Humanities Homework Help

Walden University Most Ethical to Least Ethical Annotated Bibliography


Rank the following from most ethical to least ethical:

1. an unconscientious employee who works for a venal employer

2. a conscientious employee who works for a venal employer

3. an unconscientious employee who works for a virtuous employer

4. a conscientious employee who works for a virtuous employer

Discuss why you ranked them as you did.

Humanities Homework Help

Grossmont College Bering Strait Theory The Danger Of A Single Story Paper


  1. Discuss your reactions to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk. What points from her talk stood out to you? Why do you think we’re beginning our American Indian Studies course with this video? In other words, how do you think this talk might relate to our course subject matter or serve as a lens through which we can approach the subject matter? Watch “The Danger of a Single Story” TED Talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  2. According to the author of the Bering Strait Theory articles, what are the controversies surrounding the Bering Strait Theory? In contrast, what are the current scientific perspectives on the Bering Strait theory, according to this week’s PowerPoint lecture? Watch Bering Strait Theory pt 1 How Dogma Trumped Science, Bering Strait Theory pt 2 Racisme, Eugenics, and When Natives Come to America, Bering Strait Theory pt 3 The Theory Becomes Religious Crusade.
  3. What connections do you see between the BST articles and the TED Talk? How might the BST articles also connect to one of our key terms from our PowerPoint lecture?
  4. Lastly, what did you learn or what stood out to you in our reading about the Kumeyaay of Southern California? Why might it be important to begin our course learning about whose land our own campus occupies? Upon whose homelands does your hometown occupy? Did you know this information previously? Please share your thoughts/reactions to this information (or lack of!)…

Humanities Homework Help

Cuyamaca College Ave Students School Uniforms Essay


Students Should Have to Wear School UniformsBy Belinda Luscombe ; March 25, 2014; Time MagazineA middle school in Illinois made headlines this week because it got a little more stringent with its ban on students wearing yoga pants and leggings. It’s not the only school with dress code issues; almost every week there’s a local story about some problem over what kids wear to school. It’s a debate that takes up a lot of time for school administrators. And parents. But it’s the world’s easiest education problem to solve: school uniforms.I know, nobody likes school uniforms. I wore one for 13 years, and cursed it every single day. But this is exactly why I’m such a fan. To me, it seems that almost any problem facing schools today could be solved by uniforms. Here’s a sample of their magical powers:School Uniforms Alleviate Bullying/HarrassmentThey are great levelers. With a strategically chosen uniform, body type disappears. And it’s hard to distinguish who is cool and who is not. It’s harder to discern the differences in socio-economic background. Nobody wants any item of clothing that the other is wearing; all are equally undesirable, so thieving and general adolescent covetousness are reduced. Every student can find commonality with another; a repulsion for what they are forced to wear. And if schools really are worried about boys being distracted by the female form, the right school uniform is a stiff antidote.School Uniforms Empower School StaffA uniform is not the same thing as a dress code. There’s no arguing about whether Ariel’s shiny aqua micro mini is in accordance with the requirement for a “blue skirt.” There’s a uniform; no shades of grey, just the one drab hue the manufacturers managed to come up with. No endless back and forth between child, parents and school. Moreover, when a kid’s in uniform, he or she sticks out like a sore thumb. The local community knows where that kid belongs. It’s harder for kids to skip school or get into trouble outside school. They’re too easily spotted. At the boys’ school near mine, the young men were obliged to pick up any litter on the street, even if they did not drop it. They were also obliged to doff their hats to any car that stopped to let them cross the road. Australia isn’t exactly known for its formality, so this was not normal behavior. But since the boys were in uniform, people expected it of them. School Uniforms Fund EducationKids change out of uniforms the moment they get home. They don’t wear them on weekends. Nobody ever wants to hang on to them for one second longer than they have to. Consequently, they can be donated back to the school. People who can’t afford new uniforms can purchase pre-worn ones, with the money going to fund school programs. And since uniforms are never fashionable (or unfashionable), and the schools can easily identify their potential customers, the demand for them is very predictable and robust. Parents who can afford new uniforms, on the other hand, will enjoy being spared the daily airing of opinions as to what is and what is not an appropriate thing for a student to wear in a learning environment.

School uniforms keep students focused on their education, not their clothes. A bulletin published by the National Association of Secondary School Principals stated that “When all students are wearing the same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look and how they fit in with their peers; thus, they can concentrate on their schoolwork.” A study by the University of Houston found that elementary school girls’ language test scores increased by about three percentile points after uniforms were introduced. Former US Secretary of State and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, advocated school uniforms as a way to help students focus on learning: “Take that [clothing choices] off the table and put the focus on school, not on what you’re wearing.” Chris Hammons, Principal of Woodland Middle School in Coeur d’Alene, ID, stated that uniforms “provide for less distraction, less drama, and more of a focus on learning.” School Uniforms Empower StudentsSchool uniform violations are like tax dodges. A lot of people transgress a bit, but most people still pay their taxes. At my school, we were not allowed to wear sweaters outside the school grounds unless they were covered by the school blazer or a raincoat. (It was a very strange rule, obviously established in the era of the sweater girl but made no sense in my time, the era of the Great Oversized Pullover) Clearly, raincoats were only supposed to be worn when it was raining. But the rebels among us sometimes wore them on cloudless days. Or we made tiny, visible-only-to-the-teenage-eye adjustments to the buttons or collars. Or we wore our gym tunics (yellow, with, I kid you not, bloomers) on a day we did not have P.E. We will not be silenced! we thought, as the teachers carefully smothered their laughter.School Uniforms Create More Interesting Human BeingsWhat does a person wear after they get to choose their own clothes for almost the first time in their sentient life? Anything they want. My school had restrictions on haircuts and jewelry as well as uniforms, so I pretty much dressed like a punk clown for my entire undergraduate career. For people with actual talent and taste, the results are even more remarkable. Countries that have school uniforms, including Britain, Italy and Japan produce designers like Vivienne Westwood, Miuccia Prada and Rei Kawakubo, whose clothes straddle the boundaries of fashion and art. Countries without school uniforms produce designers like Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein, who make great clothes, many of which look a lot like uniforms.

Students Should Not Have to Wear School UniformsEllen Jones; Procon.orgTraditionally favored by private and parochial institutions, school uniforms are being adopted by US public schools in increasing numbers. About one in five US public schools (21%) required students to wear uniforms during the 2015-2016 school year, up from one in eight in 2003-2004. Mandatory uniform policies in public schools are found more commonly in high-poverty areas.Opponents say school uniforms infringe upon students’ right to express their individuality, have no positive effect on behavior and academic achievement, and emphasize the socioeconomic disparities they are intended to disguise. Here are a few reasons why:School uniforms restrict students’ freedom of expression. The First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees that all individuals have the right to express themselves freely. The US Supreme Court stated in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (7-2, 1969) that “it can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” In the 1970 case Richards v. Thurston (3-0), which revolved around a boy refusing to have his hair cut shorter, the US First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that “compelled conformity to conventional standards of appearance” does not “seem a justifiable part of the educational process.” Clothing choices are “a crucial form of self-expression,” according to the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada, which also stated that “allowing students to choose their clothing is an empowering message from the schools that a student is a maturing person who is entitled to the most basic self-determination.” Clothing is also a popular means of expressing support for various social causes and compulsory uniforms largely remove that option. Students at Friendly High School in Prince George’s County, MD, were not allowed to wear pink shirts to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As a result, 75 students received in-school suspensions for breaking the school’s uniform restrictions. School uniforms promote conformity over individuality. At a time when schools are encouraging an appreciation of diversity, enforcing standardized dress sends a contradictory message. Chicago junior high school student Kyler Sumter wrote in the Huffington Post: “They decide to teach us about people like Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony and Booker T. Washington… We learn about how these people expressed themselves and conquered and we can’t even express ourselves in the hallways.” Troy Shuman, a senior in Harford County, MD, said the introduction of a mandatory uniform policy to his school would be “teaching conformity and squelching individual thought. Just think of prisons and gangs. The ultimate socializer to crush rebellion is conformity in appearance. If a school system starts at

measures. clothes, where does it end?” In schools where uniforms are specifically gendered (girls must wear skirts and boys must wear pants), transgendered, gender-fluid, and gender-nonconforming students can feel ostracized. Seamus, a 16-year-old transgendered boy, stated, “sitting in a blouse and skirt all day made me feel insanely anxious. I wasn’t taken seriously. This is atrocious and damaging to a young person’s mental health; that uniform nearly destroyed me.” School uniforms do not stop bullying and may increase violent attacks. Tony Volk, PhD, Associate Professor at Brock University, stated, “Overall, there is no evidence in bullying literature that supports a reduction in violence due to school uniforms.” A peer-reviewed study found that “school uniforms increased the average number of assaults by about 14 [per year] in the most violent schools.” A Texas Southern University study found that school discipline incidents rose by about 12% after the introduction of uniforms. According to the Miami-Dade County Public Schools Office of Education Evaluation and Management, fights in middle schools nearly doubled within one year of introducing mandatory uniforms. School uniforms emphasize the socio-economic divisions they are supposed to eliminate. Most public schools with uniform policies are in poor neighborhoods, emphasizing the class distinctions that uniforms were supposed to eliminate. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 47% of high-poverty public schools required school uniforms, while only 6% of low-poverty public schools required them. Even within one school, uniforms cannot conceal the differences between the “haves” and the “have-nots.” David L. Brunsma, PhD, stated that “more affluent families buy more uniforms per child. The less affluent… they have one… It’s more likely to be tattered, torn and faded. It only takes two months for socioeconomic differences to show up again.” According to the Children’s Society (UK), almost 800,000 pupils go to school in poorly fitted uniforms because their parents cannot afford new items. Uniforms also emphasize racial divisions. Schools with a minority student population of 50% or more are four times as likely to require uniforms than schools with a minority population of 20-49%, and 24 times more likely than schools with minority populations of 5%-19%. Focusing on uniforms takes attention away from finding genuine solutions to problems in education. Spending time and effort implementing uniform policies may detract from more effective efforts to reduce crime in schools and boost student performance. More substantive improvements to public education could be achieved with smaller class sizes, tightened security, increased parental involvement, improved facilities, and other measures.

ave students wear uniforms?

This assignment asks you to respond to the topic both articles address with an argument of your own in an essay that is 4-6 paragraphs in length (introduction, 2-3 PIEIE body paragraphs and a conclusion).

Please write your response in the text box. Don’t worry about formatting in MLA except for citing your sources within the text.

In your argument, be sure to:

  • Include a thesis statement identifying your position on the topic (as the last sentence of the introduction). To develop your thesis, provide clear topic sentences/sub-claims/reasons (Points)
  • Support your argument with evidence (Information) of and analysis (Explanation) from the provided texts, using correct MLA format for in-text citations. Remember PIEIE body paragraph structure.
  • Be sure to address and respond to a counter-argument in your essay.
  • Include a conclusion, but do not worry about a Works Cited page.

Humanities Homework Help

Blinn College Bryan Campus The Problems With Moral Relativism Essay



Write any type of essay on one of the topics we covered so far. Most students write a thesis defense essay in which they explain an issue and defend their view (see below). The essay must be at least three pages (see grading criteria below).

Suggested Topics

Outline 3 major arguments for or against relativism. See my videos or pages 46-48. Defend your view.

Buddhism is a good philosophy to follow.

Buddhism is a poor philosophy to follow.

Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism are good philosophies/religions. If you write a paper on one of these philosophies, you could, for example, explain three central ideas that could enrich a person’s life.

Compare/Contrast any two philosophies. Compare and contrast the idea of soul in Plato and Aristotle. Which view is closer to the truth?

Explain Aristotle’s Four Causes and why they are important. Hints: many modern people only think in terms of material and efficient causes. Is this a mistake? Can we understand the deeper philosophical questions if we omit final and formal causes? Do the 4 causes help you see from multiple perspectives and more deeply understand a thing?

Defend or Critique Plato’s Theory of Forms. Some related thoughts: your textbook explains the third man criticism and more. If our world is a computer simulation, the Forms would be like the computer code. They are not physically in this world but they control it. Do people actually believe we are in a simulation? Yes, see Bostrom’s Simulation Argument online.

Explain the main themes of Presocratic Thought. Use at least three philosophers to illustrate. Explain why they are important.

Compare and contrast Plato and Aristotle’s Theory of Forms.

What are the problems with moral relativism? Moral subjectivism?

Explain Plato’s Theory of Forms. Could we be in a program/computer simulation like the Matrix?

For example, here is one student’s thesis statement for a paper on Stoicism (we will study Stoicism soon): “Stoicism is an enriching philosophy for three primary reasons. First, stoicism helps us better understand and internalize what is and is not in our control, and there is great power in this. Second, stoicism is a form of cognitive therapy, which helps us better understand and control emotions. Third, stoicism helps us focus on internal thinking instead of external events, which is one key to happiness.”

Notice how this student’s thesis statement is clear and organizes/previews the essay well. The student went on to develop each of these three points in the essay. For point one, she gave examples of what is and is not in our control. She quoted Epictetus and Aurelius. She gave real-world examples on how to apply point one (e.g. expecting long lines and traffic). She developed point one in 3 paragraphs, about a page and a half. She developed point two in a similar way. Her paper ended with a summative conclusion.

Paper Grading

Review the Video this week for more information on how to write a good philosophy essay. Also, the back of your textbook has a model paper.

1. Content 75% Did you accurately explain at least three themes of the philosophy? Did you superficially retell what you learned about this philosophy (average), or did you offer unique insights, applications, or criticisms (good to superior)? Did you avoid the logical fallacies and present sound arguments?

2. Readability & Style 15% Is your writing clear and well organized? If you read your essay aloud, is it clear? Does it flow well? Check for grammatical and spelling errors since these will decrease clarity.

3. Mechanics 10% MLA, 12 point font, double spaced, at least 3 full pages. You may write up to 4 pages.

Humanities Homework Help

MNSU Process of Metacognition & Learning Processes Essay


I’m trying to ask my major coordinator to help me with the study plan for the major for master degree in political science and I need to write an appropriate email for him asking for his help with it. so please write for me an short email asking him politely about this concern.

Humanities Homework Help

SOC 101 Bergen Community College Sociology Sociological Perspectives Questions


What are sociology and the sociological perspective? What do you see are some of the most important uses of sociology? What is meant by the nature vs. nurture debate in the social sciences? Describe and compare and contrast functional theory, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Who are the major contributors (theorists) to each theory? Which theory is a macro-level theory and which is a micro-level theory? What is a demographic variable? Using race and social class as two major demographic variables, define each and explain the consequences of developing notions of race and social class.

Chapters 1, 4, 8, 7

Humanities Homework Help

History Oppression Faced in The March Trilogy Paper


***Must have read March 1,2,3***

Write a 2.5- to 3-page paper on the prompt below. Your paper must include at least six examples. You must include examples from books 1, 2, and 3. You may choose to include visual analysis in your examples. Use parenthetical citations indicating the book and page number. For example:


When the sheriff in Selma was released from the hospital, he wore a button that said “Never.” (Book 3/171-172)

Prompt: as revealed in the March trilogy, describe the tools of oppression used to deny African Americans their civil and political rights. You may wish to consider the role of political leaders, law enforcement, the courts, businesses, every-day racists, etc.

Humanities Homework Help

GCCCD Experts Better at Problem Solving than Who Is a Novice Discussion


1. Are experts in a field better at problem solving than someone who is a novice or less familiar within the field?

Give 3 or 4 examples of when expert level thinking is good – and 2 when it is not

2.Do people work better as a group in solving a problem or is it better if a group, separated and then collaborate shortly after their own individual ideas have been generated ?

What factors determine the answer to this question?

Use Language as an example….

3. Parsing is our way of assessing meaning through the groupings of words in specific phrases and sequences, and it often involves predicting the most likely meaning that a particular grouping denotes. What influences the way we interpret the information we are given via phrases/sentences?

4. Short term and Working memory:

How do short term memories move to long term?

What is the difference between short term memory and working memory?

5. Explain Beysian Logic and how it relate to Cognitive Psychology

NOTE:( no need for long answers, just simple and clear)

Thank you

Humanities Homework Help

Marketing Project Questions


Write one page to discuss:

1.what is the definition of “SWOT” analysis, (please use own words)

2.what is the weakness of having a food truck to compare with having a restaurant?

3. In order to analyze the food truck’s company and chain, internal environment, you may need to conduct primary research (interview officials at the business) and/or secondary research (find out about existing data and reports on the particular business or business website). SPECIFICALLY take note of and summarize any particular and dedicated narrative/comments/statements regarding how this company is navigating and managing the impact of covid 19 and subsequent operating parameters.