Law Homework Help

Sullivan College Aristotle Virtue Ethics & Josephson Core Values Discussion


Identify the similarities and differences of Aristotle’s virtues theory with Josephson’s core values model. In either case, are the behaviors they outline duties to the self or duties to others? If to others, which others? To what degree do these mimic or reinforce existing law? To what degree might these conflict with existing law? Illustrate these last two with examples.

Please remember to answer each part of this prompt directly and in the order asked by Wednesday night. Respond to at least 3 of your classmates’s posts by Sunday night.

Law Homework Help

Prince Sultan University in Saudi Arabia Role of WTO in Global Economy Paper



please use the same template for your research paper and same citation style and references as provided in sample template.

Law Homework Help

Johnson vs Coldrock Tire and Rubber Company Case Study


I’m working on a law case study and need support to help me learn.

The Project is About a Lawsuit, Where I am the Plaintiff and I   Need to:

1-Summarize the legal strategy (Meaning what are you trying   to prove in this courtroom?) you have to summarize the legal strategy that wem are use in the court.

2-How do you plan to achieve this goal? (Meaning win the case)

This is the case is about, any questions let me know.

This is a civil case because it involves an individual suing an organization or a business. A civil case can be instituted by a private individual, a business entity, or a government can sue an organization or an individual. The case also qualifies for consideration as civil because all involved did not break particular laws or commit criminal activity. Lastly, this is an equitable claim civil case because the plaintiff presents various claims against the defendant.

The client in this scenario is John “Johnny” Johnson, a mechanic working at Infiniti of Parkland. He is currently represented by a law firm of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe, LLP. Based on this type of civil law case, the client or plaintiff can also be referred to as the claimant because he institutes a claim against the defendant. This client is chosen based on the facts arising from the case scenario; for example, the defendant’s decision to ineffectively label the tire potentially caused the explosion. Also, the plaintiff’s employer assumed that because it was a commonality to install smaller tires on larger rims of the Infiniti G35. This was a cause of neglect by the defendant and Johnson’s employer, who argued against the user directions indicated on the tire.

Johnson is suing Coldrock Tire and Rubber Company, the designer of the wheel in question. However, the plaintiff will sue the company through its chief executive, Roger “Cole” Coldrock. The defendant is represented by the Wall Street firm of Ben, Jarvis, Green & Ellis, LLP. The legal proceeding is founded on the point that the defendant failed to label the tire explicitly. Also, the plaintiff claims that the label was not sufficiently conspicuous or effectively depicted, resulting in the risks and danger witnessed in the scenario.

To establish and substantiate a prima facie civil case ground, the plaintiff, Johnson, will be required to provide adequate submissions substantiating how the defendant indicated negligence that caused harm before requesting the court to offer relief. The set of actions that warrant the grounds for this case include severe permanent injuries caused by the tire’s explosion. The plaintiff sustained injuries; he lost three fingers on his right hand and a permanent vision loss in his right eye. Therefore, the elements to help argue the negligence cause of action, the plaintiff will have to prove or defend breach, harm, duty, and causation. The set of facts presented in the case indicates that Infiniti of Parkland’s manager failed in his duty, Coldrock Tire and Rubber Company breached the user-wellness expectation, the plaintiff suffered harm, and Coldrock Tire and Rubber Company’s product caused harm.

Law Homework Help

KUT wk 1 Ethics Forced Containment in Health Care Discussion


This week, we will discuss the ethical considerations surrounding the forced containment of those who may become infected with the Ebola virus. For this assignment, you will first play the role of a senior advisor to the President of the United States. He has asked you to assist him in persuading the American people that containment is ethical.

Provide the American people (i.e. class members) with your justifications for containment. You should persuade them to believe that containing their sick family members is ethical.

Law Homework Help

Grantham University Public Service Paper



For your initial post this week, imagine you are a candidate for the White House and present to the class at least one executive action you would take on your first day serving as president. (Please Note: it is not acceptable to state that you think no action should be taken.)

Go beyond just stating what the executive order you would make is. Make an argument supporting your action. Is it a legal action? Does the president have the power to take this action without Congress? Is this really a state issue and not a federal issue? Is this executive action, in your opinion, a good idea, why or why not? Would the public be in favor of such an executive action?


This week we learned about the presidency, the powers of the presidency, and the unique way our president is elected via the Electoral College. In this assignment you will be guided in creating a complete argument regarding whether or not you think the Electoral College should be kept or eliminated.

This activity will be useful practice in how to create and present and thoughtful argument. The ability to create and communicate a thoughtful argument will help you out in future studies and in any career.

Your essay must be at least 500 words long.

Follow these steps to create an argument in the form of an essay:

Step 1

In one or two very clear sentences state whether or not you think the Electoral College should be kept or eliminated. This is called writing a thesis statement.

Step 2

In three paragraphs describing three (3) arguments that support your position regarding the Electoral College. Give each argument one paragraph. Do not just list three arguments in support of your position regarding the Electoral College. You must tell the reader why each of your three arguments supports your position on the Electoral College.

Step 3

In three paragraphs describe three (3) arguments that go against your position regarding the Electoral College. This is called addressing counterarguments. Give each counterargument one paragraph. Describe the counterargument and then tell the reader of your essay why that counterargument should be dismissed.

Step 4

Write one paragraph concluding your essay. Restate your initial position on the Electoral College. And review the one or two arguments that you found to be the most compelling in support of your position.

Step 5

Write a reference list. In any good argument you will present your ideas but then include evidence from credible external sources to support your ideas. Always include a reference list.

In outline form your paper should look like this.

1.Introduction: Thesis statement of your position regarding the Electoral College.

2.Three arguments supporting your position.

a.Describe argument 1 and why it supports your position.

b.Describe argument 2 and why it supports your position.

c.Describe argument 3 and why it supports your position.

3.Three counter arguments opposing your position.

a.Describe counter argument 1 and why it is not sufficient.

b.Describe counter argument 2 and why it is not sufficient.

c.Describe counter argument 3 and why it is not sufficient.

4.Conclusion paragraph.

Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.

As with all weekly written assignments, submit your work as an attached file. Double-space your paper and use 12 point Times New Roman as your font.

Law Homework Help

ECC Law Organized Crime in North America and the World Presentation


I DONT HAVE THE TEXTBOOK SO PLEASE hDO THE BEST U CAN.. is assignment will be very similar to the Research Paper Assignments completed in this course. However, it is our desire that not only do you become a great researcher, but you also become an “expert of the presentation.” When you earn your PhD, you may find yourself in a teaching role. In fact, maybe you will be teaching Transnational Organized Crime! This series of PowerPoint presentations will be a great start in your class preparation. In this assignment you analyze organized crime in various countries and reduce your analysis to a PowerPoint with speaker notes. You will truly be an international criminal. The “crime” committed can be of your choosing as long as it is illegal in the country we are studying. You will find that this very deep dive into the criminal justice systems of each country we study will help you become a world criminal justice system expert.

Law Homework Help

KUT Week 1 False Imprisonment and Contagious Diseases Discussion


Need help with my Law question – I’m studying for my class.

This week, we will discuss the ethical considerations surrounding the forced containment of those who may become infected with the Ebola virus.

For this assignment, you will first play the role of a senior advisor to the President of the United States. He has asked you to assist him in persuading the American people that containment is ethical.

Provide the American people (i.e. class members) with your justifications for containment. You should persuade them to believe that containing their sick family members is ethical.

Law Homework Help

UP Prison Environment Discussion


These are 2 different student responses.Reply to both of whether you agree or disagree and answer the questions that’s provided.These are the 2 responses I’ve gotten for the post you made this week on prison environment.

1) thank you for your response. You mentioned at the end of your post that policy formulation is important. Can you talk further about this?

2)I truly believe overcrowding is a huge problem, it’s like everyone is on top of each other which makes it difficult to function for inmates and workers. Assuming that those rules were made for the purpose of corrections and punishment. For instance, you mentioned waking up early in the real world we don’t have to wake up early unless necessary meaning work, school, and other reasons. However, great post I enjoyed reading it.

Law Homework Help

CJS 245 University of Phoenix Wk 2 Juvenile Crime Prevention Discussions


Part 1: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

What is the role of police in the juvenile justice system? What legal issues or other factors can influence the way that a police officer interacts with a juvenile? What laws or procedures specific to juveniles should an officer consider before deciding to take a juvenile into custody? How can police officers help prevent delinquent and criminal behavior by youths? How do you think juveniles are handled by police in your area?


#1: The role of a police officer in the juvenile justice system is to protect the safety and welfare of minors. By doing so an officer is responsible for seeing that children aren’t living in abusive or unclean unfit homes along with many other roles. When encountering a minor in a legal situation they have a few options of how to handle the case based on the crime. They can choose to take the child into custody, release them to their parents and or guardians, or if the child’s home life isn’t a fit environment they can choose to involve Dcfs. Dcfs can also be involved if the child is refusing to stay at the parents home or is being violent towards a family member. In these cases the child could be placed elsewhere for safety concerns. officers can help detour criminal activity with minors by being active with the youth in their communities. They can talk to them in schools, I’ve seen officers in my area stop and play baseball or football with kids in their yards. We also have shop with a cop. It’s a program where the local sheriffs department raises money to take underprivileged kids Christmas shopping. I feel that when officers do these things it helps teach the children that police are not an enemy and they are people that kids with issues can come talk to and confide in. They seem to serve as role models instead of the bad guy by doing these things.

#2: Inside the juvenile system, the police officer role is to protect the safety and welfare of minors. Depending on the crime, they have the option to release the child into the custody of their parent, DYFS or to the juvenile detention center. It all depends on the matter of the crime. Many factors can influence the way a police officer interacts with a juvenile. The interaction can go towards a good way with the juvenile being respectable and maybe released or it can go left with the juvenile being my opinion the police should take their home living into consideration. Many teenagers act out due to neglect at home. Also take into consideration if the child is being abused at home. When a child turns to drugs, alcohol or violence, most likely they are having trouble at home or trying to fit in with the in crowd. If more youth programs were offered to teenagers in the community that can help them stay off the street. Having mentor programs such as BIG BROTHER/BIG SISTER. And the D.A.R.E. Program is also a good program for the kids

Part 3: Scenario: You are a school resource officer who has been tasked with creating a report to share with your community that will build awareness about local juvenile crime and prevention programs.

Write a report that consists of 2 parts:

Part 1: Data Visualization

Research statistics on populations of juvenile delinquents using the OJJDP’s Easy Access to Juvenile Populations (EZAPOP) data tool. Choose 1 of the following options to investigate:

  • How 1 year’s totals compare to another year’s totals in your state
  • How your county’s totals compare to your state’s totals
  • How your state’s totals compare to another state’s totals
  • How 1 of the sexes, races, or ethnicities compares to another demographic in your area
  • How 1 age demographic compares to another in your state

Create a visual representation of the data that shows a comparison of both groups, such as a chart, graphic image, diagram, or infographic. Do not use a table; select a visually appealing layout that your community would find easy to read and understand.

Create an image for your data visualization using an illustration tool in Microsoft® Word or PowerPoint®, or use an online drawing tool such as Piktochart® or Smore.

Part 2: Executive Summary

Write an executive summary of your findings in 250-525 words. Complete the following in your summary:

  • Explain the data shown in your image. Summarize what the difference in the numbers means for juvenile crime in your area.
  • Identify at least 2 diversion, intervention, or prevention programs available to juveniles in your schools or community that might help to influence future trends in the data shown in your image from Part 1. Include commentary on the efficacy of the different types of programs in your state.
  • Describe strategies that families, schools, communities, or law enforcement can use to interact with these youth and help to reduce their risk for delinquency