. She sees herself as strong and powerful and recognizes adversity is part of everyone’s life. Watch her presentation “The Opportunity of Adversity” and react to how she describes disability or adversity. How do you view “disability” now that the course is at its conclusion ? Is it just another way to look at “different”? Are we all useful?

discussion 2 :

  • Go to Chapter 8 Video and Interactive Resources of your eText, “On the Screen: Temple Grandin” and learn about this fascinating woman who thinks in pictures. View the clip and react to the voice of someone within the spectrum. On the same page, read “A Mother’s Perspective” and “A Sister’s Perspective”. Read how their concerns, joys, etc. React to these readings.

  • Finally, join these two worlds. What have you learned?

Humanities Homework Help

RED 4100 Florida International University Frame of Reference Paper


  1. Open the above document. Use one example each of norm and criterion-referenced interpretations. The frames of reference often used for interpreting student performance are ability, growth, norm, and criterion-referenced.
  2. For this assignment briefly describe an instance where you used a norm- and criterion-referenced interpretation either as a student or as a teacher. Label each interpretation as norm-reference or criterion-reference with your description. Your examples may involve either standardized or classroom assessments. Post your work on the assignment dropbox.