Law Homework Help

Walden University Human Rights and Humanitarian Laws and Conventions Presentation


You may use additional formats if you wish, including role-plays, skits, short videos, or case studies. The presentations will revolve around this topic below. Resources on these topics have been provided above. 

You are not required to use these resources, and you are encouraged to explore the topic more deeply and broadly than the one or two resources for each topic above. 

Students will prepare a PowerPoint presentation presenting the topic or concept (historical context and issues from which it emerged, main thinkers, main publications or works, main arguments, applications). 

(Minimum 20 slides, and for each slide, you should put “add notes”). In add notes should resume or summarize each bullet point on each slide. I also need an outline. 

You are NOT making arguments for or against – you are simply teaching your classmates what the topic or concept entails. The student will then design up to five discussion questions (you should review these with your instructor the week before the class you are facilitating). These questions should be designed to get students to think about the topic or concept critically and nuanced.

In general, one hour should be for presentation/activities and one hour to lead the discussion.

The topic is: Human Rights and Humanitarian Laws and Conventions 

(Let say that we can choose the UN as an institution to Codes of Conduct, Minimum Standards, Best Practices, or a specific university such as Nova Southeastern University (NSU) or choose US Army or US Congress)

APA format should be strictly followed in this PowerPoint. 

Section Required Texts and Material:

Murithi, Tim. 2009. The Ethics of Peacebuilding. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Weston, Anthony.

Weston, Anthony. 2006. Creative Problem-Solving in Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.

Neufeldt, Reina. 2016. Ethics for Peacebuilders: A practical guide. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.

Section Supplemental Material:
Additional Course Resources…….… party_Roles_in_Con?lict the-impact-of-assistance-on-con?lict-a-handbook/… friedman-elite- process-favors-elites/425196/ 1-d&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&?ir=ktT8cOxR-Ut6vM%253A%252Ceb5oqerj- ZMDZM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_- kSK8frvDIN646Spz1dD_b1imjgLQQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj6xNbIoYPiAhUhh- AKHa28CZ4Q9QEwAHoECAoQBg#imgrc=ktT8cOxR-Ut6vM:……

http://local.con? Approaches-to-Development-Humanitarian-Assistance-and-Peacebuilding-Resource- Pack.pdf………

http://con? humanitarian-assistance-and-peacebuilding-resource-pack/ afghanistan-and-iraq-craig-j-n-de-paulo/1102102924/2675169410977? st=PLA&sid=BNB_ADL+Marketplace+Good+New+Books+- +Desktop+Low&sourceId=PLAGoNA&dpid=tdtve346c&2sid=Google_c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9rnSzcGD4 ifD_BwE…

Law Homework Help

American Military University Week 4 State Action Doctrine Discussion


Answer Initial Discussion question 250 words. Respond to 4 classmates 250 Words each

For your initial discussion this week, discuss:

1) What is the state action doctrine?

2) Find and share a news article in which someone is alleging the violation of his or her Constitutional rights. Apply the state action doctrine to the allegations. Does the state action doctrine apply? Could the complaint about the violation of Constitutional rights be valid?

Classmate 1 Adam: Greetings Classmates and welcome to my week 4 post. This week’s topic (at least to me) was slightly more complicated than previous weeks due to the simple yet complex nature of the state action doctrine. So first off, what is the state action doctrine?

Well, it is a key component of the Fourteenth Amendment or a threshold requirement that must be satisfied before triggering protection of our fundamental rights. The state action doctrine does not protect the rights of individuals to be free of governmental control, but rather the right of the people to democratically determine, for themselves, what kind of society they wish to live in. Out of all of the material I read on the topic, I have come out feeling like the true purpose of the state action doctrine is to serve the principle of democratic choice, meaning that the doctrine carves out certain fields within which the people have the right to democratically govern themselves.

Moving on in this week’s topic, I found an article in which someone was alleging violation of their constitutional rights. In the article I chose, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to take up a case over whether to make it easier to hold municipalities liable for civil rights violations committed by their police, rejecting an appeal involving a man fatally shot by an officer in Ohio.

An application of this state action doctrine is seen here and is connected with the rule that only injuries resulting from intentional actions of the state create a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. However, when the state’s action was not intended to inflict the injury complained of, the courts here refuse to acknowledge that the state conduct is its legal cause. Essentially we have the state action doctrine stopping the 14th amendment rights from kicking in because the state law provides for the police officers to be able to take x,y, and z actions and eventually led up to the point that is being contested.

Honestly, in my perspective, the complaint about the violation of constitutional rights could absolutely be valid however in this situation we clearly have the state action doctrine applying and protecting this police officer from being further persecuted.

I look forward to reading a lot more about this topic this week and to reading others postings to gain more insight on the topic. Thank you for reading.

Classmate 2 Sherron: Good morning,

The state action doctrine refers to the requirement that in order for a plaintiff to have standing to sue over a law being violated, the plaintiff must demonstrate that the government (local, state, or federal), was responsible for the violation, rather than a private actor.

The case that I chose to discuss this week is Ashker v. Governor of California. This case is interesting because the state action doctrine does apply and it does not apply. It confused me at first because the prisoners filed suit against the Governor of California but the case deals with the violation at California’s Pelican Bay State Prison which is controlled by California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. The case charges that prolonged solitary confinement violates the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, and that the absence of meaningful review for SHU placement violates the prisoners’ rights to due process. Security Housing Unit (SHU) prisoners spend 22 ½ to 24 hours every day in a cramped, concrete, windowless cell. They are denied telephone calls, contact visits, and vocational, recreational, or educational programming[1]. Hundreds of Pelican Bay SHU prisoners have been isolated under these conditions for over 10 years and dozens for more than 20 years, causing harmful and predictable psychological deterioration. In fact, solitary confinement for as little as 15 days is now widely recognized to cause lasting psychological damage and can constitute torture under international law.

The state action doctrine applies in this case because the Pelican Bay State Prison is a government entity and is controlled by the Governor of California. If this was a privatize prison, the state doctrine would not apply because it would be a private sector. The psychological harm caused by the prolonged confinement was cruel and unusual under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments.

Classmate 3 Jeffery: The State Action Doctrine is a constitutional concept that needs to be understood more in society. The doctrine delineates that Constitution governs the actions of the Government and not private citizens. The language of the Constitution is written towards directing what states and state actors are unable to do. The Fourteenth Amendment hammers home the point of the State Action Doctrine. The Fourteen Amendment states “NO STATE SHALL make or enforce any law that abridges the privileges or immunities of citizens of the US”. The State Action Doctrine does not only apply to actions taken by Federal and State governments but municipal and any actors working under the law.

For example, the State Action Doctrine applies to public school systems. If a teacher unlawfully suppressed a student’s First Amendment rights, that student would have a claim to First Amendment protections against the Government. An example of this occurred in Maryland when a public-school student refused to follow a teacher’s assignment and profess that their Christian beliefs were inferior to Islam. In contrast, a private school system is within its right to practice religious beliefs as the school and staff are non-government actors.

In May 2020 Laura Loomer attempted to sue Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and Google for what she believed was a First Amendment violation. This was in response to her Twitter account being blocked and other social media being restricted for her anti-Muslim hate speech. She chained herself to Twitter headquarters and filed a suit through District Court against the company. Her case was dismissed and she appealed through the United States Court of Appeals in Washington D.C who affirmed the District Court and threw the case out.

A popular misconception in society is that social media companies violate the First Amendment when they place restrictions on what you can post. There are several Facebook groups and class-action lawsuits calling to sue Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg who they believe to be a violation of their First Amendment rights. These people all consistently fail because social media and technology companies are private corporations separate from the United States Government. They do not operate as an actor of any Government and have absolute latitude over the content they wish to show.

The Fourteen Amendment and the State Action Doctrine make clear that the Constitution only governs the Government and its actors. Facebook or Twitter can ban or restrict your content if you violate their terms. They are the interpreters of their own terms and if you violate them, they can suppress your content. I believe this separation is proper and is good that private companies are separate from the Constitution. Private companies already follow laws passed by Congress and their states, they should be allowed to operate and expand in their own vision.


Adi Robertson, Social media bias lawsuits keep failing in court, The Verge (May. 27, 2020),

Erik Larson, Twitter, Facebook Win Appeal in Anticonservative-Bias Suit, Yahoo Finance (May. 27, 2020),

Maryland High School Punishes Christian Student For Refusing To Profess Her Faith In Islam, Threatens To Arrest Her Father For Making A Stink About It, Shoebat (Jan. 30, 2016),

U.S. Const. amend XIV.

Classmate 4 Crystal: The state action doctrine is a policy that requires a plaintiff only being able to suggest a law or right has been violated if the actual government was responsible as oppose to a private actor or person. This means that the local, state, or federal government has to have acted in the case. This doctrine suggests that items such as the Fourteenth Amendment only applies when it comes to the State vs. an individual as opposed to an individual versus another individual.

For this weeks post, I am glad that I was able to work ahead because the state action doctrine can be applies as it relates to the student speech case that is being heard before the Supreme Court. The article I found as it relates to this case by the Chicago Tribune (Sherman, 2021), gives information on the Brandi Levy case. This then 14 year old sent a “Snap” off duty that had profanity, which was then given to coaches at the school. She was suspended from the cheerleading team. Because of her arguing that this violated her rights as it relates to Speech. This case is being considered one of the most significant cases on student speech in more than 50 years. The question rose as to whether schools (public) can discipline their students on things that happen, or are said, why they are not on the school campus. There was an argument on this case that cited the Des Moines, Iowa case that ruled that students “don’t shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate” (Sherman, 2021). Levy’s parents filed a federal lawsuit based on the speech rights being violated.

This case has the state action doctrine applied to it because the school is a public school and is therefore a part of the government. If the school was a private school, it would be different. The state action does apply because the individual is claiming a government entity (the school) is at fault. I do believe that the complaint about the violation of freedom of Speech is valid and the parents have a leg to stand on.

Reference and the Article:

Sherman, M. (2021, April 26). A teen was suspended from her cheerleading team for cursing on a Snapchat video. now she’ll be heard by the Supreme Court. Retrieved May 18, 2021, from

Law Homework Help

Columbia Southern University Code of Ethics Analysis Essay


Prepare a code of ethics for a fictional criminal justice agency that includes a minimum of eight elements. If you are not a member of a criminal justice agency, research the type of agency you wish to join to get an idea of which elements should be included. Once you have compiled the code of ethics, respond to the following questions:

  1. Why did you include each specific element? Discuss the elements you believe set the foundation for ethical behavior.
  2. From an officer’s standpoint, why is a code of ethics an important part of working within the community?
  3. From an agency standpoint, why is a code of ethics an important part of determining practical solutions to everyday issues in a diverse society?
  4. Once you have written the code of ethics, how would you train officers to ensure compliance? How often should you offer follow-up training? Why?

Law Homework Help

CJ 315 Excelsior College Fast & Furious 5 Gangs in America Report


This review should be 3-5 pages and include references to course material.  Citations should all be done in APA.  This assignment will assess your knowledge of the following course outcomes:

Connect the concept of criminal enterprise and organized crime in gangs.

Evaluate methods used by law enforcement to control gangs

Select and watch a movie, preferably a documentary or one based on a true story, on gangs.  Then prepare a thorough and critical movie review.  The review should include at least the following:

  • What gang and gang type the movie is based on
  • What the major themes were in the movie as they relate to course materials
  • How was gang life portrayed, i.e. sensationalized?
  • Describe any criminal activity and or organized crime that the gang was involved with
  • Critically analyze the way in which law enforcement and or corrections attempted to control the gang activity.

Remember this should be written as a movie review so you also want to include information on the characters, plot, script, themes, special effects, and music and how they added or detracted to the content.  A helpful resource for writing a movie review “Academic writing tips: How to Write a Movie Review” Academic Writing Tips : How to Write a Movie Review (Links to an external site.)

Law Homework Help

University of Maryland Wk 7 Techniques of Legal Research Maia Case Discussion


General Instructions for Discussion

  • Create a new thread for each posting.
  • Refer to course material using proper Bluebook in-text citations.
  • Post responses here in public discussion forum.
  • Please put the following in the subject line: Discussion + your name
  • Address each classmate by name in your responses, and sign your name to each posting, please.
  • Responses should be in depth, comprehensive, and promote further discussion beyond merely agreeing/disagreeing.

Background: Martinez is presenting the next READ seminar for LCA paralegals. You and the other paralegals are to complete a research exercise and discuss it as part of the READ seminar. To complete the READ exercise, review the Hypothetical Facts below and respond to the questions that follow.

Part 1

Hypothetical Facts: Attorney Harley, a partner in a Maryland law firm, met with the parents of a potential client. The parents reported that their daughter, Maia, a 17-year-old high school senior, met Jon, an 18-year-old classmate, for a “lunch date” in Baltimore County, Maryland. Maia had a crush on Jon, but knew him only casually from classes. Instead of going out for lunch, Jon drove Maia to a deserted area where he tried to sexually assault her. Maia doesn’t want to “press charges,” but she does want Jon to stay away from her and leave her alone.

Attorney Harley thinks that due to recent legislation, victims of sexual assault may be able to obtain help under Maryland’s domestic violence civil protective order statute. Attorney Harley asks you to do the following research using Westlaw. Because the statute may have been recently amended, Harley cautions that sources other than Westlaw may be outdated.

a. Is Maia a Person Eligible for Relief under Maryland’s domestic violence civil protective order statute? Describe how you located the statute that answers this question in Westlaw. Cite the specific, directly-relevant statutory provision in Bluebook format .

b. Can a court order Jon to stay away from Maia and refrain from communicating with her if it grants Maia a final domestic violence civil protective order? Explain how you reached your answer about available relief and cite at least one specific, directly-relevant statutory provision that supports your conclusion in Bluebook format.

Part 2

Comment on classmates’ Part 1 responses. Do you agree with their conclusions and are the conclusions well-supported by the cited statutory provisions? Why or why not? Review the Discussions FAQ for details of grading. Making one substantive comment is a minimum requirement (equivalent to a “D” grade); more comments made on separate days are needed for a higher grade/maximum points.

Law Homework Help

CRJ 101 North Carolina A & T State University Human Trafficking Essay


A 4 Page Paper on Human Trafficking and the punishment you think is reasonable for this crime. This paper should be formatted in APA guidelines. Must include 6-10 scholarly resources and include a reference paper for the sources used. The paper should provide historical account or background of the theory or research program reviewed and also contain persuasive arguments and articulated points of view on the topic from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. 

Law Homework Help

University of Maryland Legal Research Techniques Questions


General Instructions for Learning Activities

  • Read/watch all assigned materials listed for the week in Overview.
  • Refer to assigned course materials, cases, and/or statutes to support conclusions.
  • Review the grading rubric.
  • Put your name on your file.
  • Save your work in Word (.doc or .docx), RTF, or PDF format.
  • Submit your work to the correct week’s Learning Activity link in the Assignment Folder.

Background: As a follow-up to the practice exercises for citing statutes (refer to week 6 Discussion) that Chang provided for the LCA paralegals, you and Chang discuss the value of research practice. Chang mentions that case citations in Westlaw, e.g. in Negative Treatment, Citing References, and Notes of Decisions, offer readers information about opinions’ potential relevance by identifying their deciding courts. Chang asks you to prepare a new practice exercise that can be offered to the other paralegals for their review.


Label each Part and number/letter of each response.

Part A

Read the following invented citations. You should be able to tell which court or category of courts produced the cited opinion by looking at the abbreviated reporter name and parenthetical information (if provided). The possible choices are:

  • The U.S. Supreme Court
  • A U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
  • A U.S. District Court
  • The Maryland Court of Appeals
  • The Maryland Court of Special Appeals
  • Other – none of the above

Please Note: The lack of parenthetical information for some federal cases is intentional. Again, don’t look up these in Westlaw – they are fictitious citations.

1. 349 F. Supp. 2d 910 (D. Md. 2011) is from ________.

2. 15 F.3d 230 (11th Cir.) is from ____________________.

3. 12 A.3d 632 (Md. Ct. Spec. App. 2015) is from ___.

4. 22 A.3d 393 (D.C. 2018) is from _________________.

5. 421 S.E.2d 125 (Va. Ct. App. 1997) is from _______.

6. 45 U.S. 722 is from _____________________________.

7. 256 F. Supp. 2d 350 (D.D.C. 2013) is from ________.

8. 12 F.2d 710 (D.C. Cir. 1994) is from _____________.

9. 789 A.2d 24 (Md. 1998) is from _________________.

10. 608 A.2d 559 (N.J. 2003) is from ______________.

Part B

11. Assume LCA is working with a client who is being charged with impersonating a federal marshal. Go to the U.S.C.A. search page and type impersonat! /s federal marshal into the GSB. When Westlaw takes you to the results page, provide the full and correct Bluebook citation for the first statute shown, which pertains to federal officers or employees.

12. You need to find a case on federal marshals using the statute in Question 11. Click to open the statute and look to “Notes of Decisions” on the right – there are no headings that mention “federal marshals.” So, click on the tab that says Notes of Decisions, and you’ll see a search box that lets you “Search Notes of Decisions.” Type marshal into that box. This search should produce at least 2 cases. Provide the full and correct Bluebook citation for the case decided in 1997.

13. Is the opinion cited for Question 12 still good law? Explain why or why not.

14. You decide to look for additional opinions that address impersonating a federal marshal decided under the statute located in Question 11. (Cases in Notes of Decisions are deemed especially useful by Westlaw editors, but there may be other relevant opinions.) Return to the statute. Click on the “Citing References” tab. Under “VIEW,” click on, “Cases.” Under NARROW, find the “Search within results” box. In that box, type, impersonat! /s “federal marshal”−include the quotation marks! Next, click on “Apply Filters.” How many cases are returned as results?

15. Scroll to the bottom of the results page. On the left, under “Reported Status,” select “Reported” and click on “Apply Filters.” Now how many cases are returned as results?

Law Homework Help

HLS 420 Colorado Technical University DHS Grant Allocation Process Discussion



Assignment Description

Homeland security strategic planning is occurring at all levels of government, and the process is interconnected among the levels of government.  The federal homeland security strategic planning process impacts state homeland security strategic planning processes.  The National Strategy for Homeland Security is related to state and local government homeland security activities. The Department of Homeland Security process for allocating and awarding grants to state and local governments varies greatly from grant to grant, creating a difficult planning environment for state and local governments.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

  • You know that the environment in      which current homeland security strategic planning is occurring is      dynamic.
    • Do the same dynamic factors at the       federal level occur at the state levels of government? Explain.
      • Provide several examples of        factors to back up your position.
  • You know that DHS grants to states      and local governments vary widely in their allocation and award      methodologies.
    • Does the DHS grant allocation and       grant-making process complicate state strategic planning efforts? Explain       in detail.
  • Information sharing continues to be      a key challenge in homeland security strategic planning, especially      between the federal and state governments.
    • Do you believe the department-level       and national-level homeland security strategies sufficient address this       issue? Explain.
      • Justify your position with        examples from the strategies.

Law Homework Help

Brookdale Community College James Q Wilson Penalties and Opportunities Questions


For EACH reading (or chapter) you are to prepare a 3-4 page outline summary. These are single-spaced outlines (with double spacing between each section). You are to provide I. Abstract; II. First Primary Idea, i supporting evidence/logic; III. Second Primary Idea, i supporting evidence….etc….you will thus be breaking down the authors stated ideas and discussing the supporting evidence/logic that he or she gives. You MUST put everything in your own words…you must paraphrase and summarize. If you feel it necessary to directly quote, keep it short and be sure to use proper quotations and give the page number.

For pages 174-209

This assignment must be typed and submitted electronically in MS Word (.docx) format

Pages are in the file to use